耳后区进路,Retroauricular approach
1)Retroauricular approach耳后区进路

1.Removal of the second branchial cleft cyst using a retroauricular approach耳后区进路切除第二鳃裂囊肿8例分析
2.Improved skin flap on post aurem and mastoid region to restore the defect of ear lobe改进的耳后乳突区皮瓣修复耳垂缺损
3.Turkish Cypriot Community土耳其族塞浦路斯社区
4.Microsurgical Anatomy of the Space Around Internal Acoustic Canal in Posterior Cranial Fossa Via Keyhole Approach and the Clinical Applications;颅后窝内耳道周区锁孔入路的显微神经外科解剖及临床应用
5.Routinization of Innovation: the Road for Developing Region to Promote Technical Development常规化创新:后发地区的技术进步之路
6.Eustachian Tuboplasty Via External Auditory Meatus Approach经外耳道进路咽鼓管成形术(动物实验)
7.An earring attached by a short bar or stud that passes through the ear and fits into a cap in the back.穿洞耳环通过短棍或饰钉穿过耳垂,在耳垂后部由帽状物进行固定的耳环
8.The Study of a New Approach to Postauricular Microinjection via the Round Window Membrane for Cochlear Gene Transfection in Mouse耳后入路圆窗膜显微注射小鼠耳蜗基因转染新途径的研究
9.Part absence of auricle early restoration with temporal flap of mastoid area应用耳后乳突区皮瓣早期修复外伤性部分耳廓缺损
10.The rebuild auricle with Medpor on expanded skin flap of the mastoid process area耳后乳突区皮肤扩张法在全耳廓再造术中的应用
11.Objective To investigate the feasibility of ear reconstruction using local expanded scarred skin flap.目的 探讨应用扩张的耳后瘢痕瓣进行外耳再造术的可行性。
12.Anatomical Investigation and Localization of the Approach from Post Aurem about Mandible Osteotomy Cosmesis;下颌骨截骨美容术耳后入路的定位解剖研究
13.Signal pathway associated with hair cell death in cochlea following exposure to intense impulse noise强脉冲噪声暴露后耳蜗毛细胞死亡的信号通路
14.The sides are sectioned with a vertical parting behind each ear.边与垂直一起区段在每只耳朵后面分开。
15."Nieer was composer of the song ".March of the Volunteers", which became the state anthem of the PRC"聂耳为的曲作者,该进行曲后成为中国国歌。
16.He came into the room, whispered her and then passed out他进到房间,和她耳语几句,然后就出去了。
17.Research Progress on Secretory Otitis Media after Radiotherapy in the Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌放疗后分泌性中耳炎的研究进展
18.Clinical Effect of Auricular-plaster on Promotion of Post-natal Milk Secretion耳穴贴压促进产后泌乳的临床疗效研究

the approach from post aurem耳后入路
1.Anatomical investigation and localization of the approach from post aurem about mandible osteotomy cosmesis;下颌骨截骨美容术耳后入路的定位解剖研究
3)Post-auricular approach耳后径路
4)mastoid process area at the back auricle耳后乳突区
5)Backward region后进区域
6)skin flap on post aurem and mastoid region耳后乳突区皮瓣
1.Improved skin flap on post aurem and mastoid region to restore the defect of ear lobe改进的耳后乳突区皮瓣修复耳垂缺损

耳耳1.众盛貌。 2.《三国志.魏志.崔琰传》:"与训书曰:'省表﹐事佳耳!时乎时乎﹐会当有变时。'……有白琰此书傲世怨谤者﹐太祖怒曰:谚言'生女耳'﹐'耳'非佳语。'会当有变时'﹐意指不逊。于是罚琰为徒隶。"后因以"耳耳"表示有所不足之辞﹐犹言罢了罢了。 3.挺拔貌。