润肤油,Soothing oil
1)Soothing oil润肤油

1.He anointed sunburned place with cold cream.他用润肤油涂在被太阳炙伤的地方。
2.Do not use lotions or oils to lubricate the skin.不要用润肤剂或油类来润滑皮肤。
3.Rich jojoba oil and its moisturizing formula make skin feel incomparably fine and smooth.丰富的荷荷芭油,保湿滋润配方令肌肤感受无比细腻光滑。
4." She washes with soap (Oil of Olay) and water and follows up with Clinique Moisture On-Call.她用清水和香皂(玉兰油)洗脸,然后涂倩碧的润肤霜。
5.A highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a cosmetic, an emollient, or a medicament; a salve.油膏,软膏一种作为化装品、润肤用品或药剂的涂抹在皮肤上的一种高粘度或半固态物质;药膏
6.Ensure a deep dark tan, Moisturizing your skin with Dark Tanning Oil made from mineral oil; Alcohol free.不含酒精,含丰富矿物油,令你拥有一身古铜色肌肤同时滋润肌肤,免受伤害。
7.To lubricate with grease.用油润滑,给…上润滑油
8.glyceryl ricinoleatec柔软润肤保湿、乳化剂
9.8.Go for all-purpose moisture.8.努力保持皮肤湿润。
10.What it can do: Soothe and moisturize.功效:使肌肤光滑、湿润。
11.cleansing, anti-dandruff and moisture清洁、去屑、滋润皮肤
12.Use an emollient for dry skin.乾燥的皮肤要使用润肤剂.
13.An agent that softens or soothes the skin.润肤剂软化和缓和皮肤的药
14.Softening and soothing, especially to the skin.润肤的软化和缓和的,尤指对于皮肤
15.Tender and lovely skin, as white as polished jade, depends on moisturizing cream.洁白如玉的娇嫩肌肤源于常用润肤霜。
16.Mild enough to be used on the face as well as the body, the Complexion Bar blends glycerine and honey to maintain skin moisture.性质温和,适用于清洁全身和面部皮肤,蕴含甘油和蜜糖滋润成分,能有效锁住水分,防止乾燥。
17.Alcohol free; Oil free; Moisturizing; Non-sticky; Natural sea plant extracts from Hawaii to help achieve a deep, dark "Tan of the Islands".不油不腻;滋润;特有夏威夷天然海草精华,帮助达至更完美古铜色肌肤效果。
18.oil and grease distributor润滑油和润滑脂分配器

baby oil婴儿润肤油
3)moist skin润肤
4)Nutritional agents营养润肤
1.Complex efficacy of emollients and emulsifiers in cosmetics;润肤剂与乳化剂在化妆品中的复配效果
2.Effect of emollient preparation on skin ICAM-1 expression induced by Nickel Sulfate;润肤剂对硫酸镍诱导皮肤ICAM-1表达的影响

原料:白米 1杯 鲑鱼片 1/2杯 葱花 少许 螃蟹高汤 10杯辅料:盐、黑胡椒 各少许做法:1.白米洗净沥干。2.螃蟹高汤加热煮沸,放入白米续煮至滚时稍微搅拌,改中小火熬煮40分钟,加盐调味。3.鲑鱼片放入碗中,倒入滚烫的粥,撒葱花、黑胡椒拌匀即可食用。tips:鲑鱼的维生素d含量特别丰富,有助于人体对于钙质的吸收,另外所含的维生素e也能促进血液循环,消除身体酸痛,防止手脚冰冷。螃蟹含有丰富的b族维生素以及钙、磷、铁等矿物质;用螃蟹熬煮的高汤,不仅味道更鲜美,还能滋润肌肤。特色:保养肠胃,补充元气,更可滋润肌肤。