嗓音治疗,Voice therapy
1)Voice therapy嗓音治疗
1.This dissertation focus on the studies of voice therapy strategies and their clinical practices in functional voice disorders.随着嗓音医学的发展,嗓音功能恢复和嗓音治疗越来越显得至关重要。
2)voice therapy嗓音矫治
1.Objective:To testify the effect of voice therapy methods for the glottal dysraphism patient with functional voice disorder.方法:对1例声门闭合不全的功能性嗓音障碍患者进行系统的嗓音矫治,采用声门噪声能量(NNE)作为声门闭合程度的检测和监控指标,分别采集基线期(A)和处理期(B)数据,用A-B设计的单一被试法进行统计分析。
1.Features and Clinical Application of Acoustic Parameters in Voice;计算机嗓音测试参数的特点及临床意义
2.Comparision of Voice Acoustic Measure and Electroglottograph;嗓音声学分析和电声门图的比较研究
3.Comparison of Objective Parameters of the Voice According to the Sex;不同性别嗓音客观检测参数的对比分析

1.a pure note, voice, etc纯音、 纯正的嗓音.
2.a gentle smile (voice,etc.)柔和的微笑(嗓音
3.voice onset time嗓音起始时间 嗓音起始时间
4.On the Ways to Make Your Voice Sound Young For Good--The Protection and Training of Voice;如何永葆嗓音的青春——嗓音保健与训练
5.a clear voice, speaker, sound清晰的嗓音、 扬声器、 声音.
6.a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance.类似或暗示嗓音的音响。
7.In a muted voice or whisper.压着嗓音,低声说以微弱的嗓音或声音说
8.his voice rang raucously.他用沙哑的嗓音唱歌。
9.loud voices, screams, laughs, etc宏亮的嗓音、 喊声、 笑声等
10.His voice broke when he was 15.他15岁时嗓音突然变了。
11.What a dreadful noise!多么令人厌恶的嗓音
12.He's got a voice like a fog-horn.他嗓音像雾号, 又粗又响.
13.He's got a voice like a `fog-horn.他嗓音像雾号,又粗又响.
14.A public speaker needs a voice that carries .演说家要有洪亮嗓音.
15.A boy's voice cracks at puberty.男孩在青春期嗓音改变.
16.To sing(a song) by yodeling.真假嗓音变换地唱(歌)
17.Too much smoking tends to injure the voice.吸烟太多会损嗓音
18.His voice boomed out, reaching the back of the hall.他的浑厚嗓音响彻大厅。

voice therapy嗓音矫治
1.Objective:To testify the effect of voice therapy methods for the glottal dysraphism patient with functional voice disorder.方法:对1例声门闭合不全的功能性嗓音障碍患者进行系统的嗓音矫治,采用声门噪声能量(NNE)作为声门闭合程度的检测和监控指标,分别采集基线期(A)和处理期(B)数据,用A-B设计的单一被试法进行统计分析。
1.Features and Clinical Application of Acoustic Parameters in Voice;计算机嗓音测试参数的特点及临床意义
2.Comparision of Voice Acoustic Measure and Electroglottograph;嗓音声学分析和电声门图的比较研究
3.Comparison of Objective Parameters of the Voice According to the Sex;不同性别嗓音客观检测参数的对比分析
4)music therapy音乐治疗
1.Exploration tests on music therapy for improving some colllege students psychological health;基于大学生心理健康的音乐治疗试验
2.The Analysis of the Importance of Digial Music in Chinese Music Therapy;数字化音乐在中国音乐治疗中重要地位的阐释
3.The Exploration of Theoretical Modal and Case Studies of Improvisational Music Therapy on Children with Autism;自闭症儿童即兴音乐治疗的理论模型探索与个案研究
5)five-tone therapy五音治疗
1.Objective To further understand the emotional disturbance occurred in patients with premature ventricular extrasystole(PVE),and to investigate the relationship between musicotherapy and convalescence.目的深入了解室性早搏患者存在的心理情绪障碍,探讨音乐治疗的临床价值以及音乐治疗与室性早搏患者康复的关系。
2.Through the cases of musicotherapy, it was proved that during psychotherapy the music could help patient catharsis.音乐治疗学是一门新兴的边缘学科,是传统心理治疗的一个分支,具有自己的独特性。
