神经行为发育测定(Gesell检查量表),Gesell development schedule
1)Gesell development schedule神经行为发育测定(Gesell检查量表)
2)Gesell Developmental ScaleGesell发育量表
1.Analysis of Gesell Developmental Scale Test with 363 Cerebral Palsy Children;363例脑瘫患儿Gesell发育量表测试结果分析

1.Correlation Between the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2 and the Gesell Developmental Scale on Motor Function in 508 Infants Within one Year Old with High Risk of Potential Cerebral PalsyPeabody与Gesell发育量表在1岁内脑瘫高危儿运动功能评估中的相关性
2.Effects of Overexpression of HmgD on the Development of Drosophila;过量表达HmgD对果蝇发育的影响
3.The Effects of Overexpression of dHira Gene on Embryogenesis of Drosophila Melanogaster;dHira基因过量表达对果蝇早期胚胎发育的影响
4.Overexpression of the Cucumber LEAFY Homolog CFL and Hormone Treatments Alter Flower Development in Gloxinia (Sinningia Speciosa);大岩桐过量表达CFL以及激素处理改变花的发育
5.The Development of Self-Management Scale and Health Education in Coronary Artery Disease冠心病自我管理量表开发及健康教育研究
6.Educational Assessment of Autistic and Related Developmentally Disabled Children;自闭症及相关发育障碍儿童的教育诊断——PEP量表中文修订版简介
7.However, the teaching quality of sexual education remains questionable.本研究旨在发展与测试性教育教学品质满意度量表。
8.Effect of Lactational Exposure to TCDD on the Development of Offspring Mice and the Expression of CYP1A1 in Lungs;哺乳期暴露于TCDD对子代小鼠发育和肺部CYP1A1表达量的影响
9.Study on Expression of H-FABP and Developmental Changes of Intramuscular Fat in Tibetan and Taihu Pig;藏猪和太湖猪H-FABP基因表达及肌内脂肪含量的发育性变化研究
10.Overexpression of a Cotton GA 20-oxidase Gene (GhGA20ox1) and Its Effects on Tomato Fruit Development;棉花GA 20-氧化酶基因GhGA20ox1的超量表达及其对番茄果实发育的影响
11.Study on the Mechanism of the Effect of HmgD Overexpression on the Pupation and Hemocytes Development in Drosophila;HmgD过量表达对果蝇化蛹及血细胞发育影响机制的研究
12.The Study of Development and Well-Being Assessment in Anxiety Disorders among Children and Adolescents;精神发育和健康状况评定量表应用于儿童青少年焦虑障碍的研究
13.The Study of Development and Well-Being Assessment in Depression Disorder;发育和健康状况评定量表应用于抑郁障碍的研究
15.The Relationship between Relative Quantity of Gene Expression Related to Cotton Fiber Development and Quality棉花纤维发育相关功能基因相对表达量和品质关系的研究
16.Application of the Development and Well-Being Assessment in Children and Adolescents with Depression发育和健康状况评定量表在儿童青少年抑郁障碍中的应用
17.Effects of Overexpression of IPT and KN1 on Development and Growth in Transgenic Tobacco Plants超量表达IPT和KN1基因对转基因烟草生长发育的影响
18.development of flower and ovule花及胚珠发育的时间表

Gesell Developmental ScaleGesell发育量表
1.Analysis of Gesell Developmental Scale Test with 363 Cerebral Palsy Children;363例脑瘫患儿Gesell发育量表测试结果分析
3)Neurobehavioral development神经行为发育
1.Adverse influences of prenatal maternal psychological stress on neonate s neurobehavioral development;妊娠期心理应激对新生儿神经行为发育的影响
2.Multivariate analysis of life events affecting neurobehavioral development of neonates during pregnancy.;妊娠期生活事件影响新生儿神经行为发育的多因素分析
3.Objective To To study the effect of deltamethrin(DM)on the neurobehavioral development and the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase of the filial brains of intoxicated rats.[目的]探讨妊娠期溴氰菊酯(deltamethein,DM)暴露对仔鼠脑Na+-K+-ATPase活性及神经行为发育的影响。
4)Neurobehavioural development行为神经发育
5)neuro behavioral development神经行为发育
1.To explore the effects of low level Pb 2+ exposure during pregnancy on neuro behavioral development of neonates.【目的】 观察孕中期低水平铅暴露对新生儿神经行为发育的影响。
2.Objective To explore the significance of the delivery mother and umbilical blood lead level as a indicator of fetus lead exposure in evaluating the effects of low level lead exposure during pregnancy on neuro behavioral development of infants.目的 探讨产母及脐血血铅水平作为胎儿期铅暴露示标在评价胎儿期铅暴露对婴儿期神经行为发育影响中的意义。
6)Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment(NBNA)神经行为测定

AAMD适应行为量表AAMD适应行为量表AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale,ABS  AAMD适应行为量表(A A M D A d aptiveBehavior scale,ABs)美国智力低下协会(A AMD)所出版的一个评定智力低下和情绪适应不良的量表。适用年龄从3岁起到成人。分A、B、C三式,A式为标准本,用十3岁至成人;B式为公立学校本(A BS一Psv),用于2一6年级;C式为学校增订版,用于3一17岁。评定21或24个领域:如独立能力,身体发育,经济活动,语言发展,数和时的观念,家务活动(仅A式有),职业活动,自我管理,责任感,社会化,暴力和破坏行为,反社会行为,反抗行为,不可信任的行为,退缩,刻板和古怪行为,不合适的人际态度,不能接受的陋习,自残行为(仅A式有),活动过度倾向,异常性行为(仅A式有),精神障碍,药物滥用。适应行为是诊断智力低下的一个重要依据,智力低下的定义是智商低下,适应行为受损,两者发生在成年前。智商依靠智力测验确定,适应行为依靠行为评定。AAMD适应行为量表便是为此目的而编的。AAMD提出的适应水平分六级。一级:在低的竞争环境中有一定的能力,但在个人事务管理上要有某些支持和监督;二级:在部分竞争或竞争环境中具有有效的社会和经济能力;三级:在无竞争或受保护的环境中具有有限的社会和经济功能:四级:对有限的环境和人际关系有反应,生计需要监督,在有帮助的情况下过机械的生活;五级:仅能对最简单的环境和人际关系有反应,生计与日常生活事物完全依赖他人监督;六级:在生理或姿势上有全面的残缺,需要不断的医学全护。 (龚雄先撰林传而审)