肺部阴影,pulmonary shadow
1)pulmonary shadow肺部阴影
1.Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of fiberobronchoscopy for pulmonary shadow.目的:了解纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)对肺部阴影的诊断价值。
2.Objective To investigate practically and reliability of percutaneous needle biopsy in the diagnosis of pulmonary shadow.目的 探讨经皮肺穿刺活检术在外周肺部阴影中的实用性和可靠性。

1.Patient lung shadow and semiotic body are asked for but abhorrent.病人肺部阴影与症状体征可不一致。
2.The Study of Electronic Branchofiberoscopy for Patients with Lung Shadow in Xinjiang Region新疆地区肺部阴影患者电子支气管镜诊断价值的研究
3.X-ray film of the chest showed increased lung markings with a patch of hazy shadow in the left lower lung near the heart Border.胸部X线片示肺纹理增厚,左下肺心缘可见片状模糊阴影。
4.Shade in the rest把剩下的部分涂上阴影
5.a fringe region of partial shadow around an umbra.边缘地区的部分阴影。
6.X-ray film of the chest showed discrete,scattered,patchy shadows au over Both lungs.胸片示:两肺满布分散斑片状阴影。
7.X-ray films of the chest showed cloudy patches over the right lower lung field in the posterior-anterior view and over the postero-basal segment of the right lower lobe and the right middle lobe in the lateral view.X线胸部正位片可见右下肺野斑片状模糊阴影,侧位片可见于右下叶后基底段和中叶
8.The compared study of the giant shadow of pneumoconiosis stage Ⅲ with CT and X-ray featuresⅢ期尘肺大阴影的CT与X线表现对照分析
9.Analysis on relationship between the intensity of silicosis's small opacity on X-ray and the injury degree of pulmonary function矽肺X射线胸片小阴影密集度与肺功能损伤程度分析
10.A partial shadow, as in an eclipse, between regions of complete shadow and complete illumination.半影在完全阴影和完全照明区之间被部分遮挡的阴影,如在月蚀中
11.Optimal Design of Photovoltaic Arrays Under Partial Shading局部阴影条件下光伏阵列的优化设计
12.Morphological Study of Small Opacities and Hilus Pulmonis and Pulmonary Markings of Different Type Cement Workers' Pneumoconiosis on High-thousand-volt Chest X-ray不同工种水泥作业工人尘肺高仟伏X线胸片小阴影及肺门、肺纹理形态学研究
13.Influencing factors on pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by fungus infection肺结核合并肺部真菌感染的影响因素探讨
14."AB,PaO2,SatO2, X-ray film of the chest showed discrete, scattered, patchy shadows all over Both lungs.""实际碳酸氢盐,氧分压,氧饱和度. 胸片示:两肺满布散在片状阴影"
15.Research on the Effect of Yiqi Yangyin Sanjie Prescription to Proliferation and Apotosis of Human Lung Cancer Cells;益气养阴散结方对人体肺癌细胞增殖与凋亡影响的研究
16.Contrast research of CT manifestations in secondary active pulmonary tuberculosis among patients with positive and negative smear after primary therapy继发性初治涂阳与涂阴活动性肺结核CT影像对比分析
17.The analysis about 256 X-ray conducts of high kilovolt asbestosis irregular diminutive shade256例高千伏胸片石棉肺不规则小阴影X线表现分析
18.Effect of Anti-13 Antibody on Inflammatory Airway of Asthmatic Mouse;IL-13对哮喘大鼠肺部炎症的影响

Lungs sphere shadow肺部球形阴影
3)coin lesion of the lung肺部钱币样阴影
4)have a spot found on one's lungs肺部发现有阴影
5)lung image肺部影像
6)partial shading局部阴影

阴影200无人机Image:1159077909911079.jpg 阴影200无人机
2006年8月24日报道]aai公司获得美陆军航空与导弹司令部授予的一份总值1170万美元的合同,为美陆军一线使用的"阴影"200(shadow 200)rq-7b无人机(uav)综合一种新型战术通用数据链(tcdl)并进行演示验证。l-3通信系统公司和立方防务应用有限公司将作为主要的分承包商,开发、验证和试验该数据链。新型tcdl将为"阴影"200系统与其他有人或无人情报/监视/侦察(isr)系统之间提供近实时的互联互通互用能力。"阴影"200战术无人机系统自2003年在"伊拉克自由"作战行动中首次实战使用至今,已积累超过10万作战飞行小时,其中80%以上是在伊拉克执行战斗支援任务。