声顺,Acoustic compliance
1)Acoustic compliance声顺
1.In this paper,based on the Taylor expansion of the hyperbolic cotangent,acoustic mass and acoustic compliance of the cavity were analyzed.通过对双曲余切函数进行泰勒展开,研究空腔的声质量和声顺,获得双层微穿孔板吸声结构的等效电路图。

1.Nonacoustic Stimulating Wavy curve on Patients With Eustachian Tube Patency咽鼓管异常开放症非声刺激的声顺曲线变化
2.What time is it, anyway?几点钟了, 顺便说一声。
3.Discourse Linearity versus Syntactic Linearity: Tactics in Simultaneous Interpretation同声传译的顺句驱动和非顺句驱动策略
4.a coaxing and obsequious voice; her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable.诱哄顺从的声音;她的样子文静又顺从,有点过于顺从。
5.It was found to be greater with the wind than against it.人们又发现顺风时的声速比逆风时的声述要快。
6.If there is a wind, the sound will go farther in the direction of the wind.如果有风,声音顺风传播得更远。
7.Initilializer blocks are executed in the order of declaration.初始化块是按照声明的顺序执行的。
8.I'll grin and bear it.我要逆来顺受,忍气吞声强作欢笑。
9.Songs and laughter lubricate the biological clock.歌声笑语可使人体生物钟顺畅运转。
10.`By-the-bye, what became of the baby?'said the Cat.“顺便问一声,那个婴孩变成什么了?”
11.On the Feasibility of the Principle of Running Parallel with the Speaker in Simultaneous Interpretation;顺句驱动原则在同声传译中的有效性
12.Role of discourse markers in simulataneous interpreting话语标记语在同声传译顺译中的作用
13."Men of other countries will, with false hearts, put themselves under my authority: from the time when my name comes to their ears, they will be ruled by me."外邦人要投降我,一听见我的名声就必顺从我。
14.A: By the way, can I open a checking account too?甲:顺便问一声,我还可以开个支票户头吗?
15.He ran towards the sound and stopped at a construction site.他顺着那声音跑过去,来到一处建筑工地。
16.Frequent shots told Ferqusson that his search was not unfruitful.频频的枪声告诉费尔久逊:打猎是顺利的。
17.SS: yup, i'll only understand if you tell me out loud.三顺:只有你大声的告诉我了,我才明白啊!
18.The more he succeeded with her in private, the more reserved was he in public.暗地里他追求她越顺利,人前他越不动声色。

acoustic compliance声顺,声容抗
3)Static compliance静态声顺值
1.The article introduces the testing principles and the circuit diagram for "static compliance","tympanometry","acoustic reflex"used in middle ear testing technology.本文阐述了中耳测试技术中三项主要指标“静态声顺值”、“鼓室功能”、“镫骨肌反射”的测试机理及完成上述功能的电路结构。
4)acoustic paramagnetic resonance声顺磁共振
5)transient-evoked otoacoust ic emissions(TEOAE)顺态耳声发射
6)acoustic paramagnetic spectrometer声学顺磁谱仪

调顺声【调顺声】  谓如来音声,随机说法,调伏众生,使其信顺也。