鼻腔粘连,Nasal cavity adhesion
1)Nasal cavity adhesion鼻腔粘连
1.Clinical analysis of nasal cavity adhesion after functional endoscopic sinus surgery;鼻内镜术后鼻腔粘连的临床分析

1.Objective To explore the cause and the handle method of nasal adhesion after functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS).探讨慢性鼻窦炎功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术后鼻腔粘连的成因及处理方法。
2.Treatment of Nasal Cavity Conglutination After Endoscope Operation: Are port of 20 Cases慢性鼻窦炎内窥镜手术腔粘连20例的治疗体会
3.Result: The study shows that there is a distinct difference between the two groups in nasal cavity conglutination and the curative rate.结果显示两组慢性鼻窦炎鼻内镜术后术腔粘连和治愈率有明显差异。
4.Clinical analyses to 64 cases with nasal adhesion after ESS鼻内镜下鼻窦术后粘连64例临床分析
5.Detoxification of Nasal Toxicity of Nasal Drug Delivery System鼻腔给药系统的鼻粘膜毒性及解决途径
6.Studies on the Nasal Absorption of Gentamycin鼻腔粘膜吸收庆大霉素功能的研究
7.The influence of abdominal cavity adhesion on laparoscopic cholecystecomy腹腔粘连对腹腔镜胆囊切除术的影响
8.Hysteroscopic Electrosurgery Treatment of Intrauterine Adhesion Clinical Analysis of 37 Cases宫腔镜电切术治疗宫腔粘连37例分析
9.Application of methylene blue and viscoelastics in dacryocystorhinostomy亚甲蓝及粘弹剂在泪囊鼻腔吻合术中的应用
10.Submucous Implantation with Pedicel Auto-flap of Cheek Muscle for Atrophic Rhinitis带蒂颊肌瓣鼻腔粘骨膜下植入术治疗萎缩性鼻炎
11.The Observation of Packing Effect and Mucosa Morphology after Nasal Packing with Chitosan Reshaping PVA;壳聚糖改性PVA膨胀海绵鼻腔填塞止血效果及鼻粘膜形态学观察
12.Human Nasal Epithelial Cell Culture Models and Their Applications in the Assessment of Nasal Drug Delivery System鼻粘膜上皮细胞模型的建立及在鼻腔给药系统评价中的应用
13.Objective To study hysteroscopy on treatment of infertility caused by intrauterine adhesions.目的探讨宫腔镜治疗宫腔粘连并发不孕的疗效。
14.Effect of Perfusion into Peritoneum Cavity with Strong Acidification Electricity Water on Abdomen Adhesion;强酸化电位水腹腔灌注对腹腔粘连影响的研究
15.Effect of estradiol valerate in preventing intrauterine adhesions in patients conducted hysteroscopy postoperatively戊酸雌二醇预防宫腔镜术后宫腔粘连研究
16.The clinical observation of abdominal adhesion after laparoscopy and laparotomy腹腔镜术与开腹手术术后腹腔粘连的临床观察
17.Laparoscope-assisted pelvic adhesiolysis for restoring pelvic anatomical function:report of 105 cases腹腔镜手术去除盆腔粘连105例临床分析
18.Relationship between C3 and C4 in peritoneal fluid with pelvic adhesion腹腔液补体C3、C4水平与盆腔粘连相关性研究

Nasal adhesion鼻腔粘连
1.Clinical analysis of nasal adhesion after radiotherapy in the patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma.;鼻咽癌放射治疗后鼻腔粘连的临床分析
3)infective adhesions of nasal cavity感染性鼻腔粘连
4)nasal synechia鼻腔黏连
1.Discussion on nasal synechia after endoscopic sinus surgery;鼻内镜术后鼻腔黏连的临床探讨
5)pelvic adhesion盆腔粘连
1.The value of hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of infertile women with pelvic adhesions;子宫输卵管碘油造影和腹腔镜检查对盆腔粘连不孕诊治价值的探讨
2.Relationship between chlamydia trachomatis or ureaplasma urealyticum infection and pelvic adhesion;盆腔粘连与沙眼衣原体和解脲支原体感染的关系
6)Intrauterine adhesion宫腔粘连
1.Combined therapy with a primary of hysteroscopy in re-establish of uterine cavity for intrauterine adhesion cases;宫腔镜为主的综合治疗在宫腔粘连宫腔重建中的应用
2.Clinical analysis of 62 cases of intrauterine adhesions;宫腔粘连综合征62例临床分析
3.The Advantage of hysteroscopy in diagnostic and therapeutic intrauterine adhesion;宫腔镜在宫腔粘连诊断和治疗中的应用价值

鼻腔分泌物鼻腔分泌物  鼻腔粘膜富于腺体,能分泌大量液体,用以提高吸入空气的湿度,防止呼吸道粘膜干燥,使正常的纤毛运动得以维持。但鼻腔粘膜受到各种刺激时即会产生过多的分泌物。清稀无色的分泌物为卡他性炎症,粘稠发黄或发绿的分泌物为鼻或鼻旁窦的化脓性炎症所引起。