梅尼埃综合征,Menieres disease
1)Menieres disease梅尼埃综合征
2)Bonnier's syndrome邦尼埃综合征
3)adie syndrome埃迪综合征
4)Meniere disease梅尼埃病
1.The Clinical Investigating of Meniere disease Treated by Arranged Needling in the Hairline Regions of the Scalp;头皮发际区排针法治疗梅尼埃病的临床研究
2.Application of Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of Meniere disease;经颅多普勒超声在梅尼埃病诊断中的应用
3.Relative immune factors of Meniere disease;梅尼埃病的相关免疫因素

1.Ivestigation of the Value of Vestibular-evoked Myogenic Potentials in Meniere's DiseaseVEMP在梅尼埃病诊断中应用价值的探讨
2.Auditory and vestibular functions in Meniere's disease and migrainous vertigo梅尼埃病与偏头痛性眩晕的听-前庭功能比较
3.To evaluated the effect of tympanotomy in jection to cure stubborn Meniere′s disease.目的:观察鼓室内注入庆大霉素治疗顽固性梅尼埃病(Meniere病)远期疗效。
4.The glycerol test should be carried out in the period of onset as possible as you can to the suspicious patients.结论:临床上怀疑为梅尼埃病患者,应尽量在发病期施行甘油试验。
5.Tracing study of passive immunity with the labelled special antibodies and lymphocytes against inner ear antigens in autoimmune Meniere's disease自身免疫性梅尼埃病的体液与细胞转移免疫示踪研究
6.Objective To study the characteristics of Meniere's disease in aircrew and its possible influnce on space flight.目的探讨飞行人员梅尼埃病的特点及对航空航天飞行的影响。
7.Clinical Curative Effect Research on Treatment of Meniere's Disease with Lidocaine, Prednisone or Combined Method with Ordinary and Traditional Medicine利多卡因、强的松与中医药合用疗法治疗梅尼埃病的临床疗效研究
8.Study on the Differential Diagnosis Value of ENG between MD and VBI眼震电图在梅尼埃病和椎基底动脉供血不足鉴别诊断中的研究
9.A Clinical Study on Intractable Meniere s Disease with Two Surgical Measures:a Report and Analysis of 98 Cases;前庭神经切断术和内淋巴囊手术治疗梅尼埃病临床研究
10.Long-term results of endolymphatic sac decompression and endolymphatic-mastoid shunting for Meniere's disease梅尼埃病两种内淋巴囊手术方式的远期疗效观察
11.Clinical Observation on 90 Cases patients with Meniere's Disease Treated by β-Sodium Aescinate Injection Combined with Banxia Baizhu Tianma Tangβ-七叶皂苷钠针合半夏白术天麻汤治疗梅尼埃病临床观察
12.Experimental autoimmune Meniere's disease induced by immunization with four kind of components pured from inner ear membranous labyrinth tissue in guinea pig纯化内耳组织抗原免疫致豚鼠自身免疫性梅尼埃病的实验研究
13.The Therapy of Sintratympanic Gentamicin Injection on Intractable Meniere's Disease鼓室内注射庆大霉素治疗难治性梅尼埃病眩晕症
14.Meniere's Disease Treated by TCM and WM Combined中西医结合治疗梅尼埃病(脾虚痰浊中阻型)疗效观察
15.The significance of the audiology and the vestibular function examination in diagnosis of Meniere's disease听力学及前庭功能检查在梅尼埃病患者诊断中的意义
16.Aime Thome de Gamond,名叫埃梅. 托梅. 德. 干蒙,
17.Experiment Studies on the Potential for Aedes Albopictus and Aedes Aegypti to Transmit West Nile Virus in China;我国白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊传播西尼罗病毒的实验研究
18.MAGLIANO, Giandomenico詹多梅尼科·马利亚诺

Bonnier's syndrome邦尼埃综合征
3)adie syndrome埃迪综合征
4)Meniere disease梅尼埃病
1.The Clinical Investigating of Meniere disease Treated by Arranged Needling in the Hairline Regions of the Scalp;头皮发际区排针法治疗梅尼埃病的临床研究
2.Application of Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the diagnosis of Meniere disease;经颅多普勒超声在梅尼埃病诊断中的应用
3.Relative immune factors of Meniere disease;梅尼埃病的相关免疫因素
5)Meniere's disease梅尼埃病
1.Long-term results of endolymphatic sac decompression and endolymphatic-mastoid shunting for Meniere's disease梅尼埃病两种内淋巴囊手术方式的远期疗效观察
2.Experimental autoimmune Meniere's disease induced by immunization with four kind of components pured from inner ear membranous labyrinth tissue in guinea pig纯化内耳组织抗原免疫致豚鼠自身免疫性梅尼埃病的实验研究
3.Auditory and vestibular functions in Meniere's disease and migrainous vertigo梅尼埃病与偏头痛性眩晕的听-前庭功能比较
6)Meniere disease梅尼尔综合症

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