1.Analysis on "Faults"in No-fault Liabilities for Electric Power Operation Fault and Damage;电力事故无过错责任中的“过错”问题分析
2.Effect of fault on judging causality;过错在因果关系判断中的影响
3.Rethinking about Fault on Torts;对侵权过错概念的再认识

1.Negligence is based on a theory of fault. Every individual has a duty to behave in a reasonable manner toward others.过失以过错理论为基
2.tending to find and call attention to faults.倾向于寻找过错并引起别人注意过错
3.Those who had made mistakes in the past admitted them.犯过错误的人,也承认过去犯了错误。
4.“Fault” means wrongful act, omission or breach.“过错”指错误行为,懈怠或侵权。
5.I decided to keep my misadventure secret.我打算对这段过错保密。
6.I hoped I hadn't made a mistake.我曾希望我没犯过错误。
7.These mistakes cannot be helped.这些过错是难免的。
8.punishable offenses.应该受到惩罚的过错
9.Bear with my faults.请多多包涵我的过错
10.pardon an offence, a fault, etc宽恕罪过、 错误等
11.I did, but I was wrong. It was a slip of the tongue.我是说过,但我说错了。我一时说错了。
12.a ghastly error, mess, mistake, etc极大的过失、 混乱、 错误等
13.point out the mistakes or faults of(sb)指出(某人)的错误或过失
14.Allen is late for dinner.艾伦错过了晚餐时间。
15.They crossed each other on the way.他们在途中互相错过。
16.The delight of love had again slipped away.爱情的欢乐再次被错过。
17.I can't let this mistake pass.我不能把这个错误放过。
18.The chance was too good a one to 'miss.那机会真好, 不容错过。

1.Contributory Negligence, as a fundamental rule for responsibility allotment, mainly resolve the question of how to attribute responsibilities among both sides when a victim is also at fault for causing the damage.在侵权法中,过失相抵作为一项非常重要的责任分配规则,主要解决的问题是:在损害发生时,如果受害人也有过错,如何在当事人之间公平的分配损害责任。
1.These flaws are shown in the following four aspects: fewer situation for damages; its requesting and exercising rights just because of divorce;its compensation only limited to divorce proceedings, unsuitable for consultative divorce;the responsible subjects only restricted to the error match, but not related to the illegal third party.我国现行离婚损害赔偿制度存在着缺陷,这种缺陷主要表现在四个方面:损害赔偿情形较少;损害赔偿请求权的享有和行使,仅以离婚为原因和前提;损害赔偿仅限于诉讼离婚,而不适用于协议离婚;损害赔偿的责任主体仅限于有过错配偶,不涉及婚姻关系之外的第三人。
2.Rational man”is universally used as the criterion for the judgment of errors and to ascertain whether or not the delinquent part has the prediction to the damage because of breaking contract.:“理性人”被普遍地用作认定过错或检验违约方对违约损害是否有预见的标准 ,但法学界对该标准的讨论极少。
5)cross-flow filtration错流过滤
1.The fractionalization of the hyaluronic acid(HA) fermentation broth by cross-flow filtration was studied with microfiltration membranes(0.膜错流过滤可实现混合液中物质的分级,在生物工程领域有着广泛的应用,其过滤特性与水力条件及溶液性质有密切关系。
2.It is suggested that cross-flow filtration,the real operating mode,be adopted for UF choosing.膜的筛选应该按照膜所要应用的实际工况即错流过滤的方式来进行。
3.With theoretic and experimental analysis,the principle,characteristics and application effects of cross-flow filtration and diatomite filtration were co.错流过滤技术是利用无机或有机膜多孔结构,通过料液冲刷和膜管内外压力差达到澄清料液的目的。
6)crossflow filtration错流过滤
1.A simple model of dynamic membrane forming in crossflow filtration system;错流过滤系统中动态膜形成过程的数学模型
2.The existent questions in the crossflow filtration are analyzed as an emphasized portion.重点分析了错流过滤应用中的问题。
3.The formation of kaolin dynamic membrane (DM) on a ceramic membrane tube via crossflow filtration and the performance of the prepared DM used in wastewater treatment were studied.实验中采用错流过滤方式涂膜,考查了跨膜压差、涂膜液浓度、错流速度及涂制时间等对动态膜形成的影响。

过错过错  【过错】构成侵权损害赔偿责任的主观要件。有故意和过失两种形式,是行为人实施违法行为时的心理状态。民法上区分故意和过失,是为了解行为人的动机和目的,不是用以确定赔偿责任的大小。一般情况下,行为人都应对其造成的侵权损害负赔偿责任。如果加害人和受害人有混合过错,或是几个人的共同过错造成损失则应负连带赔偿责任,应根据各自的过错程度承担不同的经济赔偿。责任保险不负责故意行为造成的对他人的损害赔偿。