1.Research on several legal issues in the registry of ship mortgage;船舶抵押权登记中的若干法律问题研究
2.Analyzing the law conflicts of mortgage on ship under construction and its resolution;建造中船舶抵押权的法律冲突及其解决

1."upon the lodgment by the mortgagor or mortgagee of the mortgage instrument and memorandum of discharge,"抵押人或抵押权人将抵押文书及解除抵押备忘录送交后,
2.maritime liens and mortgages海上留置权和抵押权
3.lien and hypothecation财产的留置权及抵押权
4.One that holds a mortgage.抵押权人持有一抵押契据或财物的人
5.On Implementing The Hypothecating Right in The Loan of Personal Tenement Hypothecating;论个人住房抵押贷款中抵押权的实现
6.The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property.债权,要求权索回被抵押财产的抵押权的请求
7.On Legal Attributes of Mortgage and Mortgagee s Right;论抵押权的法律属性与抵押权人的权利
8.first mortgage第一抵押权(同一不动产作数次抵押,第一抵押有优先受偿之权)
9."Where a mortgage is discharged, the mortgage instrument with a memorandum of discharge in the specified form endorsed thereon "凡抵押获解除时,抵押人或抵押权人须将抵押文书连同解除抵押备忘录送交注册官,
10.The mortgagee shall have the priority of compensation with respect to the receipts resulting from the disposal of the mortgaged property.处分抵押财产所得,抵押权人有优先受偿权。
11.The Conflict & Coordination Between the Legal Hypothec & the Normal Hypothec;法定抵押权和意定抵押权的冲突与协调
12.Of the purpose that enterprise movables guaranty registers prevent to repeat pledge, ensure the implementation of hypothec.企业动产抵押登记的目的的防止重复抵押,保障抵押权的实现。
13.Article51 Where a mortgagor's acts are likely to cause the value of the mortgaged property to decline, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor cease and deist from such acts.第五十一条抵押人的行为足以使抵押物价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。
14.Article58 The right of mortgage shall lapse due to loss or destruction of the mortgaged property.第五十八条抵押权因抵押物灭失而消灭。
15.The Protection of Mortgagee s Interests as Hypothecated Real Estate Transferred;不动产抵押物转让与抵押权人利益的保全
16.Analysis On The Establishment of Mortgage relation of Real Estate and on The Realization of Mortgage Right;浅析房地产抵押关系的成立及抵押权的实现
17.Article18 In case the mortgagee has transferred all or part of his right to debt secured by the mortgaged ship to another person, the mortgage shall be transferred accordingly.第十八条抵押权人将被抵押舶舶所担保的债权全部或者部分转让他人的,抵押权随之转移。
18.subject to foreclosing procedures; take away the right of mortgagors to redeem their mortgage.使服从取消抵押品赎回权程序;剥夺抵押人赎回抵押的权利。

1.On the system design of force of hypothec recourse;论抵押权追及效力制度之设计
2.On the order of implementation of the hypothec of the real estate;房地产抵押权实现顺序探讨
3.Research on the Combining Effectiveness of Hypothec and Leasehold;抵押权租赁权并存效力探究
3)mortgage right抵押权
1.The legal basis of forest resource assets mortgage right is introduced.对森林资源资产抵押权的法律依据、推行森林资源资产抵押方式融资的必要性进行了分析,从森林资源流转制度、评估体系、银行抵押贷款、林业产业化四个方面提出了相应的措施。
2.Since the German Civil Code distinguished real right from debt right and classified mortgage right into real right,scholars had many arguments about the nature of mortgage right.自从德国民法典区分物权与债权并抵押权归入物权后,学者们不断质疑争论。
3.it is important but not definite problem for mortgage right and detain right which should priority be compensated in law under circumstance of coexistence of same bid target.抵押权与留置权在同一标的物并存的情况下,哪一个应优先受偿的问题,是一个重要然而在法律中尚未明确的问题。
4)mortgage rights抵押权
1.Our country s security system does not confirm the claim of mortgage rights,does not acknowledge the mortgagee enjoying the right,and merely makes some limits to the mortgagee s ownership,which is confined to using the alienation of the pledge to guaranttee the mortgagee s interest.我国的担保立法中未确认抵押权的追及力,不承认抵押权人享有追及权,仅仅对抵押人享有的所有权作出限制,局限于以转让抵押物的价款来担保抵押权人的利益。
2.As mortgage rights have the attributes of value and subrogation, the recourse of these rights may undergo dint variation to balance the benefits of the parties concerned in a smooth and orderly trade.由于抵押物权具有价值性以及具备代位性等特点,为平衡抵押关系各方利益,保障交易秩序,抵押权的追及力应发生变异。
3.But in case it contends against or operate jointly with mortgage rights, there is no stipulation on their sequence of preference, which brings about problems in economic construction and judicial practice of our country.我国《合同法》规定了建设工程款优先受偿权 ,但对于它和抵押权竞合时谁更应优先未作规定。
5)right to mortgage抵押权
1.It is necessary to substitute broadened subrogation and force of conservation for right to mortgage on the basis of limiting mortgage transference by mortgager to show logic system of civil law and notion of equity.抵押权的物上追及力为抵押权的基本效力之一。
2.At the same time, transfer of mortgage may also result in the conflicts between the dispose right of the mortgager and the right to mortgage owned by the mortgagor and the right of the transferee of the object of pledge.同时,因抵押物转让将引起抵押人的处分权与抵押权人的担保权发生冲突,抵押权人的担保权与抵押物受让人的所有权也将发生冲突,在这个三角形关系中,如何平衡各方利益,如何维护交易安全并提高交易效率?本文将通过比较分析、规范分析和利益平衡分析的研究方法展开论述。
3.System of right to mortgage is the important constitutive part of security system, which lies in an essential position in real rights for security.抵押权制度是担保制度的重要组成部分,在担保物权中处于核心位置。
