汉语声调,Chinese tones
1)Chinese tones汉语声调
1.Negative transfer of features of Chinese tones to English intonation learning;汉语声调特点对英语语调学习的负迁移
2.Objective Event related potentials (ERP),especially mismatch negativity (MMN),as index,was utilized to study the processing of Chinese tones recognized by cochlear implant (CI) users and normal hearing subjects.目的应用事件相关电位(event related potentials,ERP),特别是失匹配负波(mismatch nagtive,MMN)为指标,对人工耳蜗植入者和正常对照组的汉语声调识别进行研究。

1.An Experimental Analysis of Tones in Urumqi Chinese Dialect;乌鲁木齐汉民汉语和回民汉语声调的实验分析
2.Negative transfer of features of Chinese tones to English intonation learning;汉语声调特点对英语语调学习的负迁移
3.General Study of Intonation Errors and Chinese Intonation Teaching as a Foreign Language;声调偏误与对外汉语声调教学研究综述
4.The Experimental and Simulating Studies of the Mandarin Tones Emergence Process of CSL Learners of Nontone Language Background无声调语言母语者汉语声调浮现过程的实验和模拟研究
5.Research on Italian Studests Acquisition of Mandarin Tones;意大利学生习得汉语声调的实验研究
6.Analyses of Japanese Students Chinese Tones Acquisition and Error;日本留学生汉语声调习得及偏误分析
7.The theory and method of utilizingancient musical scores material to study and reconstruct tone;从古乐谱探析汉语声调的理论与方法
8.Vietnamese Students Learning Tone of Chinese Characters:An Analysis of Learning Problems;越南留学生的汉语声调学习难点探究
9.More on the Teaching of the Tone of a Chinese Character to Ethnic Students;再谈对少数民族学生的汉语声调教学
10.An Experimental Study on the Errors Made by Korean Students in Learning Chinese Four Tones;韩国留学生汉语声调习得偏误的声学研究
11.A Study of the Interference of Chinese Tone on English Intonation Learning for Chinese Students;中国学生英语语调学习中的汉语声调干扰现象研究
12.Abstract: Mandarin is a tonal language.文摘:汉语普通话是一种带声调的语言。
13.Intonation Rectification in Teaching Chinese as Second Language;论对外汉语语言教学中“声调”的纠偏
14.Perceiving of Tone in Whispered Chinese Based on Auditory Model基于听觉模型的汉语耳语音声调检测
15.The Experimental Analysis on the Pronunciation of the Mongolian National Minority Students in Their Learning Process of the Chinese Falling Tone;蒙古族学生学习汉语去声声调的语音实验分析
16.Contrastive Research on the Development of Chinese Phonological Awareness for Overseas Students with Tonal Against Non-tonal Mother Tongue Background声调与无声调母语背景留学生汉语语音意识发展对比研究
17.Experiments and Analyses of Tonal Phonics among Korean Students of Intermediate Level Chineser;中级汉语水平韩国留学生声调声学实验与分析
18.Production Study of Mandarin Chinese Tones and Intonation by Uygur Accented Speakers of Chinese对维吾尔族学生汉语普通话声调语调的产出声学分析

Chinese tone汉语声调
1.The contour features and fall pitch of Chinese tone;汉语声调的曲拱特征和降势音高
2.Throughout the past 20 years or so, exploring the negative effects of English intonation responsible for obstructing Chinese tone learning has become one of the most intriguing topics in the field of TCFL research.对此,不少学者将汉语声调和英语语调进行对比,从中分析前者在后者学习过程中所造成的干扰和影响。
3.Based on the question of tones found in the teaching practice, the author makes a detailed study and analysis of the Vietnamese students acquisition of Chinese tones in Entry-level and Medium high classes and probes into the error and it s regulation, using the listening and acoustic experiment methods.本文以对外汉语教学过程中发现的声调问题为出发点,以越南学生为调查对象,采用听辨和声学的实验方法对初级和中高级水平越南学生的汉语声调习得情况进行了细致的研究和分析,探讨其偏误情况及规律。
3)Chinese Intonation and Tone汉语语调与声调
4)Chinese tone recognition汉语声调识别
1.On the design of classifier,by introducing support vector machine,Chinese tone recognition rate is improved under low signal noise rate conditions.在分类器设计方面,通过引入支持矢量机,进一步提高低信噪比下的汉语声调识别率。
5)Chinese monosyllabic tone汉语单音节声调
1.Through the method of contrastive study of experimental acoustics,this paper describes the regular pattern of Chinese monosyllabic tone used by Kazakh for the purpose of improving Chinese teaching.本文通过实验语音声学研究对比分析的方法,详细描写了哈萨克族人使用汉语单音节声调的规律,以便更好地指导汉语教学。
6)Chinese countable tonetic syllable汉语计声调音节

湖北话考究—湖北方言的声调简要介绍几种湖北方言的声调 1。武汉方言:声调四种 阴平55(汉口青年人逐渐向44靠拢),阳平313,上声42,去声35(关于入声:据华师朱建颂的观点,武汉方言的入声消失于民初。现绝大部分入声字读阳平) 2。孝感方言:声调五种 阴平44,阳平22,上声53,去声12,入声22 3。黄冈方言:声调六种 阴平34,阳平212,上声42,阴去35,阳去44,入声24 4。黄陂(曾任民国大总统的黎元洪的故乡)方言:声调六种 阴平44,阳平31,上声53,阴去35,阳去33,入声12