下鼻甲黏膜,Mucosa of inferior turbinate
1)Mucosa of inferior turbinate下鼻甲黏膜

1.Expression of histamine receptor in fibroblast of nasal polyp and nasal turbinate mucosa鼻息肉及下鼻甲黏膜成纤维细胞中组胺受体的表达
2.The free mucosa of inferior turbinate is easy to be got and survive.自体下鼻甲黏膜取材方便 ,容易存活 ,可用于修补较大面积的鼻中隔穿孔 ;
3.the dura mater membranes was reconstructed with frontal bone periosteum flap, nasal septa membrane-cartilage flap and nosepiece membrane flap.额部骨膜瓣、鼻中隔黏软骨膜瓣、鼻甲黏膜瓣修补硬脑膜 ;
4.The Effect to Nasal Mucociliary Clearance System by Partial Inferior Turbinectomy with HUMMER or Microwave;电动鼻窦切割钻和微波切除部分下鼻甲对鼻黏膜纤毛清除系统的影响
5.submucoperiosteous resection of inferior下鼻甲粘骨膜下切除术
6.Endoscopic surgical treatment for malignant melanoma of sinonasal mucosa in old patients鼻内镜下切除鼻腔鼻窦黏膜源性恶性黑色素瘤
7.Application of Nasal Endoscope in Septorhinoplasty鼻内窥镜在鼻中隔黏膜下矫正术的应用
8.Mucosal surfaces include the mouth, nose and reproductive organs.黏膜表层包括口鼻黏膜和生殖器黏膜。
9.The effect of submucosal diathermy to the inferior turbinates on nasal airway resistance下鼻甲粘膜下凝固术对鼻气道阻力的影响
10.There were 101 cases accepted modifi ed submucosal resection:deviation of nasal septum was not corrected in 1 case.改良黏膜下切除术101例,1例鼻中隔再偏曲;
11.Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially of the nose and throat.黏膜炎黏膜的发炎,尤指鼻子和喉咙的黏膜发炎
12.Expression of MUC5AC in Human Nasal Polyp and Inferior Turbinate Epithelium;MUC5AC在人类鼻息肉及下鼻甲粘膜上皮的表达
13.The usual complications of submucous resection of the nasal septum (SMR) are septal hematoma, infection, hemorrhage, septal perforation, and nasal deformity.一般鼻中隔黏膜下切除术的并发症包括鼻中隔血肿,出血,感染,鼻中隔穿孔,及鼻变形等。
14.Progress in Nasal Mucosal Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems鼻黏膜生物黏附给药系统的研究进展
15.Nursing Care for Patients Undergoing Lacrimal Sac Fossa Ostomy,Lip Mucosa Transplantation,and Lacrimal Duct Reconstruction Under Nasoendoscopy经鼻内镜下泪囊窝造口唇黏膜移植泪道再造术患者的护理
16.Esophagus mucous hyperemia was found in 3 patients.鼻胃镜检查无1例鼻腔黏膜充血,仅3例示食管黏膜充血。
17.We present a case of nasal septal cyst which may be a rare complication of SMR.本科经历一鼻中隔囊肿的病例,推测可能是鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后的罕见并发症。
18.Nasal mucosa remodeling in guinea pig model of allergic rhinitis实验性变应性鼻炎鼻黏膜组织重塑的特点

Inferior turbinate mucoperiosteal flap下鼻甲黏骨膜瓣
3)Inferior turbinate mucosal flap下鼻甲黏膜瓣
4)opetation of the nasal cavity subperiosteum鼻腔黏-骨膜下埋藏术
5)Nasal septal reconstruction鼻中隔黏膜下矫正术
6)Nasal mucosa鼻黏膜
1.Nitric oxide content and blood flow in nasal mucosa of allergic rhinitis guinea pigs;变应性鼻炎豚鼠鼻黏膜组织中一氧化氮含量与血流量的相关研究
2.Observation of histomorphology on nasal mucosa of guinea pigs by using intranasal steroids containing the preservative benzalkonium chloride;含有苯扎氯胺防腐剂的鼻用类固醇对豚鼠鼻黏膜作用的组织形态学观察
3.Effect of Different Dose Radiation on Nasal Mucosa and Changes of IL-1,IL-6,TNF-α in the Serum of the Guinea Pig;不同剂量辐射对豚鼠鼻黏膜结构的损伤及血清IL-1、IL-6、TNF-α含量变化
