泪道冲洗,lacrimal duct flush
1)lacrimal duct flush泪道冲洗
1.Clinical observation of using antibiotic systemically united with lacrimal duct flush and lacrimal passage for treatment of neonatal acute dacryocystitis抗生素联合泪道冲洗及探通法治疗新生儿急性泪囊炎的疗效观察

1.Probing of lacrimal passages and pressurize Syringing of lacrimal passages treatment dacryocystitis neonatorum clinical analysis泪道探通术与加压泪道冲洗法治疗新生儿泪囊炎临床分析
2.Treatment of nasolacrimal duct obstruction with recessive placement of nasolacrimal stent combined with lacrimal syringe逆行鼻泪管插管术联合泪道冲洗治疗鼻泪管阻塞
3.Clinical observation of using antibiotic systemically united with lacrimal duct flush and lacrimal passage for treatment of neonatal acute dacryocystitis抗生素联合泪道冲洗及探通法治疗新生儿急性泪囊炎的疗效观察
4.Clinical research of probing of lacrimal passage and irrigating to treat infant dacryocystitis泪道探通加冲洗治疗婴幼儿泪囊炎的临床研究
5.The control group was rinsed by the mixture of gentamycin and dexamethasone;对照组术后常规用庆大霉素和地塞米松混合液冲洗泪道 ;
6.Self-made syringing probe treatment on 416 cases of infantile nasolacrimal duct-blok自制冲洗探针治疗婴幼儿鼻泪管阻塞416例
7.tic irrigating urothroscope纤维光束尿道冲洗镜
8.Drains and gutters require to be flushed.下水道和阴沟必须冲洗。
9.sluice (down) a pavement with a hose用橡皮管冲洗人行道
10.Pulse Nd:YAG laser on lacrimal duct obstruction脉冲Nd:YAG激光治疗泪道阻塞的疗效观察
11.His tears left tracks of mud in little lines down his dirty face.泪水在脸上冲开污垢,淌成一条条花道道。
12.To look through and behind this mask of me,/ Against which, years have beat thus blanchingly犀利地望着我,通过我那给泪雨/冲洗得成了灰白的面具、照彻了
13.Effects of different kinds of conjunctival sac eyewash on ocular surface tear film function不同种类的结膜囊冲洗液对眼表泪膜功能的影响
14.Analysis the effect two different washing methods after KTP/Nd:YAG laser of treatment chronic dacryocystitisKTP/Nd:YAG激光治疗慢性泪囊炎术后两种冲洗方法的对比观察
15.Application of pickling control agent in online acid cleaning of flashing ash pipeline酸洗控制剂在冲灰管道的在线酸洗中的应用
16.Objective To evaluate the efficacy of self-made syringing probe treatment on infantile nasolacrimal duct-blok.目的 评价自制冲洗探针进行探洗术在婴幼儿鼻泪管阻塞中的治疗效果。
17.In groups A1 and B1, normal saline was used for irrigating the urethra twice per day.A1、B1组用生理盐水冲洗尿道,2次/d。
18.irrigating dilator①灌注扩张器②尿道冲洗扩张器

irrigation of lacrimal passage冲洗泪道
3)The probe of lacrimal passages sounding泪道探通冲洗针
4)rinsing lacrimal passage泪道冲洗及探通
5)press irrigation of lacrimal passage加压泪道冲洗
6)dacryocyst irrigation泪囊冲洗
