高危早产儿,High-risk premature infants
1)High-risk premature infants高危早产儿
1.Conclusion High-risk premature infants have a higher CP invalidity degree than term infants,and higher abnormality rate of brainstem auditory evoked potentials.目的探讨高危早产儿与高危足月儿脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)及脑干听觉诱发电位的异常率进行对比研究。

1.Study on CP invalidity degree and brainstem auditory evoked potential abnormality rate between high-risk premature infants and high-risk term infants高危早产儿与高危足月儿脑性瘫痪的病残程度及脑干听觉诱发电位异常的对比研究
2.Analysis on standardized model of early intervention in high-risk and premature infants高危儿、早产儿规范化的早期干预模式研究
3.Clinical Analysis of Risk Factor of Premature Delivery and Prognosis of Premature Infant;早产高危因素及早产儿预后的临床分析
4.The Clinical Study on Risk Factors of Intracranial Hemorrhage of the Premature Infants;早产儿颅内出血高危因素的临床研究
5.Monothetic factor analysis of incidence and risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity早产儿视网膜病变高危致病因素分析
6.High risk factors,prevention and treatment of periventricular leukomalacia in premature infants早产儿脑室周围白质软化的高危因素及防治
7.High risk factors analysis of ventilator-associated pneumonia in premature早产儿呼吸机相关性肺炎高危因素分析
8.Analysis on clinical high risk factors for periventricular leukomalacia in preterm infants早产儿脑室周围白质软化临床高危因素分析
9.Diagnostic value of ultrasound on cerebral injury in 225 cases preterm infants and high risk factors早产儿脑损伤225例超声诊断及高危因素分析
10.Risk factors of parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis in preterm infants早产儿肠外营养相关性胆汁淤积高危因素
11.The high risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity in very low birth weight infants极低出生体重儿早产儿视网膜病的高危因素分析
12.Clinical Study of Early Intervention on Nervous System Abnormalities of High-risk Infants;早期干预防治围产期高危儿神经发育异常的临床研究
13.Clinical Analyses on the Risk Factors of 136 Cases and Approachs for Screening of 112 Cases of Retinopathy of Prematurity;早产儿视网膜病136例高危因素分析和112例检查方法的探讨
14.Study on High Risk Factors and Etiology of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in 99 Prematures;99例早产儿呼吸机相关性肺炎高危因素及病原学分析
15.The Clinical Study of the Early Intervention in Cerebral Pasly High-risk Infants;脑性瘫痪高危儿早期干预的临床研究
16.Monitoring of Neurobehavioral Development in High-risk Neonates and Early Intervention高危儿神经行为发育监测及早期干预
17.Early Intervention in the Development of Emotion and Intelligence in High-risk Neonates高危新生儿情感及智能发育早期干预
18.The Prospective Clinical Study for Screening the Infants with the High Risk Factor for Cerebral Palsy by Measuring the Lever of Interleukin-6 and Neuron-specificenolase in Premature Serum;早产儿血清NSE、IL-6水平测定对筛查脑性瘫痪高危儿意义的前瞻性研究

Critical Premature危重早产儿
3)High-risk births高危产儿
4)child premature/theropy危重早产儿/治疗
5)high risk infants in perinatal period围产期高危儿
6)preterm labor; a preterm infant.早产;早产儿

高危1.位高势危。旧多指君王位高骄妄以致危亡。语出《孝经.诸侯》:"在上不骄,高而不危。" 2.指尊高的帝位。 3.高而险的地方。