上颌窦穿孔,Oroantral fistula
1)Oroantral fistula上颌窦穿孔
1.Oroantral fistula and subcutaneous emphysema after upper third molar extraction:Report of one case;上颌第三磨牙拔除术后上颌窦穿孔与皮下气肿1例报告
2.Clinical cause analysis of oroantral fistula after the upper third molar extraction report of one ease上颌第三磨牙拔除致上颌窦穿孔临床分析——附1例报告及文献复习

1.Clinical cause analysis of oroantral fistula after the upper third molar extraction report of one ease上颌第三磨牙拔除致上颌窦穿孔临床分析——附1例报告及文献复习
2.Clinical observation of 268 cases of chronic suppurative maxillary sinusitis treating by maxillary sinus puncture lavage with Bi Yuan Shu上颌窦穿刺鼻渊舒灌洗治疗慢性化脓性上颌窦炎268例疗效观察
3.Clinical Study of Maxillary Sinus Cystectomy Through Its Anterior Wall with Nasal Endoscope鼻内镜下经上颌窦前壁锁孔入路摘除上颌窦囊肿的临床研究
4.Cases of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Antrochoanal Polyp鼻内镜下手术治疗儿童上颌窦后鼻孔息肉
5.Conclusion Inserting the nasal probe into maxillary sinus ostium through maxillary sinus natural ostium is safe, simple and effective.结论 经上颌窦自然开口行上颌窦口穿刺是安全、简便和有效的一种诊治方法。
6.Study of the Osseointegration of the Implant Embedded in the Mini Pig after Osteotome Maxillary Sinus Elevation Penetrating through the Maxillary Sinus Mucosa小型猪上颌窦内提升穿破上颌窦粘膜同期植入种植体的愈合情况的研究
7.Experimental Study on the Effect of Bone Integration Following Maxillary Sinus Were Perforated by Implants in Different Heights;种植体穿通上颌窦不同高度对骨结合影响的实验研究
8.Endoscopic Sinus Surgery for Antrochoanal Polyps in Children;鼻内镜手术治疗儿童上颌窦后鼻孔息肉的临床研究
9.The experimental study of maxillary sinus floor augmentation by autogenously bone with porous foams grafts and immediate dental implants自体骨复合多孔支架上颌窦提升同期种植体植入的实验研究
10.The airflow in the maxillary air sinus and by the maxillary hiatus was slow.上颌窦口和上颌窦内的气体流速均较低。
11.Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus with Mycotic Maxillary Sinusitis: A Case Report.;上颌窦癌伴发霉菌性上颌窦炎1例讨论
12.of 10 cases sited ethmoid and antrum was Ⅱ grade;Ⅱ级(限于筛窦、上颌窦内侧上部)10例;
13.2, To ensure ethmoid sinus and maxillary sinus orifice complete epithelization.②保证筛窦腔和上颌窦开口手术区完好的上皮化;
14.Clinic Study of the Maxillary Sinus Plasty following Caldwell-Luc上颌窦成形术行窦腔结构修复重建的临床研究
15.Affuse Chinese Traditional Medition Injection to Cure Chronic Sinusitis in Rabbits;中药注射液窦腔内灌注治疗家兔慢性上颌窦炎
16.Bacteriological Study of Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis and Posterior Ethmoid Sinusitis in Adults;成人慢性上颌窦炎和后组筛窦炎的细菌学研究
17.Osteotome sinus floor elevation without bone grafting:a 2-year prospective clinical study不做窦底骨移植上颌窦内提升术2年疗效观察
18.Treatment of multi-genesis chronic sinusitis by the expansile opening window of maxillary sinus inside nasal cavity and the united ingrained operation of multi-sinus鼻内上颌窦扩大开窗及多鼻窦联合根治术治疗慢性多发性鼻窦炎

puncture and irrigation of maxillary sinus上颌窦穿刺
1.Clinical treatment of 40 sinusitis cases with kaiqiaobiyuantang and puncture and irrigation of maxillary sinus;开窍鼻渊汤配合上颌窦穿刺治疗鼻窦炎40例
3)maxillary hiatus上颌窦裂孔
4)Antro-puncture and irrigation上颌窦穿刺冲洗
1.The patients in the first group took Chinese traditional medicine orally after Antro-puncture and irrigation or Fuyazhihuan treating while those in the second group injected Gentamycin into antrum after Fuyazhihuan treating,then drope.方法:将276例儿童急慢性鼻窦炎患者随机分为实验组184例和对照组92例,实验组中184例慢性鼻窦炎患儿行上颌窦穿刺冲洗或负压置换疗法后口服中药汤剂治疗,而对照组的92例慢性鼻窦炎患儿行上颌窦穿刺冲洗后窦腔内注入庆大霉素药液,鼻腔内滴呋麻液,并口服广谱抗生素治疗。
5)antrum trocar上颌窦刺穿针
6)antrum perforator上颌窦穿刺器

口腔上颌窦瘘口腔上颌窦瘘oroantral fistula 可见患者磨牙区牙槽嵴或龈颊沟处有一孔道,以探针可以探入上颌窦,或令患者捏鼻鼓气,有气体自孔道处排出。该征多见于上颌磨牙拔除术后,此外亦可见于外伤、牙源性感染以及肿瘤手术后。液体可经口进入鼻腔,口内有咸味,患侧鼻孔常有脓性分泌物,还可出现鼻塞、流涕、头痛等上颌窦炎症状。X线摄片示上颌窦呈云团状,密度增高,阴影或有液平面。如拔牙时发现有较小瘘口而窦内无感染,瘘口常可自行愈合,对不能自愈的瘘口应在窦内感染得到有效控制后作修补术,主要切除瘘管与周围病变组织后,利用颊或腭部组织瓣转移修复。