1.On the content and system of environment tort relief;论环境侵权救济制度的内容与体系
2.Analysis of the ADR relief system in Japan;日本药品不良反应损害救济制度的建立与实践
3.Analysis of Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in America and establishment of prevention and relief of mechanism for vaccination in China;从美国疫苗伤害救济制度探讨对建立我国预防接种异常反应救济机制的启示

1.indoor relief救济院内的救济(品)
2.relief funds, projects, supplies救济金、 赈灾计画、 救济品.
3.A share of money, food, or clothing that has been charitably given.救济品一份食品或衣物等救济品或救济
4.Office for Special Relief Operations特别救济行动处(特别救济处)
5.Council for Organization of Relief Services Overseas海外救济服务组织理事会(海外救济会)
6.Oxford Committee for Famine Relief牛津饥荒救济委员会(牛津救济会)
7.Relief Association of South Sudan苏丹南部救济协会(苏南救济会)
8.United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency联合国善后救济总署(救济总署)
9.Fundacion de asistencia medico-social医疗社会救济基金会(医疗救济会)
10.Humanitarian Relief Centres人道主义救济中心(救济中心)
11.The essential significance of remedies is the Adequacy of Remedies.救济的根本意义在于救济的充分性。
12."Where there is a right there is a remedy.「有权利即有救济,权利无救济即非权利」。
13.Suturing the Mirror of Justice--Legal Remedy and Relieving Law;正义镜像的缝合——法律救济救济法律
14.Relief of the Right of Relief--Research on constitutional protection of the right of action;论救济权的救济——诉权的宪法保障研究
15.Relief of the Right and the Right of being relieved:Jurisprudential Illumination on the Right of Relief;权利的救济和获得救济的权利——救济权的法理阐释
16.Special Emergency Relief for the Elderly老人特别紧急救济会(救老会)
17.He watched the Salvation Army attempt to feed the poor.他坐视“救世军”去救济穷人。
18.The Salvation Army constituted a relief station for the victims of the fire.救世军为火灾难民设立了一座救济站。

1.On the Fundamental Content and Framework of the Legal System for Environmental Torts Remedy;略论环境侵权救济法律制度的基本内容和结构——从环境权的视角分析
2.Reconsideration on Concept and Remedy for Injury Performance;对加害给付概念与救济的再思考
1.Gender Equal Rights in Employment and Remedies;两性工作平等权及其救济途径
2.The Application and Development of US Nuisance Law for the Remedies of Environmental Torts;美国妨害法在环境侵权救济中的运用和发展
3.Construction of a Comprehensive System of Remedies to Corporate Deadlock;构建多元化的公司僵局救济体系
1.It has deep theory basis in economics and law philosophy to strengthen the supervision and redress to macroscopic regulation.国家宏观调控权的滥用对市场机制基础性作用的地位与私权利保护极易产生损害 ,所以在国内法律赋予国家宏观调控权的同时 ,建立对其有效的法律监督与救济机制已成为当务之急。
2.An integrated civil execution procedure is not only the definite content of accomplishing valid legal instrument, but also should contain both the avenues of redress for the aggrieved parties, the relevant parties due to the misconduct of civil execution and the rectification for the wrong and inexcusable judicial conduct.完整的民事执行程序不仅仅是实现生效法律文书确定的内容,还应当包括对因执行行为合法权益受到侵害的当事人、案外人的救济途径和对错误、不当的执行行为的纠正。
1.New thought of economic almsgiving to criminal victims From the view of resumable justice mode;犯罪被害人经济救济的新思维——以恢复性司法模式为视角
2.It is concluded that to study the dynamic changing process is the base of cognizance with certain almsgiving.根本违约在不同的违约形态下,有着自己独特的表现,它与一般违约相互独立又相互依存、转化、互为因果,研究它们动态变化的过程是认定它们并采取趋利避害的救济方法的基础。
6)relief of the right of relief救济权的救济
