早产原因,Causes of premature
1)Causes of premature早产原因

1.Causes and complications of prematurity in hospitalized premature infants住院早产儿的早产原因及并发症分析
2.The Analysis of Cause and Prognosis in 1495 Case with Premature Infants1495例早产儿早产原因及预后临床分析
3.The Clinical Analysis of Premature Birth and Its Effects on the Pregnant and Infant;早产原因及对母婴影响的临床病例分析
4.Risk factors and pathogens of nosocomial infection in preterm infants早产儿院内感染危险因素及病原学分析
5.On reasons for diseases in early period on heavy traffic asphalt pavement and their prevention重交通沥青路面早期病害产生的原因及防治
6.Analysis of Cause and Countermeasures for Early Sickness in Asphalt Concrete Pavement沥青混凝土路面早期病害产生的原因及对策
7.The Expression of Th1/Th2 Cytokines of Unexplained Spontaneous Abortion in Vitro;不明原因早期自然流产体外反应系统中Th1/Th2型细胞因子的表达
8.It was for a good reason.你今天早走是有原因的。
9.That is (the reason) why I came early.这就是我来早了的原因.
10.Any of several shrubs of the genus Forsythia, native to Asia and widely cultivated for their early-blooming yellow flowers.连翘任一种连翘属灌木,原产于亚洲的,因其早开的黄花而广泛种植
11.In Vitro Study on Th1/Th2 Shift Modulated by Anti-CTLA4 Antibody in Unexplained Early Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion;抗CTLA-4抗体诱导不明原因反复早期自然流产Th1/Th2转换的体外研究
12.Study on High Risk Factors and Etiology of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in 99 Prematures;99例早产儿呼吸机相关性肺炎高危因素及病原学分析
13.Etiological Analysis of Primary and Secondary Early Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion;原发性和继发性早期复发性自然流产的病因分析
14.The Causes of Early Cement Concrete Pavement Crack and Its Preventions;水泥混凝土路面早期裂缝产生的原因及防治措施
15.Research on the Reasons and Coping Measures of Early Appearance of Fatigue in Football Matches;足球比赛中疲劳过早产生的原因及应对措施研究
16.A Study on the Causes of the Appearance of the cizhong-word and the ru…xu-construction in Chinese in the Middle-archaic Times;汉语处所指代词和平比句的一个早期形式及产生的原因
17.Risk factors of nosocomial infection in prematures in NICU and effective prophylactic nursing method新生儿监护病房中早产儿医院感染的原因分析及护理对策
18.The real tragedy is that the lack of early financial education is what creates the risk faced by average middle class people.但真正的原因仍在于早年缺乏必要的财务知识教育,这也是普通中产阶级被迫回避风险的原因。

unexplained early spontaneous abortion(UESA)不明原因早期自然流产
1.Objective To investigate relationship between gene polymorphisms of-383A/C in promoter region and +36A/G in the first extron of tumour necrosis factor-α receptor 1(TNFR1) gene and development of unexplained early spontaneous abortion(UESA).目的探讨肿瘤坏死因子受体1基因启动子区-383A/C和第1外显子+36A/G的多态性与不明原因早期自然流产的相关性。
3)factors for premature labor早产因素
1.Clinical research of factors for premature labor and preventing premature labor;早产因素及阻止早产的临床研究
5)Recurrent abortion with unclear causes早期不明原因习惯性流产
1.Frost heave causation and prevention in roadbed;路基翻浆产生原因及防治
2.This paper analyzes the kinds and causations of concrete crack, puts forward specific methods to avoid cracking.本文全面分析了砼裂缝的种类,产生原因,并对如何避免砼裂缝提出了具体方法。

自然流产自然流产 凡妊娠不足28周、胎儿体重不足1000g而终止者称为流产。自然流产是指胎儿尚无生存能力,也未使用人工方法,由于某种原因胚胎或胎儿自动脱离母体排出的,其发生率占全部妊娠的15%左右。自然流产的原因较多,主要有以下方面:①遗传基因缺陷:早期自然流产时染色体异常的胚胎占相当比例,占50%~60%,染色体异常多为数目异常,其次为结构异常;②外界不良因素:如有害化学物质如有机汞和物理因素如放射性物质可直接或间接对胚胎或胎儿造成损害;③母体因素:如妊娠期患急性病,高热可引起宫缩,细菌毒素或病毒使胎儿死亡;孕妇严重贫血或心力衰竭可致胎儿缺氧,高血压可使胎盘发生梗死等均造成流产;生殖器官疾病如子宫畸形、盆腔肿瘤影响胎儿发育导致流产。宫颈内口松弛或宫颈深度裂伤,易导致胎膜破裂发生晚期流产。内分泌功能失调可影响胚胎发育如黄体功能不足,甲状腺功能亢进或低下,糖尿病等。妊娠期创伤可刺激宫缩等;④胎盘内分泌功能不足使妊娠难以继续;⑤免疫因素:胚胎及胎儿与母体间存在复杂而特殊的免疫学关系,这种关系使胚胎及胎儿不被排斥。若母儿双方免疫不适应则可引起母体对胎儿的排斥而致流产。