招风耳,Prominent ear
1)Prominent ear招风耳
1.Correction of the secondary deformity after the otoplasty of the prominent ear招风耳矫正术后继发畸形的修复

1.His ears project noticeable.他长了一双招风耳
2.Johnny was a red-headed, freck-faced, jug-eared boy.约翰尼长着一头红发,一脸雀斑。一对招风耳
3.In women. this was followed by eyelid reduction, tummy tuck, nose re-shaping and breast reduction.男人则更喜欢隆鼻、缩小眼睑和修正招风耳
4.Detraction purchase the great人大招物议树大招风吹
5.The fourth, a tall, thin, deeply tanned man with barn-door ears and a hooked nose, held an automatic pistol第四个人是个晒得很黑、长着一对招风大耳和鹰勾鼻子的瘦高个,手里拿着一支自动手枪。
6.Suddenly he turned and she could see his profile: a long horse-like face with a snub-nose, standout ears and bristly shock of hair.俄而他转过一个侧形来,野马似的一张长脸,却又是缩鼻子,招风大耳朵,头发像鬃刷。
7.The sign was swinging in the wind.—招牌在风中摆动。
8.Oak may fall when reeds stand the storm.〔谚语〕树大招风。
9.An inn or hostel for pilgrims in Turkey.客栈,招待所土耳其用来招待朝圣者的客栈或招待所
10.Red flags flow in the east wind.红旗迎着东风招展。
11."Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak"高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹
12.Detraction pursues the great.人大招物议,树大惹风吹。
13.German character or civilization.日耳曼风尚日耳曼特点或文明
14.The scolding ran off him like water off a duck's back.他听了责骂只当耳边风。
15.The cold wind has nipped my ears and nose.寒风刺痛了我的耳鼻。
16.The cold wind gave me a pain in the ears.冷风吹得我耳朵发痛。
17.Peddle sometimes pleasant , stop and yearn after solicitting many people.叫卖声时而入耳,招揽了不少人驻足留恋。
18.Signboards creaked and clattered in the grip of a north wind.朔风吹着那些招牌,嚓嚓地响。

3)prominent ear先天性招风耳
1.Simultaneous correction of the constructed ear and prominent ear;再造耳和对侧先天性招风耳同期修复术
4)bid invitation risk招标风险
1.Aimed at risk analysis of project bid invitation,the decision table of project bid invitation risk analysis is presented for employers based on rough set theory in this paper.从业主的角度对工程项目招标风险因素进行了分析,并基于粗糙集理论给出了招标风险分析的决策表,进而运用粗糙集理论和方法对招标风险决策表的属性和属性值进行分析,得出了招标风险决策的最小决策表,使业主对工程项目的招标风险能进行有效的分析和评价,为管理和规避风险提供了科学依据。
5)recruitment risk招聘风险
6)wind catcher招风斗
