耳力学,ear mechanics
1)ear mechanics耳力学
2)Baeyer's strain theory拜耳氏张力学说
3)middle ear pressure中耳压力
1.In order to study the influence of nasal septum deviation on middle ear pressure, the nasal airway resistance (NAR), middle ear pressure (MEP) and their relationship in 31 patients undergoing submucous resection of nasal septum (SMR) were evaluated pre and post operation respectively.为探讨鼻中隔偏曲对中耳压力的影响 ,对 31例行鼻中隔粘膜下切除术 (SMR)患者手术前后的鼻气道阻力(NAR)及中耳压力 (MEP)进行了测定和相关性研究。
4)stress of hoist-eyes吊耳应力
5)angle strain拜耳张力

1.If the small-ring cycloalkanes are under considerable strain as predicted by the Baeyer strain theory.如果象拜耳张力学所估计的那样,小环的环烷烃具有相当大的张力。
2.The Research of Desulfurization in the Course of Producing Alumina in the Lime Bayer Process and Thermodynamics石灰拜耳法生产氧化铝脱硫及其热力学研究
3.Kinetics Research on Recovery of Vanadium from Bayer Process by Ion Exchange with Resin树脂离子交换提取拜耳法流程中钒的动力学
4.The Turkic language of Azerbaijan.阿塞拜疆语阿塞拜疆的土耳其语
5.the orientation of an iconoclast.反对偶像崇拜者的主张。
6.A Bayer spokesman said that Bayer had expected to present Vardenafil in the US during the second half of this year.拜耳发言人表示,拜耳原本寄望于今年下半年在美国推出vardenafil。
7.The passengers swallow to relieve the pressure on their eardrums.乘客们张嘴做吞咽动作,以减轻耳鼓所承受的压力。
8.a hostel for pilgrims in Turkey.为土耳其的圣地朝拜者准备的旅馆。
10.An Lnvestigation into Together Washing of Silica Residue and Red Mud in Bayer Process硅渣与拜耳法赤泥一起洗涤工艺探讨
11.Optimization of ore-dressing Bayer Process seed precipitation and its practice选矿拜耳法种分生产工艺优化与实践
12.Supplementing Caustic New Process in Combination-process Production By Bayer System混联法生产中拜耳法系统补碱新工艺
13.Separation of Vanadium from Sodium Aluminate Solution in Bayer Process by Precipitation沉淀法从拜耳法铝酸钠溶液中分离钒
14.Preparation of Sintering-expanded Haydite with Red Mud from Bayer Process利用拜耳法赤泥制备烧胀陶粒的研究
15.The horse pricked up her ears, and looked around.马竖起耳朵,向四处张望。
16.Reconstruction of the External Ear Utilizing Expanded Scarred Skin Flap应用扩张的耳后瘢痕瓣行外耳再造术
17.Total ear reconstruction with postauricular fasciocutaneous flap颞浅筋膜蒂耳后扩张皮瓣全耳再造术
18.Worship of or belief in magical fetishes.拜物教,物神崇拜崇拜或相信有魔力的物神

Baeyer's strain theory拜耳氏张力学说
3)middle ear pressure中耳压力
1.In order to study the influence of nasal septum deviation on middle ear pressure, the nasal airway resistance (NAR), middle ear pressure (MEP) and their relationship in 31 patients undergoing submucous resection of nasal septum (SMR) were evaluated pre and post operation respectively.为探讨鼻中隔偏曲对中耳压力的影响 ,对 31例行鼻中隔粘膜下切除术 (SMR)患者手术前后的鼻气道阻力(NAR)及中耳压力 (MEP)进行了测定和相关性研究。
4)stress of hoist-eyes吊耳应力
5)angle strain拜耳张力
6)monaural audition单耳听力

量子力学中的力学量和算符  在量子力学中,当微观粒子处于某一状态时,它的力学量(如坐标、动量、角动量、能量等)一般不具有确定的数值,而是具有一系列可能值,每个可能值以一定的几率出现。当粒子所处的状态确定时,力学量具有某一可能值的几率也就完全确定。例如,氢原子中的电子处于某一束缚态时,它的坐标和动量都没有确定值,而坐标具有某一确定值r0或动量具有某一确定值p0的几率却是完全确定的。量子力学中力学量的这些特点是经典力学中的力学量所没有的。为了反映这些特点,在量子力学中引进算符来表示力学量。    算符是对波函数进行某种数学运算的符号。在代表力学量的文字上加"∧"号以表示这个力学量的算符。如坐标算符、动量算符。当粒子的状态用波函数 Ψ(r,t)描写时,坐标算符对波函数的作用就是r乘 Ψ(r,t),动量算符对波函数的作用则是微分:       可简单地写为    其他有经典类比的力学量都是r和p的函数,在量子力学中也是算符和的相应的函数。例如粒子绕原点的角动量在经典力学中是L)=r×p,因而在量子力学中角动量算符是     。  又如,在势为U(r)的力场中运动的粒子能量算符(也称哈密顿算符)为