睡眠呼吸紊乱,Sleep disordered breathing
1)Sleep disordered breathing睡眠呼吸紊乱
1.Sleep disordered breathing with chronic diastolic heart failure;慢性舒张性心力衰竭合并睡眠呼吸紊乱的观察

1.Effects of Body Posture on Sleep Related Breathing Disorders of Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction;体位对急性脑梗塞患者睡眠呼吸紊乱的影响
2.Quality of Life Survey in Children with Sleep-disordred Breathing before and after Operation;睡眠呼吸紊乱儿童手术前后生活质量调查
3.Research progress on the characteristics related to sleep-disordered breathing of individuals with cleft palate腭裂患者睡眠呼吸紊乱相关特征的研究进展
4.Value of Epworth Sleepiness Scale in Assessment the Degree of Sleep Disordered Breathing;Epworth嗜睡量表评价阻塞性睡眠呼吸紊乱病情程度的价值
5.A new method for classifying respiratory events during sleep in OSAS阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者睡眠呼吸紊乱曲线的一种新分型方法
6.Changes of postoperative living quality of children with sleep-respiration disorder after undergoing adenoid-tonsillectomy儿童睡眠呼吸紊乱行扁桃体腺样体切除术后生活质量的研究
7.Effect of sleep apnea hypopnea on arterial blood gas of the patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease睡眠呼吸紊乱对慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期患者动脉血气的影响
8.It's that simple: unstable sleeping patterns lead to unstable breathing.道理很简单,不紊乱的睡眠模式会导致紊乱的呼吸。
9.Relationship between Inflammatory Factors and Sleep Fragmentation in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome炎性因子与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的睡眠结构紊乱
10.Characteristics of respiratory disturbance during REM sleep in OSAHS阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者快速眼动睡眠期呼吸紊乱的特点
11.Effect of Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome with Hypertension on Abnormal Metabolism;高血压合并阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停/低通气综合征对代谢紊乱的影响
12.Some laugh and make jokes about it, but it can be a symptom of a serious disorder called obstructive sleep apnea.有人常拿这个来开玩笑,但是这有可能是塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的严重紊乱症状。
13.The study of sleep disorder of asthmatic children in the city of Changsha.长沙市2~12岁哮喘儿童睡眠紊乱研究
14.centric sleep apnea中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停
15.sleep apnea syndrome睡眠呼吸暂停综合征
16.Influence of Nursing Intervention on sleeping Rhythm Derangement in senile Patients with cerebralInfarction老年脑梗死患者睡眠节律紊乱的护理干预研究
17.Factor analysis and countermeasure on sleep patterns disoroder in adult petients hospitalized住院成年患者睡眠型态紊乱的因素分析与对策
18.Polysom Rography Analyses of Obstructive Sleep Apnea-hypopnea Syndrome多导睡眠监测分析睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征

apnea-hypopnea index睡眠呼吸紊乱指数
1.Objective To anlyse the related factors of the lowest oxygen saturation(LSaO2), mean blood pressure and apnea-hypopnea index in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS) and obstruc-tive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome complicatied with hypertension, and the relationship between severity degree of degree and the level of blood pressure in OSAHS patients.目的分析OSAHS和OSAHS+HT患者的平均动脉压、最低血氧饱和度、睡眠呼吸紊乱指数间关系,及OSAHS病情严重程度与血压级别的关系,旨在进一步明确血压的升高在OSAHS发生发展中的作用。
3)AHI (apnea hypopnea index)睡眠呼吸紊乱指数(睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数)
4)respiratory disorder呼吸紊乱
5)sleep and respiration睡眠呼吸
1.In monitor system for sleep and respiration analysis,the character and attribution of MSComm are given,the program of data communication between PC and MCS51 single chip is realized by C++ Builder.对利用C++Builder实现睡眠呼吸分析系统的串行通信方法进行了较为详细的阐述和分析,重点介绍了C++Builder中通信控件MSComm的功能特点、常用属性设置,并给出了睡眠呼吸分析系统中PC机与单片机血氧饱和度模块间串行通信的实现方法。
6)inordinated dormancy time睡眠时相紊乱
