鼻后部出血,rear rhinorrhagia
1)rear rhinorrhagia鼻后部出血
1.Microwave treatment of rear rhinorrhagia under nasal endoscopy;鼻内窥镜下微波治疗鼻后部出血
2)Choanal bleed后鼻孔出血

1.Resultsbleed lie by nose bottom and posterior nares has 16 cases, accounts for 18.39%;结果位于鼻底、后鼻孔出血16例,占18.39%;
2.Effect of compression hemostasis with Foley catheter on intractable choanal hemorrhage: 50 cases observationFoley导尿管压迫止血治疗顽固性后鼻孔出血50例临床观察与护理
3.To evaluate and compare the curative effects between gauze roll packing and dual water bag packing of the anterior post nares in arresting epistaxis.目的 :比较前后鼻孔纱球填塞法与双管水囊前后鼻孔填塞法治疗严重鼻出血的疗效。
4.Objective To discuss clinical value of using the Foley catheter to cure patients with serious nosebleed, and the patients were given corresponding nursing countermeasure.目的探讨鼻内窥镜下气囊导尿管后鼻孔充气治疗严重鼻出血的临床价值。
5.Blow on the nose and nose picking may be the direct cause of bleeding.用力擤鼻子和用手指挖鼻孔可能是鼻出血的直接原因。
6.The usual complications of submucous resection of the nasal septum (SMR) are septal hematoma, infection, hemorrhage, septal perforation, and nasal deformity.一般鼻中隔黏膜下切除术的并发症包括鼻中隔血肿,出血,感染,鼻中隔穿孔,及鼻变形等。
7.The Causes and Management of Hemorrhagic Complications of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal and Extended Transsphenoidal Surgery单鼻孔内镜下经蝶、扩大经蝶入路肿瘤切除术术中、术后出血原因分析及对策
8.Clinical application of selective artery embolization in nasopharyngeal hemorrhage after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal cancer选择性动脉栓塞治疗鼻咽癌放疗后鼻咽部出血
9.Debridement for repeated epistaxis in patients with radiation-related nasopharyngeal necrosis鼻咽清创术在鼻咽癌放疗后鼻咽坏死并反复出血的应用
10.Analysis of septal perforation after endoscopic surgery on nasal sinus鼻内镜鼻窦术后鼻中隔穿孔原因分析
11.Arterial embolotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with intractable epistaxis after radiotherapy鼻咽癌放疗后大出血的动脉栓塞治疗
12.Urgent embolization for the treatment of serious epistaxis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy鼻咽癌放疗后大出血的急诊栓塞治疗
13.On the way, clear fluid was leaking from her nose, then violent nosebleeds started.在路上,清澈的液体从她的鼻子中流出来,然后鼻血开始猛烈地流出。
14.Epistaxis occurs in about 10 per cent.鼻出血则约占10%。
15.Hairs sprouted out from his nostrils.他鼻孔里长出毛来。
16.The complication: nose conglutination 12 cases, antrum jaws atresia 3 cases, post operation hemorrhage 2 cases.并发症鼻粘连12例,窦口闭锁3例,术后出血2例。
17.He lets two live tree snakes up his nostrils and out through his mouth.他表演的绝活是让两条蛇从鼻孔钻入,然后从口腔钻出。
18.The Rationalities for Early Nasogastric Feeding after Operation of Hypertension Cerebral Hemorrhage;高血压脑出血术后早期鼻饲肠内营养的合理应用

Choanal bleed后鼻孔出血
3)postnasal bleedins后鼻道出血
4)nosebleed in the hiding places of the nasal cavity鼻腔隐蔽部位出血
1.Objectives:To explore an effective treatment for nosebleed in the hiding places of the nasal cavity.结论:鼻内窥镜下电凝止血是鼻腔隐蔽部位出血的有效止血方法。
1.The psychological nursing for the middle-aged and senile patients with nosebleed;中老年鼻出血患者的心理护理
2.Hypertension Complicated by Nosebleed Treatment and Nurse Experience;原发性高血压合并鼻出血的护理体会
3.The Therapy of 202 Inpatients with Nosebleed;202例住院鼻出血患者的治疗
6)Nose bleeding鼻出血
1.Methods: nose bleeding 120 cases who accepted of treatment microwave at our ear-nose-throat department from Nov.目的 :观察致康胶囊联合微波治疗鼻出血的作用。
2.Objective: To investigate a new way to treat senile nose bleeding.目的 :探讨治疗老年性鼻出血的新方法。
3.Objective: To explore the relations between nose bleeding and hypertension in order to find more effective treatment for the bleeding caused by hypertension.目的 :探讨老年人血压高低与鼻出血、止血、及其它相关因素 ,寻求由高血压所致老年鼻出血的更有效治疗手段。
