粉尘螨滴剂,Dermatophagoides farinae drops
1)Dermatophagoides farinae drops粉尘螨滴剂
1.OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Dermatophagoides farinae drops on type Ⅰ hypersensitivity reaction.目的考察粉尘螨滴剂对Ⅰ型变态反应的影响。
2)dermatophagoides farinae粉尘螨
1.Study on preparation and properties of microspheres of dermatophagoides farinae antigen encapsulated by PLGA;粉尘螨(浸液)抗原PLGA微球的制备及其性质的研究
2.Experimentary study of Dermatophagoides farinae-chitosan particles as a novel nasal delivery system for anti-antigen vaccine;粉尘螨-壳聚糖疫苗经鼻免疫治疗小鼠过敏性哮喘的实验研究
3.Morphology of the digestive system in Dermatophagoides farinae (Hughes)(Acariformes:Pyroglyphidae);粉尘螨消化系统的形态学观察

1.Dermatophagoides farinae is one of the main pathogenic mites causing human acariasis.粉尘螨是人体螨病的主要病原螨之一。
2.Research progress on the groupⅠallergen of house dust mite屋尘螨和粉尘螨Ⅰ类变应原研究进展
3.Progress of research on techniques to mass cultivate and isolate Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus粉尘螨和屋尘螨饲养及分离技术研究进展
4.Screening and identification of dominant allergens of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farina屋尘螨和粉尘螨主要变应原的筛选和分析
5.Cloning and Expression of cDNA Coding for Group I and II Allergen of Dermatophagoides Farinae;粉尘螨I、II类变应原的克隆、表达研究
6.Acaricidal Activity of Clove Bud Oil against Dermatophagoides farinae (Acari:Pyroglyphidae)丁香花蕾油对粉尘螨杀灭活性的研究
7.Acaricidal activity of Cassia extracts against Dermatophagoides farinae肉桂提取物对粉尘螨杀灭的实验研究
8.Study on the Relationship between Dermatophagoides and Atopic Dermatitis and cDNA Cloning of Major Allergen Ermatophagoides Farinae (Der f1 and Der f2);异位性皮炎与尘螨相关性及粉尘螨变应原Der f1和Der f2的cNDA克隆
9.The Effect of Treatment with Dermatophagoides Farinae Vaccine on Der f Allergen-induced Allergic Airway Inflammation;粉尘螨疫苗对粉尘螨变应原诱导的小鼠气道变态反应炎症的影响及其机制研究
10.The relationship of climatic factor and dermatophagoides farinae positive rate of skin prick tests(SPT) on Chongming island海岛地区气候因素与粉尘螨皮试结果关系探讨
11.Effects of dermatophagoides farinae(Der. f) extract on DC2.4粉尘螨变应原对树突状细胞作用的研究
12.Dermatophagoides farinae Mite Allergen and Specific Immunotherapy in Shanghai上海粉尘螨变应原及特异性免疫治疗(英文)
13.That is why traditional allergists believe that all the brouhaha over food allergies is unwarranted.粉尘螨和户尘螨是两种最常见的过敏源,绝大多数过敏体质的人都对这两项有反应。
14.Influcence of Der p Specific Immunotherapy on Der f Specific IgG_4 in Mite Allergic Patients屋尘螨脱敏治疗对变应性鼻炎及哮喘患者血清粉尘螨特异性IgG_4抗体的影响
15.Infiltration of CD_4~+CD_25~+T Cells into the Allergic Asthmatic Airways Caused by HDM Antigen Administration;粉尘螨对过敏性哮喘患者气道CD_4~+CD_25~+T细胞的募集作用
16.The Cloning and Expression of Derf 2, the Main Allergens of Dermtophagoides Farinae, and the Pilot Study on Molecular Reconstruction;粉尘螨主要过敏原Derf 2基因的克隆表达及分子改造的初步研究
17.Study on Allergic Pulmonary Inflammation of CXCR3 Knockout Mice Sensitized and Challenged with House Dust Mite Extracts粉尘螨提取液致敏CXCR3基因敲除小鼠肺部变应性炎症的研究
18.Preparation and Identification of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Der f1 Allergen抗粉尘螨主要变应原Der f1单克隆抗体的制备与鉴定

dermatophagoides farinae粉尘螨
1.Study on preparation and properties of microspheres of dermatophagoides farinae antigen encapsulated by PLGA;粉尘螨(浸液)抗原PLGA微球的制备及其性质的研究
2.Experimentary study of Dermatophagoides farinae-chitosan particles as a novel nasal delivery system for anti-antigen vaccine;粉尘螨-壳聚糖疫苗经鼻免疫治疗小鼠过敏性哮喘的实验研究
3.Morphology of the digestive system in Dermatophagoides farinae (Hughes)(Acariformes:Pyroglyphidae);粉尘螨消化系统的形态学观察
3)mite-specific IgE粉尘螨特异性IgE
1.Detection of mite-specific IgE in sera of asthmatics by ABC-ELISA;ABC-ELISA检测血清粉尘螨特异性IgE
4)Injectio Dermatophagoidei farinae粉尘螨注射液
5)Der.f extract粉尘螨粗提液
6)Der f-CS粉尘螨-壳聚糖
1.Expressing of Bcl-2 on Allergic Asthma Mice Liver in Murine Therapy with Der f-CS粉尘螨-壳聚糖疫苗治疗过敏性哮喘小鼠肝脏Bcl-2的表达

粉尘螨注射液药物名称:粉尘螨注射液英文名:适应症: 用于吸入型哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、异位性皮炎、泛发性湿疹、慢性荨麻疹等的治疗。 用量用法: 皮下注射,成人通常每周1次,15次为1疗程。如疗程结束时效果明显,可改用维持量,每2周1次,每次1:5000浓度1ml。第1~3周,用1:10000浓度,各周剂量相应为0.3ml,0.6ml,1ml;第4~5周,用1:10000浓度,各周剂量为0.1ml,0.3ml,0.6ml;第7~15周,用1:5000浓度,前2周剂量相应为0.3ml,0.6ml,以后每周1ml。 注意事项: 1.应在医师指导下应用。每次注射后需观察30分钟,如发生休克,其处理方法与青霉素休克相同。因此,使用本品时,应配备肾上腺素等救治过敏性休克的药械。 2.可有局部红肿、皮疹或轻微哮喘发作。 3.停药2周以上再次用药时,仍需从小剂量开始。 4.6岁以下儿童以不用为妥。严重心血管疾患和肾功能严重低下者禁用。 规格: 针剂:每支1:10000(1ml)、1:5000(1ml)。类别:其他抗变态反应药