鼓阶,Scala tympani
1)Scala tympani鼓阶

1.The observation of embryonic stem cells transplantated into the inner ear through scala tympani经鼓阶胚胎干细胞内耳导入的初步观察
2.Intact bulla approach for gene transfer into the scala tympani in mice腹侧听泡外入路小鼠耳蜗鼓阶基因导入的实验研究
3.We must go beyond imitation and promote innovation.我们必须跨越模仿的阶段,鼓励创新。
4.The French Revolution was inspired by the bourgeois.法国革命受到中产阶级的鼓励。
5.As a special sign of encouragement, we'll consider accepting payment by D/P at this sales-purchasing stage.在此推销阶段,我们将考虑接受付款交单方式以资鼓励。
6.Second-order moments of particles for dense gas-solid flow and numerical flow behavior simulation in bubbling fluidized bed稠密气固两相流动的颗粒二阶矩方法及鼓泡床流化特性的模拟
7.Comrade Mao Zedong urged intellectuals to become both "red and expert" and encouraged persons with a bourgeois world outlook to remould it and acquire the proletarian world outlook.毛泽东同志提倡知识分子又红又专,鼓励大家改造资产阶级世界观,树立无产阶级世界观。
8.The broad masses of the proletariat, the peasantry and the urban petty bourgeoisie need our work of propaganda, agitation and organization.无产阶级、农民、城市小资产阶级的广大群众,有待于我们宣传、鼓动和组织的工作。
9."In developing the economy, we should strive to reach a higher level every few years. Of course, this should not be interpreted as encouraging an unrealistic speed."我国的经济发展,总要力争隔几年上一个台阶。当然不是鼓励不切实际的高速度。
10.Meanwhile, urged on by the clique headed by Wang Ching-wei and Chen Kung-po, the bourgeoisie is promoting a reform movement of considerable proportions[4] in the coastal areas and along the Yangtse River.同时资产阶级在汪精卫、陈公博一派鼓动之下,亦在沿海沿江各地发展着颇大的改良主义⑷运动。
11.Students at all levels are encouraged to acquire familiarity with advanced research techniques and to participate in seminar activities.各种程度的学生都被鼓励去熟悉进阶的研究技术,并参与专题课程的活动。
12.Globalization is prompting governments to take renewed interest in this branch, still perceived as second-class.全球化的发展鼓励各国政府重新重视这个领域,不过这仍是个次等的教育阶级。
13.To perform(a piece or tune) on or as if on a drum.击鼓击鼓或好象击鼓演奏(鼓曲或曲调)
14.The wind filled the sails.这阵风把帆吹得鼓鼓的。
15.Break it up, bring the house down.鼓掌吧,来个全场鼓掌。
16.The sails filled with wind.帆在风中张得鼓鼓的.
17.percussion instrument (eg drum,tambourine,xylophone)打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、木琴).
18.The wind filled the sails, ie made them swell out.这阵风把帆吹得鼓鼓的.

step drum阶梯转鼓
1.After analysing the characteristics of the drum and the motion of particles in tumbler and conical basket centrifuge separately, solids residence times are calculated for both types ofcentrifuge with step drums.通过分析锥篮离心机和进动离心机的转鼓及物料运动特性,可以计算出物料在阶梯转鼓中的停留时间。
3)scala tympani fenestration鼓阶开窗
1.Therapeutic effect of insulin-like growth factor-1 injection into the inner ears through scala tympani fenestration on gentamicin-induced hearing loss in guinea pigs;鼓阶开窗微孔技术注入胰岛素样生长因子-1对庆大霉素致聋豚鼠的治疗作用
4)stepped drum阶式鼓轮
1.In the light of a comprehensive review of technical literature,this paper presents a description of the overseas development history of the production technology of OPC (organic photo-conductor) drums and a thorough summary of main important technical parameters of the production process of these drums.在本文中,根据历史的文献,阐明国外OPC鼓生产工艺的发展过程;并且介绍当代OPC鼓流水生产线的主要工艺技术参数,同时,根据实践经验,探讨在国内设计与建设OPC鼓流水生产线的方法。
2.The bronze drum with the pattern of a god-man and two birds is one of the only two bronze drums of Shang Dynasty.神人纹双鸟青铜鼓是目前仅存的两面商代青铜鼓之一,鼓上独特的神人主题纹、特有的辅助鱼(形)纹和虎首纹的形样,以及其中所具的文化内涵与江西新干大洋洲出土的器物有着明显的同一性,因而我们认为其应是江西地区所铸。
6)D drum鼓,磁鼓

鼓人1.古乐官名。 2.古代鼓国的人。