1.Construct the penalty system of unit s crime again——studying from the angle of the penalty regard as the unit itself;重构单位犯罪的刑罚体系——以对单位组织体本身的刑罚为研究视角
2.Economics Explanation on Penalty Existing and Extent for Measurement of Punishment;刑罚存在和刑量判断的经济学分析

1.The Carefull Application of Punishment: the Punishiment for and Division of the Non-felonious Criminial Cases;刑罚慎用:轻型刑事案件的处罚与分流
2.Another Side of Penalty--Rational Study on Value of Penalty;刑罚的另一面——刑罚价值的理性探讨
3.The Position of Fine in the Penal System;简论罚金刑在我国刑罚体系中的地位
4.The Technologies of Power and Punishment:A Study on Foucault's Sociology of Punishment权力技术与刑罚:福柯刑罚社会学研究
5.Subject to the penalty of a specified punishment, such as death.违则以…处罚应受一种指定惩罚的刑罚,如死刑
6.Thought on Penalty Function Transformation--from severe penalty structure to tolerant structure;刑罚功能转化之思考——由刑罚结构轻刑化谈起
7.Article32 Punishments are divided into principal punishments and supplementary punishments.第三十二条刑罚分为主刑和附加刑。
8.His punishment has been commuted from death to life imprisonment.他的刑罚已从死刑减为无期徒刑。
9.International Penal and Penitentiary Commission国际刑罚和感化委员会
10.International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation国际刑罚和感化基金会
11.mandatory life sentence强制性终身监禁刑罚
12.discretionary life sentence酌情性终身监禁刑罚
13.He would submit fatalistically to punishment.他就要遭到致命的刑罚
14.The penalty does not balance with the offense.刑罚与罪过不相称。
15.gave the offender a light sentence.给犯人判的刑罚很轻
16.a room in which torture is inflicted.给人施加刑罚的地方。
17.punishment inflicted by kicking the victim in the behind.在后面踢罪犯的刑罚
18.execution by cutting off the victim's head.砍掉罪犯的头的刑罚

1.Grounds for Light and Heavy Punishments——and on "Strike-hard" Campaign;刑罚轻重的根据——兼论“严打”
2.The Rational Basis and Realization of Softening Criminal Punishment;刑罚轻缓化的正当性基础及其实现
3)criminal penalty刑罚
1.On the Function of Legislative Evaluation of Criminal Penalty;刑罚在立法上的评价功能
2.Recommitment of crimes means that some individuals who have been subjected to criminal penalty jeopardize society once again.重新犯罪是曾受刑法否定评价的犯罪个体再次危害社会,社会危害性极大,一定程度上也意味着前期刑罚改造功能和后期社会预防的不成功。
4)criminal punishment刑罚
1.On Problems Concerning Mitigated Criminal Punishment;对刑罚减轻处罚若干问题的思考
2.Compared with the foreign criminal laws,the stipulation of criminal punishment types for bribery in our criminal law has much to he perfected,especially in deprivation of criminal s qualification and ability and forfeit,which is disadvantageous for punishing and preventing crimes.与国外刑法相比较,我国刑法有关受贿罪刑罚种类的设置不够完善,尤其在剥夺犯罪人再犯的资格和能力、罚金刑等附加刑的设置方面存在一些缺憾,这对惩罚和预防犯罪无疑是不利的。
3.Along this line of thought,criminal punishment should be applied with prudence and in an appropriate amount.慎刑作为21世纪刑罚的价值取向符合时代精神,慎刑是一种理念,一种思维方式,一种价值取向。
1.Dealing with the problems of administrative punishment and criminal penalties is their coordination problems.行政处罚与刑罚作为两种公法上的责任,分别隶属于两种性质不同的法律规范体系。
2.However,for a juvenile delinquent,the charge of criminal responsibilities and the application of penalties are strikingly different from those for an adult criminal.文章从我国刑法关于未成年人犯罪的处罚原则入手,着重分析了在刑法中可以适用及不适用的刑种,提出可以加大推广非刑罚手段的适用。
3.Principle of tolerance of penalties is one of prerequisites to participate in international criminal investigation co-operation, it has important fundamental significance.刑罚许容性原则是世界各国参与国际侦查合作的前提条件之一,具有重要的基础性意义。
1.That so-called fuzziness comes forth with such performance as the unspecific characteristics of requisites in constitution of this crime and the illegible skeleton of crucifixion regulation, and results in abuse of discretion, disorder of social evaluation and comedown of authority of law.这一模糊性主要表现为犯罪构成特征不明确和刑罚脉络不清晰,由此造成了自由裁量权扩张、社会评价混乱和法律权威丧失。
2.The punitive value of the criminal record system is not an instrument to expiate the lack of punishment in the quantity of the fore-sin,or to seek the special precautionary effect of crucifixion,but to diminish the re-criminal s dangerousness of t.前科制度的刑罚价值并非补偿前次犯罪之刑罚在量上的欠缺和不足,追求刑罚的特殊预防效应,而是用以消除再次犯罪人的人身危险性,追求刑罚的特殊预防效应和一般预防效应的手段。
