1.From Possession to Real Right;从占有到物权——论占有在物权法中的基础地位

1.Possessio iuris civilis法定占有,市民法占有
2.Missio in possessionem实现占有,特准占有令状,占有命令
3.To occupy or take possession of in advance or before another.先占预先或在另一人之前占据或占有
4.To appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others.预先占有先于他人而占用、占有或据为已有
5.Knowledge obtainment includes two forms: initiative and passive.知识占有包括两种形式:主动占有和被动占有
6.The essential element is possession, and that possession must be lawful.(占有留置的)必备要素是占有,且该占有必须合法。
7.acquire 100 shares of stock.占有100 份股票
8.He has a strong possessive instinct. = The possessive instinct is strong in him.他有强烈的占有欲 [占有的本能] 。
9.Possession is nine-tenths of the law.(谚)实占有,败一胜九。/占有者在诉讼中总占上风。
10.Possession in nine points of the law.占有者在诉讼中总占上风(现实占有,败一胜九)。
11.Possession is nine points of the law.现实占有,败一胜九〔指在诉讼中占有者总占上风〕。
12.P-is nine points of the law.[谚]现实占有;九胜一败;占有者在诉讼中占上风。
13.Interdictum recuperandae possessionis恢复占有之令状,回复占有之令状
14.Liti se offerre(未占有而)作为占有人参加诉讼
15.Fresh force was force recently done.近期占有指发生不久的占有行为。
16.To hold or fill(an office or a position.占有占有或位居(办公室或职位)
17.Prior seizure of, appropriation of, or claim to something, such as property.先占对某物如财产的抢先占有、占用或权利主张
18.Of or relating to ownership or possession.拥有的,占有的拥有的或占有的或与其有关的

1.According to the viewpoint of traditional theory on civil law,the logic premise of bona fide acquisition on chattel is "occupation represents ownership".动产善意取得制度,渊源于日耳曼法上的"以手护手"原则,动产善意取得制度是近代观念所有权发展的产物,其逻辑前提乃是占有表征本权。
2.It is very useful to get a right choice to review from different perspectives of demonstration of occupation,demonstration of registration,the legislation in practice in different countries and occupation with good will.从占有公示方式、登记公示方式、各国动产抵押权立法实践、与善意取得制度协调等不同视角分别考察动产抵押权的公示方式的选择有助于得出正确的结论;动产抵押权的公示方式的最佳选择是登记与占有公示方式的结合;占有的功能在于使抵押权在交易过程中呈现出可识别的特征,满足动产交易要求;登记的功能应当是确定抵押权是否具有对抗一般债务人与其他抵押权人的效力。
3.From the angle of relationship between man and wealth, the essence of poverty and richness lies in the occupation of object by subject.从人与物及人与人的关系上看,贫富的本质在于贫富的主体对客体的占有
1.The possessing system is to protect a kind of benefit.占有制度保护的对象本质上是一种利益。
2.It is generally accepted that the ownership of the money is coincidence with its possession.货币是民法上一种特殊的物,一般认为“货币所有权与占有一致”,但该原则对一些特殊情形如委托、代理、信托、行纪等不能简单适应。
3.This article holds that corporative property right is a new kind of real right, namely, according to law, the company has independent right to possess, to use, to make profit from, and to handle all its corporative properties.该文认为法人财产权是一种新型物权 ,即公司对其全部法人财产依法独立享有的占有、使用、收益和处分的权
1.However, researches in the academicarea is just concentrating on the introduction of the system and the comparison ofconcept of occupancy, and the researches is very simple on the force adeffect, theform of occupancy, to which has mostly refer in practice.占有是物权法领域中的一个具有基础性意义的制度,对于整个物权法体系的构建有很大的价值。
2.System of property publication including the relationship between property publication and property transference publication; property publication property publication the means of property publication, that is, occupancy and registration; and relevant issues in respect of property publication set forth in property law.其中包括物权公示同物权变动公示的关系问题;物权公示的方式,即占有和登记的相关问题;我国在制定物权法时在物权公示制度上的相关问题。
3.Notwithstanding the existence of such legal systems as innocent acquirement of chattels,pre empt and acquisition by occupancy of the lost property or pickup, the rules about usucaption of chattels had its applicability in the law of property.从对相关制度的比较分析中可见 :在存在动产善意取得、先占 ,以及对遗失物、拾得物的占有取得等诸项制度的情况下 ,动产时效取得仍有其适用的逻辑空间 ;以不动产登记为核心的现代财产登记制度亦不能取代取得时效的适用价值 ;设立取得时效制度符合立法的效率原则。
1.Byatt s Parody of the Classic Myths in Possession;拜厄特在《占有》中对经典神话的戏仿
2.Loss and Gain——An Analysis of Two Love Stories in Possession;飘逝与渐悟——评《占有》中的两段爱情
