带状突触,ribbon synapse
1)ribbon synapse带状突触
1.Objective To count the number of ribbon synapses in cochlear inner hair cell using three-dimensional reconstruction model.目的利用三维建模的方法对耳蜗内毛细胞带状突触进行计数分析,解决由于内毛细胞带状突触数量少、位置深在造成的计数困难,为内毛细胞带状突触的可塑性研究提供有效可靠的计数方法。
2.Objective To investigate the change of the ribbon synapses in inner hair cells by using gentamicin.目的探讨庆大霉素对耳蜗内毛细胞带状突触数量的影响及其意义。

1.Effect of Gentamicin on the Plasticity of IHC Ribbon Synapse庆大霉素作用下耳蜗内毛细胞带状突触的可塑性研究
2.postsynaptic density突触后密集区[化学突触后膜上附着的圆盘状蛋白质结构]
3.A knoblike enlargement at the end of an axon, where it synapses with other neurons.突触小结轴突末端的球状神经原增大,在此与其它神经元接触
4.The Effects of Thyroid Hormone on the Synaptic Development of the Rat Brain Growth Critical Period;大鼠脑发育期甲状腺激素对突触发育的影响
5.Effect of (-)clausenamide on potentiating synaptic transmission in dentate gyrus:Role of synapsin ⅠsynapsinⅠ参与(-)黄皮酰胺增强齿状回突触传递功能
6.mullet-like tropical marine fishes having pectoral fins with long threadlike rays.象鲻一样的热带海洋鱼,有长长的线状触须。
7.Nematocyst warts on the small tentacles become stick from conical,and the shape of gonads changes triangular pocket-like from grain-like to small vesica.小触手刺丝囊疣从乳突状变为棒状; 生殖腺形状从米粒状变为小囊状、三角囊袋状.
8.come into collision (with...)(与…) 冲突,抵触,对立
9.Study on the differation and function of mature/immature dendritic cells in asymptomatic carrier of Human B virusHBV无症状携带者树突状细胞的分化及功能研究
10."a small knob or head-shaped part, such as a protuberance of a bone or the tip of an insect's antenna."一小块球状突出物或头状部分,如一根骨头的突起或一个昆虫的触角的顶端。
11."Usual symptoms are high fever, sudden pain in the testicle, nausea and vomiting, and swelling, tightness, and tenderness of the gland."常见症状为高热、睪丸突然疼痛、恶心、呕吐、肿胀、憋闷感及睪丸触痛。
12.Objective To know the ultrastructure and function of synapse in mammal's medulla oblongata megacell reticular nucleus.目的探讨哺乳动物延髓巨细胞网状核内突触的超微结构及其功能。
13.Expression of inhibitory protein an d syna pse reconstruction in ipsilat eral thalamus and striatum after exp erimental cer ebral cortex infarction实验性大脑皮层梗死后丘脑和纹状体突触重构与抑制性蛋白表达
14.Presynaptic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors enhance cholinergic neurosecretion in the human iris-ciliary body突触前5羟色胺受体对人眼虹膜睫状体乙酰胆碱分泌的调节
15.Synaptic Mechanism of Receptive Field, Integration Field and Morphology of Cat's Striate Cortical Neurons;猫纹状皮层神经元感受野和整合野的突触机制及细胞形态学研究
16.Synaptic Plasticity and Neural Circuitry in the Retinal Outer Plexiform Layer: Experiments and Models;视网膜外网状层突触可塑性和神经回路研究:实验及模型
17.The Changes of NT-3 Expression and the Synaptic Density in Dentate Gyrus of Hippocapus in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Rats and Its Significance;颞叶癫痫大鼠海马齿状回NT-3表达与突触密度变化及其意义
18.Cortico-striatal Synaptic Defects and OCD-like Behaviors in SAPAP3 Mutant Mice;SAPAP3基因敲除小鼠中的皮层—纹状体突触功能缺陷和类OCD行为

synaptic ribbon突触带
3)strip contacts带状触点
4)synap se reconstruction纹状体突触重构
1.The influence of morphine on the expression of synaptophysin and the function of the synapses in the hippocampal formation of the mice;吗啡对小鼠海马结构突触素表达及突触功能的影响
2.Ultrastructural abnormalities of neuron and synapse of hippocampus in the rats treated with intracerebroventricular injection of streptozotocin;脑室内注射链脲佐菌素大鼠海马神经元和突触的超微结构异常
3.Computational analysis of genetic loci required for synapse structure and function and their corresponding microRNAs in C. elegans;线虫中有关影响突触结构与功能的遗传位点及其对应miRNA的生物信息学分析(英文)
1.Ultrastmctural features of sprouted mossy fiber synapses in hippocampus of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy rats induced by pilocarpine;癫痫大鼠海马出芽苔藓纤维突触的超微结构特征
2.The ultrastructure study of the hippocampus synapses in diabetic rats;糖尿病大鼠海马突触超微结构观察
3.Ultrastructure changes and texture parameters analyses of the synapses in the vascular dementia rat;血管性痴呆大鼠的突触超微结构改变及结构参数分析

触突1.冒犯。 2.突击;抵突;冲撞。