白天嗜睡,daytime sleepiness
1)daytime sleepiness白天嗜睡
1.Relationship between the daytime sleepiness evaluation and cerebral vascular disease occurrence in patients with sleep apnea sydrome;睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者白天嗜睡与脑血管疾病发生的关系
2.Prediction meaning of daytime sleepiness evaluation for patiens with sleep apnea sydrome combined with cerebral vascular disease occurrence;白天嗜睡对睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者脑血管疾病发生的预测意义

1.Psychic changes have been commonly observed, as well as daytime somnolence, nocturnal insomnia, and partial blindness.普遍观察的有精神变化,以及白天嗜睡,夜间失眠和部分失明。
2.The nanny ( with a popsicle in her hand, asleep on the bench, quietly snoring.简介:有吃着棒冰大白天坐着也能睡着并打鼾的"嗜睡型"保姆.
3.To sleep for a brief period, often during the day; doze.小睡,打瞌睡短暂小睡,通常在白天打盹;打瞌睡
4.During the day, sleep comes in snatches.白天,有时睡有时醒。
5.They dissipate all night and sleep all day.他们白天睡觉,整夜鬼混。
6.I work during the day and sleep at night.我白天工作,晚上睡觉。
7.She sleeps by day and works by night.她白天睡觉,夜间工作。
8.He would be hanging from the ceiling, having his day's sleep.他会在天花板上吊挂着白天睡觉。
9.He cannot sleep, neither at night or in the daytime.他睡不着,不管是在夜里或白天都睡不着。
10.periodic somnolence and morbid hunger syndrome周期性嗜睡饥饿综合征
11.Bats sleep and rest during the day and hunt for food at night.蝙蝠白天睡觉休息,晚上捕食。
12.Cats sleep by day and hunt by night.猫白天睡觉,夜晚进行捕捉。
13.He slept badly at night and could not concentrate in class at daytime他夜里睡不好,白天上课时思想开小差。
14.As a guard I worked nights, slept days,作保安时,我晚上工作,白天睡觉。
15.Their sleep was restless and their days were nervous.他们晚上睡眠不安,白天神经过敏。
16.He had to sleep by day and work by night.他只好白天睡觉,晚上工作。
17.Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night.蝙蝠白天睡觉,夜里才出来寻觅食物。
18.He slept badly at night and couldn't concentrate in class at daytime.他夜里睡不好, 白天上课时思想开小差。

forty winks白天小睡
1.Relationships between Health-related Quality of Life and Mood, Sleepiness, Illness Severity in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome;阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者生活质量与情绪、嗜睡等的相关性研究
2.On the basis of herbal administration and analysis in the treatment of lumbago, zhiluan and sleepiness, this article discusses the significance of one Chinese herb in the combination of herbal prescription.通过对腰痛、炙脔、嗜睡等验案的用药分析 ,阐述了临床处方时一味药物的配伍变化对方剂功效产生的重要影响 ,强调了关键药物配伍方法的重要
6)Sleeping by day.在白天睡觉

睡蛇【睡蛇】 (譬喻)佛遗教经曰:“烦恼毒蛇,睡在汝心。譬如黑蛇,在汝室睡,汝当以持戒之钩早并除之。”