碘仿纱条,iodoform gauze
1)iodoform gauze碘仿纱条
1.Methods 64 cases were divided into 2 groups: 35 patients using nothing in relation incision as group A,29 patients using iodoform gauze as group B.目的:研究腭裂修复术后松弛切口裸露疗法、填塞碘仿纱条法两种方法对腭裂患者的影响。
2.Objective: To study the different management of relaxion incision in palatoplasty Methods: 300 cases were divided into 3 groups: 106 patients using nothing in relaxion incision as group A, 98 patients using iodoform gauze as group B, and 96 patients using fibrin glue as group C.目的:研究腭裂修复术松弛切口裸露疗法、填塞碘仿纱条与术后松弛切口内放置生物蛋白胶三种方法对腭裂患者的影响。

1.Methods 13 cases (13 eyes) of inferior orbital fracture received early surgery though maxillary sinus.方法13例(13眼)早期经上领窦(柯-陆式)手术进路,碘仿纱条填塞。
2.The application of iodoform gauze in the operation of nasolacrimal duct obstruction.外伤所致鼻泪管阻塞手术中碘仿纱球的应用
3.drawing [pre-spinning process]并条〔纺纱前工序〕
4.testing method for unevenness of textile strands纱条条干不匀试验方法
5.Regulations on Edible Salt Iodization as a Means to Eliminate Iodine Deficiency Disorders食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害管理条例
6.A yellowish crystalline iodine compound, CHI3, used as an antiseptic.碘仿一种淡黄色晶状碘化合物,CHI3,用作抗感染剂
7.tow-to-sliver break spinning丝束牵切成条纺纱法
8.After combing, the comb sliver is drafted or drawn to form a roving, which is delivered to a spinning frame where the final worsted yarn is made.经精梳机后,精梳毛条再去被牵伸成粗纱,粗纱再由细纱机加工。最终的纱线在细纱机上生成。
9.Yarn irregularities tend to mask variations in pick- spacing.纱线条干的不均匀有掩盖纬纱间距不匀的作用。
10.Also, it is more uniform but somewhat weaker than ring- spun yarn.另外,无捻纱比环锭纱条干更均匀,强度则略低
11.The Study on the Yarn Structure and Yarn Formation Based on Solospun;基于单须条分束纺的纱结构及成纱机理
12.Analysis on 25 Cases with Intrauterine Packing with Iodophor Gauze for Control Postpartum Hemorrhage During Cesarean Section宫腔填塞碘伏纱布治疗剖宫产术中出血临床分析
13.Intrauterine Gauze Packing to Control Postpartum Hemorrhage Iodo phor Clinical Effectiveness Analysis宫腔填塞碘伏纱布控制产后出血的临床效果分析
14.Recombinant human epidermal growth factor gel in the treatment of partial-thickness burn重组人表皮生长因子凝胶与碘伏油纱治疗小面积Ⅱ度烧伤的比较
15.Used for testing the evenness of sliver and roving.用于检验条子及粗纱的条干均匀度。
16.IOD contrast experiment of instant noodle end product,clammy noodle方便面成品、湿条碘呈色度对比实验
17.A sheer, crisp cotton fabric with raised woven stripes or checks, used chiefly for curtains and dresses.凸纹条格,麻纱一种透明的凸纹条格麻纱,常用作窗帘和衣服
18.Clinical Application of Dexamethasone, Metronidazed and Iodoform to Root Canal Filling in one Time;地塞米松甲硝唑碘仿一次性根充的临床应用

iodoform strip碘仿纱条
1.The bilateral incisions in experimental group were sutured and obturated with gelatin sponge, while incisions in the control group were treated with iodoform strip.实验组采用缝扎创缘及明胶海绵填塞创面,对照组应用碘仿纱包及碘仿纱条填塞创面,评价两组病例术后出血情况及饮食精神恢复时间的差异。
2.The first group which included 50 cases were treated with absorbable styptic gauze into bilateral incisions,while the second group which included 40 cases were treated with iodoform strip into bilateral incisions.目的:比较腭裂修复手术松弛切口填塞可吸收性止血纱布和填塞碘仿纱条对患者术后的影响。
3)Iodine gauzes碘伏纱条
1.The improvement of the device on synthesizing iodoform by electrochemistry method and the exploring of reaction conditions;电化学合成碘仿装置的改进及反应条件的探索
2.A Clinical Study about the Prevention of Postexodontic Dry Socket by the Tinidazole-Iodoform Gelatin Sponge;替硝唑—碘仿明胶海绵预防干槽症的临床研究
3.A compound of tinidazole-iodoform gelatin sponge embedded in the socket after tooth extraction to reduce postexodontic complications;碘仿加替硝唑明胶海绵预防下颌阻生牙拔除术后并发症效果的随机对照研究
1.Clinical investigation on dry socket treatment by metronidazole-dexamethasone-iodoform paste;甲硝唑、地塞米松、碘仿糊剂治疗干槽症的疗效观察

碘仿 分子式CHI3,分子量:393.72。学名三碘甲烷。黄色晶体或粉末,有特殊气味。熔点120℃,高温下分解并放出碘。可随水蒸气一起挥发。微溶于水,溶于乙醇、乙醚,易溶于氯仿、丙酮和苯等。用作消毒剂和防腐剂。由乙醇或丙酮与碘的碱溶液作用制成。也可由碘化物与稀乙醇经电解制备。