慢性咽囊炎,Chronic pharyngeal bursitis
1)Chronic pharyngeal bursitis慢性咽囊炎
1.Clinical effect of microwave therapy for 26 cases of chronic pharyngeal bursitis under nasal endoscope鼻内镜下微波治疗慢性咽囊炎26例临床体会

1.Clinical effect of microwave therapy for 26 cases of chronic pharyngeal bursitis under nasal endoscope鼻内镜下微波治疗慢性咽囊炎26例临床体会
2.Relieving sore throat and diminishing inflammation, the products of watermelon frosting is an effective antidote against chronic pharyngitis.西瓜霜制品,利咽、消炎,慢性咽炎的克星。
3.Effect of Yanshuyin effervescence tablets on chronic pharyngitis咽舒饮泡腾片治疗慢性咽炎的药效学
4.Experimental Studies on the Effects of Dongju Liyan Mixture on Chronic pharyngitis冬菊利咽合剂对慢性咽炎作用的实验研究
5.Study on CO_2 laser-beam therapy for chronic particulate pharyngitisCO_2激光治疗慢性颗粒性咽炎的研究
6.Objective To enhance the therapeutic effect of hypertrophic pharyngitis.目的 :提高慢性肥厚性咽炎的治疗效果。
7.Effect Observation of Chronic Hypertrophy Pharyngitis Using Microwave Cure微波治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎的疗效观察
8.Objective To improve the symptom of chronic hypertrophy pharyngitis.目的为改善慢性肥厚性咽炎的症状。
9.The effect of modified dacryocystorhinostomy for chronic dacryocystits改良泪囊鼻腔吻合术治疗慢性泪囊炎
10.Doctor: There is nothing seriously wrong with your throat except chronic pharyngitis.您的嗓子没有大病,只是有点慢性咽炎。
11.To research the pathogenic microorganism characters of chronic pharyngitis.目的 :研究慢性咽炎的病原学问题。
12.Objective To study the bacterium of patients with chronic pharyngitis.目的初步探讨慢性咽炎的细菌学问题。
13.Observation on Curative Effect of Chronic Pharyngitis and Laryngitis Treated by Laser激光治疗急、慢性咽、喉炎疗效观察
14.Conclusions: The change of seminal vesical in seminal vesiculography are associated with chronic prostatitis.结论:慢性前列腺炎与慢性精囊炎关系密切。
15.The chioce of operative treatment about chronic atrophic Cholecystolithiasis慢性萎缩性胆囊炎并胆囊结石外科治疗的选择
16.Objective: To probe into the effective method to cure the hypertrophic pharyngitis.目的:探讨治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎的有效方法。
17.Endoscopy Visualized Infusion through Pharyngotympanic Tube Treatment for Secretory Otitis Media鼻内镜下经咽鼓管注药治疗慢性分泌性中耳炎
18.Observation on the curative effect of radiofrequency therapy in the treatment of 132 cases of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis射频治疗慢性肥厚性咽炎132例疗效观察

chronic pharyngitis慢性咽炎
1.The causes of chronic pharyngitis and physical therapy treatment discussed;慢性咽炎成因与分体质用药治疗的讨论
2.Pharmacodynamics Research of Compound Preparation Manyangnin on Chronic Pharyngitis;中药复方制剂慢咽宁治疗慢性咽炎药效学研究
3.Curative effect of ginseng moisten throat drug for chronic pharyngitis;金参润喉合剂治疗慢性咽炎疗效观察
3)Chronic pharyngitis慢性咽喉炎
1.80 patients with chronic pharyngitis were chosen and accepted body medicine-taking experiment for the clearing and moistening laryngopharynx effect of teacher sugar by self-contrast test.方法选取慢性咽喉炎患者80例,采用自身对照方法,进行园丁糖清咽润喉功效的人体试食试验,试食者每天含服园丁糖4片,连续服用15 d。
2.There were 24266 cases of acute pharyngitis,24310 cases of chronic pharyngitis and 1054 cases of vocal nodules,account for 40.目的了解教师咽喉炎发病状况,探讨慢性咽喉炎的分布特点、病因及预防,为患有慢性咽炎的教师提供科学的防治依据。
4)Chronic pharyngolaryngitis慢性咽喉炎
5)chronic nasopharyngitis慢性鼻咽炎
1.CT diagnosis of chronic nasopharyngitis (a report of 16 cases);慢性鼻咽炎的CT诊断(附16例分析)
6)Chronic hypertrophic Pharyngitis慢性肥厚性咽炎

慢性精囊炎慢性精囊炎  病名。多系急性精囊炎病变较重或未彻底治疗演变所致 。此外,经常性兴奋或手淫过频,可引起精囊前列腺充血,随后继发感染,亦可引起慢性精 囊炎 。主要症状为血精伴性功能障碍。肛门指检,精囊肿大、变硬,甚至变形和不同程度的压 痛,与前列腺界限不清。精液常规检查有血精、白细胞增多和脓细胞。前列腺按摩液检查有 一定参考价值。治疗首选复方新诺明,疗效不佳时,选用卡那霉素或链霉素治疗,尚可配合 中药治疗,精囊前列腺按摩,热水坐浴,黄连素离子透入,口服己烯雌酚、强地松等。 