1.On the relationship between elite higher education and mass higher education;也论精英高等教育与大众高等教育的关系
2.A Micro-perspective on the Elites Formation in the Village-in-city of Wenzhou;温州“城中村”“精英”生成的微观考察
3.Study on the imperial examination system from the perspective of elite circulation system;精英循环理论视野下的科举制度研究

1.Management excellence around the worldmba世界管理精英
2.Leadership by such a group.精英领导精英阶级的领导们
3.relating to or characteristic of a meritocracy.关于精英的,或有精英的特征的。
4.Politicization of the Economic Elite: A New Interpretation of Elite Reproduction;经济精英政治化:精英再生产的新诠释
5.5. positive Church commercial elites.5.一些产业精英向商业精英的转化; 6.外来移民所形成的商业精英
6.He took rank with those others, the superior.他与精英人物不分轩轾。
7.They are the flowers of modern youth.他们是当代青年的精英
8.the ruling, scientific elite掌权的、 科学方面的精英
9.The kind of Chinese elite we need我们所需要的华文精英
10.Scientific brains flowed into America.科学界的精英流入美国。
11.She only moves in the best circles.她只在精英圈子中活动.
12.They are the flower of our nation.他们是我们民族的精英
13.Elite college sportsmen and education;学科视野下高等体育精英精英教育实施途径
14.Teach yourself English (select edition)《英语自学》(精华本)
15.quartz accuracy and good duraBility石英精度,经久耐用
16.She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.她认真学习而精通英语。
17.selections from 18th century English poetry18世纪英国诗歌精选
18.3. Mastery of English + extraordinary talent三、精通英文+卓越才干。

the elite精英
1.On the Popular culture and the Elite culture——Discuss the Drawbacks and the Solutions of the Contemporary Literature;通俗文化与精英文化——兼谈当下文学的弊病与出路
2.This article analyses the structure of contemporary Chinese political culture that includes the elite s political culture and the masses political culture,and which may also be divided to socialistic ideology,traditional political culture and democratic political culture.当代中国政治文化在精英和大众层面都存在着社会主义意识形态、传统政治文化、民主政治文化三种类型的交织与分化,当代中国政治文化的整合与创新应以培育和发展出有中国特色的以权利、民主、法治为核心理念的社会主义公民文化为指向,政治社会化对于政治文化整合与更新尤为重要。
1.Study on the Influence of the Electric Athletic Game——Counter-Strike;电子竞技游戏《反恐精英》影响探究
4)Professional elite专业精英
5)Elite education精英教育
1.On "medical education belonging to elite education";关于“医学教育是精英教育”的辨析
2.Elite Education and the Building of an Innovation Nation论精英教育与创新型国家的建设
3.Mass higher education gave great strike to traditional elite education, while knowledge economy supplies us with the new viewpoint to this issue.高等教育大众化对传统的精英教育带来了巨大冲击,知识经济的到来为我们重新认识精英教育的功能提供了新的视角,和传统的精英教育功能相比,历史又赋予了其新的功能:它是知识经济时代高科技发展的内在要求;是培养高层次创新性人才的必须;为知识与经济的融合搭建优良的平台。
6)elitist syndrome精英症
1.From synthetical angle of “social function theory” and “social interaction theory”,to analyze “deviate behavior of role” and production and reproduction process of “elitist syndrome”, conclude that “elitist syndrome” is essentially a results of negative response to social pressure.综合“功能论”与“互动论”两种理论,从“角色偏离”出发分析了“精英症”生产与再生产的过程,指出“精英症”实质上是对待超负荷社会压力消极回应的结果,在此基础上,提出矫治“精英症”的社会控制手段。
