复苏失败,Recovery failure
1)Recovery failure复苏失败

1.Exploration of the cause of recovery failure in adopting advanced simulation system in the teaching of‘recovery of neonatal asphyxia’对采用高级仿真系统“新生儿窒息复苏”教学中复苏失败原因的探究
2.a diligent (or patient) worker; with persevering (or patient) industry she revived the failing business.勤勉(或耐心)的工人;她以不屈不挠的奋斗复苏了失败的产业。
3.Study the Reason of Cardiac-pulmonary Resuscitation Successful or Failed急诊心肺复苏成功与失败的原因探讨附38例临床分析
4.If the spacecraft has been unable to charge its batteries due to a positioning problem or failed component, it could be drained of power with no hope of resuscitation, Thorpe said.如果飞船一直无法收取其定位问题,由于电池组件或失败,它可与电力排水复苏无望,索普说.
5.If that fails, they try cardiopulmonary resuscitation( CPR), which involves manually pumping the patient's heart and inflating the lungs.但是如果措施失败,医护人员会尝试心脏复苏术,人工起搏心脏让肺部充气。
6.On Soviet Union and East Europe Great Change is not Socialism's Defeat论苏联东欧剧变不是社会主义的失败
7.On the Reasons for the Failure of "New Economic System" of Former Soviet Union试析苏联“新经济体制”改革失败的原因
8.Exploring the Reason of Failure in the Ideological and Political Education of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union苏共思想政治教育工作失败本因探源
9.Soviet Responsibility-Reasons for the Failure of Soviet Collective Security Policy苏联的责任——苏联集体安全政策失败的原因
10.The defeated classes wanted to bring back their lost paradise.失败的阶级想要恢复它们失去的天堂。
11.The Retrospective Analysis of the Successfulness of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of 686 Patients686例心肺复苏成败的回顾性分析
12.The Former Soviet s Thought-Reconsidering Movement Brings Us More Inspirations--On strengthened the importance of the party-building principle;前苏思想反思运动的失败带给我们的警示
13.On KMT s Policy of "with Soviet Union against Japan";析国民党"联苏御日"政策产生的动因及其失败
14.Failure of the Soviet Communist Party in Eliminating Hidden Danger and its Revelation;苏共消除执政安全隐患的失败及其启示
15.Viewing the Historical Lesson of the Failure of Communist Party of Soviet Union from Lenin s political Will;从列宁政治遗嘱看苏共失败的一段历史教训
16.Talking about the basie problem of the communist s building from defeat of the communist of the Soviet Union s building;从苏共党建的失败谈党的建设的根本问题
17.The Contradiction of the USSR s China Policy and Its Failure in Chinese Liberation War;解放战争时期苏联对华政策的矛盾性及失败
18.Replication: Subscription reinitialized after validation failure复制: 验证失败后重新初始化了订阅

Replacement failure复位失败
3)Re-treatment failure复治失败
4)Loser of Repeated implantation反复植入失败
5)Repeated IVF-ET failure反复IVF-ET失败
6)repeat start failure重复起动失败

复苏复苏resuscitation  为了挽救生命而采取的医疗措施。如以人工呼吸解除窒息的危险,以心脏挤压恢复心脏的搏动等,都是典型的复苏措施。