咽后脓肿,Retropharyngeal abscess
1)Retropharyngeal abscess咽后脓肿
1.Retropharyngeal abscess:a review of 14 cases;咽后脓肿14例临床回顾
2)abscess of pharynx咽脓肿
3)abscess of pharyngeal bursa咽囊脓肿
4)retromammary abscess乳房后脓肿;乳腺后脓肿
5)abscess of posterior abdominal腹后壁脓肿
1.Operations of lumbar vertebral tuberculoses and abscess of posterior abdominal wall applying laparoscope;借助腹腔镜行腰椎结核和腹后壁脓肿的手术治疗
6)retroperitoneal abscess腹膜后脓肿

1.Application of choledochoscope in drainage of retroperitoneal abscess from duodenum fistula or pancreatic fistula(7 cases report)胆道镜在十二指肠瘘或胰瘘导致腹膜后脓肿引流术中的应用(附7例报告)
2.Results: There was no occurrence of intestinal fistula, abdominal abscess, peritonitis as well as wound infection in100 cases.结果:100例行一期手术治疗的阑尾周围脓肿术后无肠瘘、腹腔脓肿、腹膜炎、切口感染出现。
3.Treatment of Renal Pelvic and Ureteral Tumors by Retroperitoneal Laparoscopy腹膜后腹腔镜治疗肾盂及输尿管肿瘤
4.Retroperitoneal laparoscopic operations in treatment of renal cyst:report of 202 cases腹腔镜经腹膜后治疗肾囊肿20例分析
6.Treatment and Prognosis of Primary Retroperitoneal Tumor;原发性腹膜后肿瘤的诊疗与预后分析
7.intracanal epidural abscess椎管内硬脊膜外脓肿
8.orogenic extradural abscess耳原性硬脑膜外脓肿
9.Clinical observation on treatment of subphrenic abscess after abdominal operation with medication of Gexiazhuyutang膈下逐瘀汤加减治疗腹部术后并发膈下脓肿的临床观察
10.First Aid Nursing Care of Concealed Retroperitoned Hematoma Causing by Trauma外伤致隐匿性腹膜后血肿的急救护理
11.A Clinical Study of Primary Retroperitoneal Malignant Tumor (22 Cases Report);原发性腹膜后恶性肿瘤22例临床分析
12.Children Primary Retroperitoneal Tumors-An Analysis of 74 Cases;小儿原发性腹膜后肿瘤74例临床分析
13.Clinical case discussion post peritoneumtumor and hypertension;腹膜后肿瘤伴高血压——临床病案讨论
14.Diagnosis and treatment of primary retroperitoneal tumor原发性腹膜后肿瘤26例临床诊治分析
15.Surgical treatment of primary retroperitoneal tumors:13 cases report13例原发性腹膜后肿瘤的手术治疗
16.Surgical Treatment of Primary Retroperitoneal Malignant Tumor(120 Cases Report)外科治疗原发性腹膜后恶性肿瘤120例
17.Analysis of Liqi decoction(理气汤) for treatment of false intestinal obstruction caused by retroperitoneal hematoma理气汤治疗腹膜后血肿致假性肠梗阻
18.Retroperitoneoscopic surgery for adrenal cysts:a report of 3 cases腹膜后腹腔镜治疗肾上腺囊肿3例并文献复习

abscess of pharynx咽脓肿
3)abscess of pharyngeal bursa咽囊脓肿
4)retromammary abscess乳房后脓肿;乳腺后脓肿
5)abscess of posterior abdominal腹后壁脓肿
1.Operations of lumbar vertebral tuberculoses and abscess of posterior abdominal wall applying laparoscope;借助腹腔镜行腰椎结核和腹后壁脓肿的手术治疗
6)retroperitoneal abscess腹膜后脓肿

垂体脓肿垂体脓肿pituitary abscess 垂体内或鞍内肿瘤内有细菌性感染后形成脓肿。细菌可因败血症经血循传入,或因蝶窦炎、蝶骨骨髓炎、海绵窦炎等直接传入,其他可因头部外伤、鞍区肿瘤经蝶入路手术后引起脑脊液鼻漏继发感染所致,少数可因鞍区手术时污染或产后出血引起垂体坏死及感染形成脓肿。