1.Study of enterprise horizontal merger based on network externality;基于网络外部性的企业横向兼并研究
2.On the Culture Integrity Pattern in the Enterprises Merger;论企业兼并中文化整合模式的选择
3.Analysis on Cross-Border Merger Model under Information Asymmetry;不完全信息下跨国兼并模型分析

1.the aBsorption of smaller triBes兼并(吸收)小部落
2.Bhavavarman did not annex Funan.拔婆跋摩并未兼并扶南。
3.Research on Target Firm s Merger Timing of Duopoly;双寡头兼并目标企业的兼并时机研究
4.Second, the merging of enterprises is encouraged and bankruptcy procedures standardized.二、鼓励兼并、规范破产;
5.Encourage mergers and standardize Bankruptcy procedures鼓励兼并,规范破产
6.Small firms being swallowed up by giant corporations, ie taken over so that they disappear被大公司兼并的小商行
7.Analysis of Horizontal Merger Based on Stackelberg Competition;Stackelberg横向兼并博弈的分析
8.An Interguated Analysis from the Entrepreneur s Behavior and Mangers Performance;论企业兼并过程中的企业家行为与兼并绩效
9.Analyses on selection about the way of merger from the Orientation of merger;从兼并取向谈我国企业兼并方式的选择
10.On M&A and Enlightenment of Five Tides of M&A in U.S.A;企业兼并及美国企业五次兼并浪潮的启示
11.Q: How do you view the merging of enterprises?问:怎样看待企业的兼并、合并?
12.Looking at the Way of China Enterprises Annexing and Purchasing from International Annexing Unrest;从国际兼并风潮看国内企业并购之路
13.A violation can occur even if there is no lessening of competition between the acquiring and the acquired firm.即使没有削弱兼并和被兼并厂商之间的竞争,也可能构成触犯法令。
14.The study indicates that firms generally have incentive to merger when there is products synergy effect.研究表明:当兼并存在产品协同效应时,企业将普遍存在兼并动机。
15."But these merger and acquisition (M&A) activities are mainly limited within the same industries and few of the M&A deals are cross-industries," Yang said.杨教授说:“但这些兼并主要局限于同一行业内部,很少有跨行业兼并。”
16.Equilibrium Effects Analysis on Horizontal Merger: A Merger Model Based on Supply Function Competition;横向兼并的均衡影响分析——基于供给函数竞争的兼并模型
17.Tax payers have the right not to pay business tax when they merge or annex enterprises.45纳税人合并、兼并企业,有不缴纳营业税的权利。
18.Share price soar on the news of the takeover bid or the news of the takeover bid send share price soaring.兼并出价的消息使得股票价格飞涨。

1.Comparison and analysis of the differences of bankruptcies and mergers between Chinese and foreign enterprises;中外企业破产兼并的对比分析
2.And the fair market value for mergers or acquisition is also discussed further.着重讨论如何设置和建立企业兼并或收购的清单和标准 ,并结合当今美国理论界和实际操作对公平市价的理解和运用 ,进而讨论兼并或收购中公平市价的确立问题。
3.From the standpoint of division of merger premium, we analyze the pricing problem of mergers with different medium of exchange, and develop three models of merger pricing with cash, stock and cash plus stock, which can be combined into one general model.本文从兼并溢价分配的角度,结合不同支付方式的约束条件,分析了在现金、换股、以及现金加换股混合支付条件下的兼并定价问题,得出了不同支付方式条件下兼并定价的一般模型,并结合实例对兼并中的控股问题和兼并谈判的边界问题进行了讨
1.In the past 100 years, annexation developed from the interior of a business to conglomerate, from home to abroad, from developed country to the world, and from the initial depth to width.在 10 0多年的时间里 ,兼并活动不断从行业内部向跨行业发展 ,从国内向跨国发展 ,从发达国家向全球扩展 ,从最初的横向兼并向纵向兼并以及混合兼并发展 ,汇成了一股不可抵挡的浪潮。
2.The annexation and reorganization of securities commerce、socialization increase capital and enlarge shares of the securities market of China is the internal requisition of the development of securities market of China for the managerial organs of securities and it is the only road for the securities.我国的证券市场 ,券商的兼并重组、社会化增资扩股 ,也正是我国证券市场发展对证券经营机构的内在要求 ,是我国证券市场走上成熟、规范与高效率的必由之路。
3.The western annexation theory which has already had , takes complete capital market as its prerequisite.既有的西方兼并理论 ,是以完全资本市场为前提的。
1.The international banks annex is a king of trend today, shawing the development driection of banking and giving the pressure and challenge to the fast developing china s banking.国际银行兼并热已成为一股历史潮流,它展示了银行业的发展方向,这给正在推进改革、加速发展的中国银行业形成了压力和挑战。
2.Whether the state-owned enterprise can adapt to global competition after our country enter the WTO,the crux of this matter is to change managing mechanism thoroughly, and decide on an effective approach to the development of enterprises;to annex and combine according to the practical operation and best the utilization of r.本着自身需求的原则 ,选择适应企业发展进行兼并重组 ,优化资源配置 ,实行强强联合 ,突出核心竞争力 ,从而提高经济效益 ,实现工业化、市场化、全球化和信息化战略调
1.The paper gives a brief introduction to the merge and reorganization of international petroleum and petrochemical corporations, expounds on the trends of operation and development of foreign main petroleum corporations and puts forth relevant proposals as regards the development of China's petrochemical industry.简略介绍了国际石油石化公司兼并重组的情况 ,论述了国外大石油公司的经营发展动向 ,并对我国石化工业的发展提出了相应的建议。
2.In company merge, the payment will influence the purchasers income and the shareholders of the enterprisc sold.在公司兼并或发盘收购中,支付方式对收购者及被收购者企业的股东收益会产生影响。
3.Based on the endogenous product strategic relation,this paper studies the social effect brought about by enterprise merge.本文在产品战略关系内生的基础上,研究了企业兼并所产生的社会效应;通过一个四企业在两市场上竞争模型对企业为获得产品协同的兼并动机进行了分析,结果表明:在本文的假设条件下,当企业兼并存在产品协同效应时,普遍存在兼并动机。
