退黄洗液,Tui Huang Xi Ye
1)Tui Huang Xi Ye退黄洗液
1.Curative Effects of Chinese Herbal Lotion(Tui Huang Xi Ye) as Adjunctive Therapy on Neonatal Jaundice退黄洗液辅助治疗新生儿黄疸的疗效观察

1.Curative Effects of Chinese Herbal Lotion(Tui Huang Xi Ye) as Adjunctive Therapy on Neonatal Jaundice退黄洗液辅助治疗新生儿黄疸的疗效观察
2.Content determination of rhein of Zhongyaotuihuangwaixiye Lotion by HPLC中药退黄外洗液中大黄酸的含量测定
3.Clinical Development and Research of Treating Jaundice for Newborn by Chinese Herbal Lotion(Tui Huang Xi Ye)新生儿退黄中药外洗液的临床开发研究
4.Exploration of TLC in the Quality Standard of Tuihuang Topical Lotion中药退黄外洗液的质量标准中薄层鉴别的探讨
5.Determination of geniposide in Zhongyao Tuihuang Lotion by HPLCHPLC法测定中药退黄外洗液中栀子苷的含量
6.Effect of Jinghuangtang lotion on wound healing of rabit荆黄汤熏洗液对家兔创伤愈合的影响
7.A Clinical Observation on the Influence of Irrigating Solution of Shuang Huang Lian on the Therapeutic Effect of ESS for Chronic Sinusitis;内窥镜鼻窦术后双黄连冲洗液的疗效观察
8.Clinical Observation on Effect of Compound Sihuang Decoction in Treating Hand Open Injury复方四黄液熏洗治疗手部开放性损伤30例
10.Production of Gardenia Yellow Pigment with High Colour Value and the Using of It's Waste Solution;高色价天然食用栀子黄色素的制备及其洗脱液综合利用的研究
11.Studies on the Quality Standard and the Main Pharmacodynamics of Ganhuan Zaoshi Lotion甘黄燥湿洗液质量标准的建立及主要药效学研究
12.Determination of Berberine hydrochloride and ammonium glycyrrhizinate in ganhuan zaoshi lotion by HPLCHPLC法测定甘黄燥湿洗液中盐酸小檗碱和甘草酸铵的含量
13.Effects of Compound Liquor of Coptis Chinensis on Chronic Osteomyelitis and Nursing Care of Closed Lavage复方黄连液治疗慢性骨髓炎的疗效及闭式灌洗的护理
14.washing-up liquid( liquid detergent for washing dishes,etc)(刷洗餐具用的)洗涤液.
15.two-phase cleaning两相净洗(即乳液净洗)
16.Determination of gardenoside in Oral Liquid of Treating Jaundice for Newborn by TLC scanning薄层扫描法测定新生儿退黄口服液中栀子苷的含量
17.liquid elution chromatography液相洗脱色谱(法)
18.flush type releasing spear冲洗型可退式打捞矛

Jaundice-abating Chinese Herbal Lotion退黄外洗液
1.Skin Susceptibility Test of Jaundice-abating Chinese Herbal Lotion for External Use;退黄外洗液皮肤给药过敏性实验研究
2.METHODS:120 healthy full-term infants were randomly assigned to Group A applied with Jaundice-abating Chinese Herbal Lotion for medicated bath,Group B treated with Phenobarbital po plus Jiawei Yinchen Decoction,and Group C with Phenobarbital po After 6-day treatment,the curative efficacy and adverse drug reactions were evaluated and the cost-effectiveness analyses of the three groups were conduc.方法:120例足月正常新生儿随机分为3组,分别给予退黄外洗液药浴(A组)、口服苯巴比妥+加味茵陈汤(B组)、口服苯巴比妥(C组)治疗6d后评价疗效及不良反应,并进行成本-效果分析。
3)Zhongyaotuihuangwaixiye Lotion中药退黄外洗液
1.Content determination of rhein of Zhongyaotuihuangwaixiye Lotion by HPLC中药退黄外洗液中大黄酸的含量测定
4)Chinese herbal lotion washout新生儿退黄中药外洗液
5)Tuihuang Guanchang Ye退黄灌肠液
1.Clinical Study on Tuihuang Guanchang Ye in Treating Severe Chronic Hepatitis B of Dampness and Heat in the Live and the Gallbladder Type;退黄灌肠液治疗肝胆湿热型重度慢性乙型肝炎的临床研究
6)Tuihuang Oral Liquid退黄口服液
1.Method: On the basis of routine therapy, the controlled group took Tuihuang Oral Liquid, the observation group one were given preserved high enema, the observation group two were given Tuihuang Oral Liquid and Tuihuang Guanchang Ye.方法 :三组均在常规支持疗法的基础上 ,对照组口服退黄口服液 ;观察 1组用退黄灌肠液行高位保留灌肠 ;观察 2组用退黄口服液及退黄灌肠液。

复方洗必泰洗液药物名称:复方洗必泰洗液英文名:Compound Chlorhexidine Lotione汉语拼音:主要成分:葡萄糖酸洗必泰、甲硝唑等。性状:淡黄色液体。药理作用:药代动力学:适应症:抗菌消炎药。用于防治由于细菌、淋球菌、霉菌或滴虫等病原体引起的各种阴道炎。用法与用量:外用。本品为一次性使用无毒包装,容量为50ml/瓶。使用时拔掉瓶帽,将药液挤出数滴,湿润瓶颈。病人取仰卧位垫高臀部,将瓶颈轻轻插入阴道内8~10cm左右,缓慢将药液挤入阴道内保留3~5分钟。每日早晚各1次,一次50ml,7~10天为一疗程。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项: 1.每次用毕后,必须彻底洗净瓶咀,插入瓶咀套内。 2.本品禁止与他人合用,以免交叉感染。规格:(1)50ml(2)200ml贮藏:密封保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是