1.On the stage of Criminal Investigation suspects the protection of human rights;试论我国刑事侦查阶段犯罪嫌疑人的人权保障
2.On the network crime and the investigation countermeasures;论网络犯罪及其侦查对策

1.A tentative Talk on "Overlap" of Underground Criminal Investigation and Temptation Investigation;卧底侦查与诱惑侦查的“交叉现象”探微
2.Promote the Reform of the Investigation Mode with Science and Technology;以科技侦查推动侦查模式的根本变革
3.A Discussion on the Differentiation in the Effectiveness of the Evidences of Investigation;论侦查逻辑中侦查证据的效用差异性
4.On Investigation Conflicts--A Consideration on Harmonious Investigations;论侦查冲突——关于和谐侦查的思考
5.Creative Investigation Thought Pattern--On Investigation Hypothesis;创造性的侦查思维——论侦查假说的提出
6.On the Objective of Investigation Procedure--And a Review on the Reform of the Investigation Procedure in China;侦查目的论——兼评我国侦查程序改革
7.Supplementary Investigation Should Be Confined By the Time Limit of Custody During Investigation补充侦查应当受侦查羁押期限的限制
8.Application of Computer Investigation and Control Technology in Investigation Aspect;谈计算机侦控技术在侦查方面的运用
9.On the Topic "Integration of Investigation and Identification" in Public Security Investigation;关于公安侦查“侦鉴合一”命题的思考
10.Our Country’s Criminal Investigation System Reformation in the View of Investigation Effect;从侦查效益角度看我国刑侦机制改革
11.The Cultivation and Exercise of Detection and Reconnaissance Consciousness;侦查意识与侦察意识及其培养、锻炼
12.An investigator may not suspend investigation of a case before a decision is made on his withdrawal.对侦查人员的回避作出决定前,侦查人员不能停止对案件的侦查
13.On the Classification of Anti-investigation Behaviors (Ⅲ);反侦查行为的类型初探(三)——隐蔽型反侦查行为与公开型反侦查行为
14.On the Classification of Anti-investigation Behaviors;反侦查行为的类型初探(二)——消极性反侦查行为与积极性反侦查行为
15.On Criminal Investigation Laws and Guiding Principles to Criminal Investigation--The First Chapter on Criminal Investigation Dialectics;刑事侦查规律和刑事侦查指导原则——刑事侦查辩证法研究之一
16.From Methods to Methodology:The Only Way for the Study of Criminalistic Theory从侦查方法到侦查方法论:侦查学理论研究的必由之路
17.Criminal Investigation Department, Director General秘鲁刑事侦查局总监
18.They decided to spy on him.他们决定暗中侦查他。

criminal investigation侦查
1.Analyzing the information of collecting evidence before and after the suspects appears in court drawn from the sampling dossiers and obtained by investigation organ,we can find the process and results of interrogation has an important clue function to the promotion of criminal investigation.通过对抽样案卷所反映出的侦查机关在犯罪嫌疑人到案前后取证情况的分析可以发现,讯问的过程与结果对于侦查的推进具有重要的线索功能。
2.Based on the meanings of the basic theoretical field of the criminal investigation,the article puts forward two new perspectives of the study,which are the "pure criminal investigation" and "criminal justice system".从侦查基本理论范畴所具有的意义出发,“纯粹侦查学”和“刑事司法系统”为两种新的研究视角。
3.As a concept,criminal investigation technology has recently been used to study criminal investigation.目前,人们对“侦查技术”概念的使用,认识上仍有偏差,存在模糊科学与技术的区别以及割裂“侦查技术”研究视域的危险。
1.Research on Inquiry Witness System under Government by Law——Take the Detection as an Angle of View;法治视野下的询问证人制度研究——以侦查为视角
2.Argument aboutSafeguarding the Attornney s Right of Meeting with Criminal Suspect in Detection;论侦查阶段律师会见权的保障
1.The reconstruction methods of case facts mainly include: collect data,identify the factual character of a case,analyze the case,virtually construct case facts,investigate and confirm,reevaluate the constructed facts,perfect evidence and determine case facts.侦查阶段查明和认定的案件事实,是运用证据“重建”的法律中规定的案件事实,“重建”的案件事实是对客观事实的虚拟性再现。
2.In a public prosecution case, investigate is an absolutely necessary procedure.在公诉案件中,侦查程序是案件的必经程序,揭露、证实犯罪,查获犯罪嫌疑人的大量实质性活动是在侦查阶段进行的,侦查工作的好坏,直接关系着对案件的正确、及时处理。
5)criminal investigation刑事侦查
1.The DNA identification technology and its use in criminal investigation;DNA鉴定技术及其在刑事侦查中的应用
2.Discussion on both-strict-and-lenient policy in the criminal investigation;刑事侦查中的宽严相济政策探讨
3.Identical Cognizance Is the Basic Theory of Criminal Investigation;刑事侦查学同一认定理论之定位
6)Battle monitoring战区侦查
