临床危害,Clinical influence
1)Clinical influence临床危害
2)harmful critical field危害临界域
3)subclinical damage亚临床损害

1.The Relationship between Ambulatory Pulse Pressure and Pulse Pressure Index and Subclinical Carotid Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients高血压患者动态脉压脉压指数与颈动脉亚临床损害关系的探讨
2.Study of Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and Subclinical Target-Organ Damage代谢综合征与亚临床靶器官损害的相关性研究
3.Association of Chronic Subclinical Inflammation with Metabolic Syndrome and Its Target Organ Damage;慢性亚临床炎症与代谢综合征及其靶器官损害的相关性研究
4.Low-grade Albuminuria and Subclinical Target Organ Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients原发性高血压患者低水平白蛋白尿与亚临床靶器官损害
5.Malignant Hypertension Presenting with Real Damage:a Clinical and Pathological Features;恶性高血压肾损害的临床及病理特点
6.The clinical study of visceral organs involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus;系统性红斑狼疮内脏损害的临床研究
7.A Clinical Analysis of 54 Cases of Renal Damage Due to Malignant Hypertension;恶性高血压肾功能损害54例临床分析
8.The Clinical Analysis of Polymyositis Combining with Myocardial Damage;多发性肌炎合并心肌损害的临床分析
9.Clinical Analysis of 121 Cases with Drug-induced Liver Disease;121例药物性肝损害的病因、临床特点
10.The impairment of sexual function of heroin addicts and its clinical meaning;海洛因依赖者性功能损害及临床意义
11.The Systematic Lupus Erythematosus Liver Harms 30 Examples Clinically To Analyze系统性红斑狼疮肝损害30例临床观察
12.Clinical analysis of multiple myeloma complicated with neural injury多发性骨髓瘤神经系统损害临床分析
13.Clinical analysis on drug induced liver injury in 48 case of a particular disease48例药物性肝损害病例的临床分析
14.Clinical study of factors related to liver damage in people living with HIV/AIDS179例HIV/AIDS病人肝脏损害的临床研究
15.Clinical analysis of 78 case of impaired function complicating acute pancretitis急性胰腺炎合并肾损害78例临床分析
16.Liver injury by peroral ploygonum multiflorum:an analysis of 40 cases口服何首乌致肝损害40例临床分析
17.The Clinic Study of Acute Kidney Injury of Officers and Soldiers with Severe Heatstroke重症中暑患者急性肾损害的临床分析
18.Clinical study of severe acute mushroom poisoning with myocardial damage急性重症毒蕈中毒心肌损害临床研究

harmful critical field危害临界域
3)subclinical damage亚临床损害
4)clinical risk factor临床危险因素
1.Objective To study the relative clinical risk factors of retinoblastoma for predicting histopathologic invasion degree.目的探讨视网膜母细胞瘤(Rb)对眼球组织浸润侵犯程度的相关临床危险因素。
5)clinical risk index临床危险指数
1.The value of neonatal critical illness scores and clinical risk index for babies in predicting death risk in very low birth weight infants;新生儿危重病例评分与临床危险指数评分预测极低出生体重儿死亡风险的比较
6)Subclinical blood vessel damage亚临床血管损害
