感觉上皮,Sensory epithelia
1)Sensory epithelia感觉上皮
2)sensory epithelium感觉上皮
1.This paper presents the ultrastructures of the sensory epithelium of Korean quail inner ear.对朝鲜鹌鹑耳蜗感觉上皮的超微结构进行了研究 。
3)sensory epithelial感觉上皮
1.Long-term culture of utricular sensory epithelial cell of rats and expression of the hair cell characteristic markers大鼠椭圆囊感觉上皮细胞长期培养体系的建立及毛细胞标记物表达的意义
4)Sensory epithelial cell感觉上皮细胞

1.Long-term culture of utricular sensory epithelial cell of rats and expression of the hair cell characteristic markers大鼠椭圆囊感觉上皮细胞长期培养体系的建立及毛细胞标记物表达的意义
2.The smell of the upside after olfactory receptor is located in nasal cavity is epithelial inside, experience a cell to be smell cell.嗅觉感受器位于鼻腔后上部的嗅上皮内,感受细胞为嗅细胞。
3.The second, the main olfactory epithelium, is a smell-sensitive tissue inside the nasal cavity.第二个部分是主要嗅觉上皮细胞,嗅上皮是鼻腔内的一个嗅觉敏感组织。
4.The Effect of Substance P on Differentiation and Migration of Epidermal Stem Cells in Wound Healing;感觉神经肽在表皮干细胞迁移、分化中的作用
5.Induced differentiation in vitro of rat ADSCs into photoceptors and RPE cells大鼠脂肪干细胞体外诱导为光感受器细胞和视网膜色素上皮细胞
6.Expression of MX1 Gene in Swine Airway Epithelial Cell Infected with SIV;猪MX1基因在气道上皮细胞SIV感染过程中的表达
7.Hantaan virus infection of vascular endothelial cell leads to up-regulation of Toll-like 4 expression汉滩病毒感染血管内皮细胞引起TLR4表达上调
8.Nitric Oxide Is Involved in Host Defense of Epididymal Epithelial Cells一氧化氮参与附睾上皮细胞感染后的宿主防御
9.Here is a congenital cytomegalovirus infection in a fetus. Note the large CMV inclusions in the renal tubular epithelium.胎儿先天性巨细胞病毒感染。肾小管上皮内可见巨细胞病毒包涵体。
10.Effects of Oral Bacteria on the In-vitro Infection of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa to Respiratory Epithelial Cells口腔细菌影响绿脓假单胞菌感染肺上皮细胞的体外研究
11.The Ultrastructure of Visual Cells, Visual Pathways, and fMRI Studies of Visual and Somatosensory Stimulation-related Cortical Activation;视觉细胞的超微结构及传导与视觉、躯体感觉刺激相关的皮层激活fMRI实验研究
12.The feasibility of an adenovirus-mediated delivery of human endostatin in cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells腺病毒介导人内皮抑素感染视网膜色素上皮细胞的可行性研究
13.The Production and Effect of Nitric Oxide in Respiratory Syncytial Virus-infected Human Lung Epithelial Cells呼吸道合胞病毒感染人肺上皮细胞一氧化氮的产生及其作用
14.superficial basal cell epithelioma表浅性基底细胞上皮瘤
15.hyperplasia of chorionic epithelium绒毛膜上皮细胞增生
16.follicular epithelial cell滤泡上皮细胞 -甲状腺
17.squamous cell carcinoma of cornea角膜鳞状上皮细胞癌
18.squamous cell carcinoma of penis阴茎鳞状上皮细胞癌

sensory epithelium感觉上皮
1.This paper presents the ultrastructures of the sensory epithelium of Korean quail inner ear.对朝鲜鹌鹑耳蜗感觉上皮的超微结构进行了研究 。
3)sensory epithelial感觉上皮
1.Long-term culture of utricular sensory epithelial cell of rats and expression of the hair cell characteristic markers大鼠椭圆囊感觉上皮细胞长期培养体系的建立及毛细胞标记物表达的意义
4)Sensory epithelial cell感觉上皮细胞
5)Sensory flap感觉皮瓣
6)sensory cortex感觉皮层

动物组织扁平上皮 李瑞端绘[图]