晚期母乳性黄疸,Advanced breast milk jaundice
1)Advanced breast milk jaundice晚期母乳性黄疸
2)breast-milk jaundice母乳性黄疸
1.Objective:To investigate the effect of live combined bacillus subtilis and enterococcus faecium granules with multivitamines and phenobarbital sodium in the treatment of breast-milk jaundice.目的:观察枯草杆菌、肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒剂联合鲁米那钠治疗母乳性黄疸的疗效。

1.Mami'ai in Treatment of Breast Milk Jaundice:Clinical Observation of 108 Cases妈咪爱治疗母乳性黄疸108例疗效观察
2.Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal breast milk jaundice(BMJ).目的:探讨新生儿母乳性黄疸诊断及治疗。
3.Clinical Study on Immunologic Changes in Infants with Breast Milk Jaundice;母乳性黄疸患儿免疫功能变化的临床研究
4.Effect of touch combined with oral Live Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus to treat the breast-feeding jaundice抚触联合金双歧治疗母乳性黄疸的疗效观察
5.Clostridium butyricum powder in treatment of breast-feeding jaundice酪酸梭菌活菌散在治疗母乳性黄疸中的应用
6.The observation on effect of Clostridium butyricum powder in treatment of breast milk jaundice酪酸梭菌活菌散治疗母乳性黄疸疗效观察
7.Survey on Risk Factors for Breast Milk Jaundice of Neonates and the Relationship between the Clinic and Manifestation of TCM新生儿母乳性黄疸影响因子与中医证型相关性研究
8.Objective:To improve the understanding of breast milk jaunclice(BMJ) so as to make early diagnosis and treatment.目的:提高对母乳性黄疸的认识,以期早诊断和治疗。
9.Observation of Clostridium Butyricum powder combined with phototherapy in treatment of breast milk jaundice酪酸梭菌活菌散联合光疗治疗新生儿母乳性黄疸临床观察
10.Methods A retrospective study was performed to analyze the clinical data of 102 infants with BMJ.方法 对 10 2例母乳性黄疸婴儿的临床表现、实验室检查及治疗进行回顾性分析。
11.Quality Control Circle Intervention Exclusive Breastfeeding on Effects of Newborn Physiological Jaundice品管圈干预下纯母乳喂养对新生儿生理性黄疸的影响研究
12.chronic familial acholuric jaundice慢性遗传性溶血性黄疸
13.Influence of Intragastric Administration with Gentamicin and Lactulose on the Prognosis of Stress Ulcer with Obstructive Jaundice in Rats乳果糖和庆大霉素灌胃预防梗阻性黄疸大鼠应激性溃疡的研究
14.chronic acholuric jaundice慢性无胆色素尿性黄疸
15.The influence of fat emulsion on liver function and fatty metabolism in patients after surgery of obstructive jaundice脂肪乳剂对梗阻性黄疸病人术后肝功能及脂代谢的影响
16.Protective Effects of Anisodamine and Lactulose on Heart of Obstructive Jaundice Rats;山莨菪碱和乳果糖对梗阻性黄疸大鼠心脏的影响
17.Effect of Lactobacillus Plantarum on expression of tight-junctional molecules in rat hepatocytes during common bile duct ligation植物乳酸杆菌对阻塞性黄疸大鼠肝紧密连接蛋白表达的影响
18.Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae出血性黄疸钩端螺旋体

breast-milk jaundice母乳性黄疸
1.Objective:To investigate the effect of live combined bacillus subtilis and enterococcus faecium granules with multivitamines and phenobarbital sodium in the treatment of breast-milk jaundice.目的:观察枯草杆菌、肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒剂联合鲁米那钠治疗母乳性黄疸的疗效。
3)Breast milk jaundice母乳性黄疸
1.Results Ninety-one patients were breast milk jaundice(35.结果母乳性黄疸91例(35%),感染65例(25%),ABO溶血55例(21。
2.Aim To analyse the clinical characteristic of breast milk jaundice and brain injury caused by hyperbilirabinernia.目的 分析母乳性黄疸的临床特征,探讨有效安全的治疗方法,预防高胆红素血症脑损伤。
4)Breast-feeding jaundice母乳性黄疸
1.Clinical therapeutic effect observations on sodium bioarbonate in combined therapy with jinshuangqi (bifidobacterium longum trilogy viable organism) and smecta in neonatal breast-feeding jaundice.;碳酸氢钠联合金双歧和思密达治疗新生儿母乳性黄疸临床疗效分析
2.Conclusion Smecta can cure neonate s breast-feeding jaundice effectively.目的 为探讨思密达在新生儿母乳性黄疸中的作用。
5)Early breast milk jaundice早发型母乳性黄疸
6)Newborn babies mother of icterus新生儿母乳性黄疸

磺胺性黄疸磺胺性黄疸 使用磺胺药物过程中出现的黄疸,多见于新生儿、早产儿及胎儿。可能因肝脏功能不完善,对血浆游离胆红素的处理能力差;以及磺胺药和胆红素竞争血浆蛋白结合,使游离胆红素增多所致。故孕妇、新生儿、早产儿不宜服用磺胺。