川贝枇杷膏,ChuanBeiPipa Confection
1)ChuanBeiPipa Confection川贝枇杷膏
1.Study on the Pharmacodynamic of ChuanBeiPipa Confection;川贝枇杷膏止咳、化痰、平喘、抗炎及免疫作用研究

2.Assessment Treatment's Effect of Inuncting Oropharynx with King to Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa and Vitamin B Complex川贝枇杷膏、复合维生素B口咽部涂擦治疗慢性咽炎疗效观察
3.Determination of Menthol in Chuanbei Pipa Syrup by GCGC法测定市售川贝枇杷糖浆中薄荷脑含量
4.Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung, dissolves phlegm and arrests cough.枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。
5.Clinical Research of Treatment of Children Acute Cough with Zhejiang Shell Loquat Dew for Children小儿浙贝枇杷露治疗小儿急性咳嗽的临床研究
6.Fresh loquat fruitsGB/T13867-1992鲜枇杷果
7.Profit Cost Analysis of Professional Peasant Cooperative Economic Organization;农民专业合作经济组织的效益成本分析——以四川省仁寿县文宫枇杷协会为例
8.Studies on the Enzymic Browning of Loquat Fruit Ⅲ.The control of enzymatic brown in loquat flesh枇杷果肉酶促褐变的研究Ⅲ.枇杷果实加工中酶褐变的防止
9.Research on the Distribution and Accumulation of Heavy Metal in Loquat Tree and Effects on Quality of Loquat Fruits;重金属在枇杷中的分配累积规律及其对枇杷品质影响研究
10.The Comparison of Antioxidant Activity and the Contents of Antioxidant Componds of Extract Fractions Between Fragrant Loquat and Common Loquat香花枇杷和普通枇杷叶片抗氧化活性成分的比较
11.The edible fruit of this plant.枇杷这种植物可食的果实
12.At this time of the year, there are plenty of red bayberries and loquats on the market.每年的这个时候,杨梅和枇杷大量上市,
13.Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty.水果是从枇杷、荔枝、龙眼,一直吃到福桔!
14.Study on the Application of Programmed Chilling in the Storage of Loquat Fruit (Eriobotrya Japonica Lindl);枇杷果实程序降温贮藏保鲜技术研究
15.Primary Studies on Carotenoid Accumulation in Loquat Fruit;枇杷果实类胡萝卜素积累的初步研究
16.The Effect of INA Bacteria on Loquat Frost;冰核细菌对枇杷幼果受冻致萎的影响
17.The Study of Cadium Toxicity to Loquat (Eriobotrya Japonica Lindl.);Cd对枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)的毒害研究
18.The Research of the Loquat Resources in the South of Shaan xi and the Cultivation Technique;陕南枇杷资源及有关栽培技术的研究

Milian Chuanbei Pipagao蜜炼川贝枇杷膏
1.GC Determination of Menthol and Benzaldehyde in Milian Chuanbei Pipagao;气相色谱法测定蜜炼川贝枇杷膏中薄荷脑和苯甲醛的含量
3)Niancian's Chuan-bei Pipa Gao念慈庵川贝枇杷膏
4)chuanbeipiba polysaccharides川贝枇杷糖
5)fritillary and loquat leaf mixture川贝枇杷露
6)Chuanbei Pipa buccal tablets川贝枇杷含片
1.Conclusion: The results shows that this method is sensitive, simple, specific and accurate for the determination of imperialine in Chuanbei Pipa buccal tablets.目的:研究川贝枇杷含片中西贝碱的含量测定。

秋梨川贝膏菜谱名称 《中国益寿食谱》之延年益寿食谱(四)健肺益寿----秋梨川贝膏所属菜系 其它菜系所属类型 健康菜谱基本特点 润肺养阴、止咳化痰基本材料 雪梨1000克,款冬花、百合、麦冬、川贝各30克,冰糖50克,蜂蜜200克。制法:将诸药切碎,加水煎取浓汁,去渣,将梨、冰糖、蜂蜜兑入,文火煎成膏。功效:润肺养阴、止咳化痰。用法:每次15克,每日2次,温开水冲服。应用:适用于肺阴虚有痰引起的口咽干燥,咳嗽痰黏者。俞小平、黄志杰主编科学技术文献出版社出版