胎盘性产前出血,Prenatal placental hemorrhage
1)Prenatal placental hemorrhage胎盘性产前出血
2)antepartum haemorrhage产前出血
1.Objective To investigate the relationship between the types of placenta praevia,antepartum haemorrhage and clinical outcomes.目的探讨前置胎盘类型、产前出血状况与妊娠结局的关系。
3)Vasa previa 胎盘血管前置
4)Antepartum massive hemorrhage产前大出血
5)complete placenta previa中央性前置胎盘
1.Objective: To investigate the high risk faetors, diagnosis and management of complete placenta previa.目的:探讨中央性前置胎盘的病因、诊断、处理。

1.Nursing Realized to Cervical Round Ligation to Manage Central Placenta Previa宫颈环扎术治疗中央性前置胎盘的护理体会
2.Correlative factors analysis of complete placental previa with massive postpartum hemorrhage during cesarean section中央性前置胎盘剖宫产术大出血相关因素分析
3.Nursing care for patients with placenta previa undergoing interventional therapy in the second trimester of pregnancy16例中期妊娠前置胎盘状态介入治疗的护理
4.2. We should maintain vigilance for patients with placental factors such as placenta previa and abruptio placentae.②有前置胎盘、胎盘早剥等胎盘因素孕产妇应警惕产后子宫出血。
5.Clinical analysis of cesarean section of the placenta previa implanted in anterior uterine wall in 31 cases前壁前置胎盘剖宫产术31例临床分析
6.Treatment of Hemorrhage of Cesarean Section in Patients with Previa Placenta by Misoprostol米索前列醇防治前置胎盘剖宫产术中术后出血的疗效观察
7.The Value of the Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Placenta Previa with Placenta Accreta/increta/percreta;彩超产前诊断前置胎盘并发胎盘植入的价值(附228例前置胎盘病例分析)
8.Application of uterine artery embolization in induced abortion with placenta previa子宫动脉栓塞术在中孕胎盘前置状态引产中的应用
9.Analysis of clinical efficacy of uterine cavity ribbon gauze packing for treatment of hematorrhea during cesarean section in 32 cases of placenta praevia.子宫腔填塞纱条治疗前置胎盘剖宫产术中大出血32例分析
10.20 Cases Appropriate Technical Analysis of Cesarean Section in Placenta Previa Bleeding前置胎盘剖宫产术中止血适宜技术20例临床分析
11.Efficacy of Ritodrine Hydrochloride vs. Magnesium Sulfate for Placenta Previa比较盐酸利托君和硫酸镁在前置胎盘治疗中的临床疗效
12.Significance of Ascending Branches of Uterine Artery Ligation during Cesarean Section in Placenta Praevia结扎子宫动脉上行支在前置胎盘剖宫产术中的意义
13.Evaluation of the Effect of Tracing Placenta Previa through Abdomen and Perineum Ultrasonography经腹及经外阴超声追踪胎盘前置状态效果评价
14.Clinical research of section choice in caesarean section for placenta praevia前置胎盘剖宫产子宫切口选择的临床研究
15.Methods We summarized 54 caesarean section patients with placenta previa.方法 对 54例前置胎盘剖宫产术病例进行总结。
16.Analysis of Hemorrhage Time among Pregnant Women with Placenta Previa and Nursing前置胎盘孕妇昼夜出血时间分析及护理
17.Analysis of clinical outcomes and nursing in 126 gravidas with placenta praevia126例前置胎盘保守治疗的临床观察和护理
18.Analysis clinical risk factors for placenta previa and evaluation of expected treatment前置胎盘发病相关因素及期待治疗效果评价

antepartum haemorrhage产前出血
1.Objective To investigate the relationship between the types of placenta praevia,antepartum haemorrhage and clinical outcomes.目的探讨前置胎盘类型、产前出血状况与妊娠结局的关系。
3)Vasa previa 胎盘血管前置
4)Antepartum massive hemorrhage产前大出血
5)complete placenta previa中央性前置胎盘
1.Objective: To investigate the high risk faetors, diagnosis and management of complete placenta previa.目的:探讨中央性前置胎盘的病因、诊断、处理。
6)partial previc placenta部分性前置胎盘

产前出血产前出血 指发生在胎儿娩出前的阴道流血。可以发生在妊娠晚期或临近分娩时。原因常因胎盘位置异常或不正常剥离,如前置胎盘和胎盘早期剥离;发生于妊娠早期的出血常见流产、异位妊娠、葡萄胎等;偶有宫颈病变如宫颈息肉、宫颈癌等也可出现产前出血。