肺气漏,Lung frequent hemorrhoid
1)Lung frequent hemorrhoid肺气漏
2)Prolonged air leaks肺持续漏气
3)infundibulum pulmonale肺漏斗
1.This dissertation mainly related to standardization of lung-essence, lung-qi,lung-yin,lung-yang, lung-fluid, lung-blood etc.本论文主要涉及肺精、肺气、肺阴、肺阳、肺津、肺血等几个肺藏象相关名词的规范化。

1.The correlation analysis of pulmonary density and pulmonary function in emphysema patients using multi-spiral CT肺气肿HRCT肺密度与肺功能的相关性研究
2.Is there a role for therapeutic lobectomy for emphysema?对肺气肿实施肺叶切除术治疗有效吗?
3.The Development of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery;肺减容术治疗晚期肺气肿的研究进展
4.Study on lung volume reduction surgery in 78 patients with severe emphysema肺减容术治疗重度肺气肿的临床研究
5.a chronic emphysema of the horse that causes difficult expiration and heaving of the flanks.马的一种慢性肺气
6.diffuse obstructive pulmonary emphysema弥漫性阻塞性肺气
7.local obstructive pulmonary emphysema局限性阻塞性肺气
8.The Treatment Efficacy of Lavage Administration of Pulmonary Surfactant on Pulmonary Gas Exchange at Different Time Interval after Acute Lung Injury Induced by Hydrochloric Acid in Rabbits;肺泡表面活性物质肺灌洗时间对急性肺损伤肺气体交换的影响
9.The Study of Effects of Lung Volume Reduction Surgery on Pulmonary Histology and Small Airway Inflammation in Emphysematous Rabbits;肺减容术对肺气肿兔肺组织结构和小气道炎症影响的研究
10.Pulmonary infection (Bronchopneumonia)肺部感染(支气管肺炎)
11.draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.将空气吸入肺,并排出肺的一个动程。
12.The Effect of One-lung Ventilation on Prognosis of Lung Cancer Surgery;单肺通气对肺癌患者术后转归的影响
13.We draw air into the lungs.我们将空气吸进肺里。
14.congenital bronchogenic cyst of lung先天性肺支气管性囊肿
15.bronchioalveolar cell carcinoma细支气管肺泡细胞癌
16.the bronchus is situated distally.支气管处于肺部的末端。
17.alveolar-arterial oxygen difference肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差
18.We expire used air from our lungs.我们从肺里呼出废气。

Prolonged air leaks肺持续漏气
3)infundibulum pulmonale肺漏斗
1.This dissertation mainly related to standardization of lung-essence, lung-qi,lung-yin,lung-yang, lung-fluid, lung-blood etc.本论文主要涉及肺精、肺气、肺阴、肺阳、肺津、肺血等几个肺藏象相关名词的规范化。
6)air leakage漏气
1.The reason that caused the common air leakage defect of the aluminum alloy wheel hub with web spokes in production was analyzed using CAE technology, and the improvement scheme of the mold for wheel hub gravity casting was proposed.针对筋条呈网状的铝合金轮毂(简称网状轮毂)生产中常见的漏气缺陷,运用CAE技术分析了这种漏气缺陷产生的原因,提出了轮毂重力铸造模具的改进方案,并用CAE仿真验证了该方案的正确性,实际生产统计数据表明采用该方案有效地降低了网状铝合金轮毂产品的漏气率。
2.This paper introduces the course of fault discovery and handling for air leakage of extinguishing arc chamber in VD4 type circuit breaker, and analyzes the reasons of air leakage, and puts forward the countenneasures that should be adopted.文章介绍某台VD4型断路器灭弧室漏气故障发现、处理的全过程,分析了漏气的原因,提出了应采取的对策;通过对从断路器手车上拆下的灭弧室真空度试验情况分析,指出在现场用磁控法测真空度时应注意的事项。
3.This paper analyzes the problem of air leakage of a pneumatic quick coupler and comes up with an improved design of it,followed by the cost-effective analysis of the improved design.分析了一种气动快速接头易漏气问题,提出了一种改进设计方案,并就改进后的方案,做了性价比分析,经过试验和企业使用,效果良好,有推广价值。

肺气不利肺气不利 肺气不利   病证名。指肺气宣发肃降及通调水道功能障碍。肺主气,主行水,肺气不利,则出现鼻塞,咳逆气喘,尿少,水肿等症。治宜利肺气为主。