1.Regional Governance under the Nationalism Background;国家主义背景下的民族区域治理

1.particularism-nationalism school特殊主义-国家主义学派
2.Globalism, nationalism and competitive sport in China全球主义、国家主义与中国竞技体育
3.an extreme bellicose nationalist.极端好斗的国家主义者。
4.pompously ultraconservative and nationalistic.傲慢的极端保守主义和国家主义
5.welfare statism福利国家论[主义]
6.state of the Zionist gangs犹太复国主义匪帮国家
7.National Socialist Party of America美国国家社会主义党
8.The Capitalism, Social Democracy and Welfare Country;资本主义、社会民主主义和福利国家
9.There is no doubt that the imperialists want socialist countries to change their nature.帝国主义肯定想要社会主义国家变质。
10.State Socialism advocates state control of industry.国家社会主义主张工业应由国家管理.
11.He was loyal to his country [friend, principles].他忠于国家 [朋友,主义] 。
12.nations in the Communist bloc.共产主义集团的国家。
13.German idealist philosopher (1724-1804).德国理想主义哲学家。
14.governmental officials in capitalist countries资本主义国家公务员
15.autonomous port自治港(在资本主义国家
16.totalitarian state capitalism资本主义国家集权经济
17.Political System of Capitalist Countries资本主义国家政治制度
18.nationalistic education民族[国家]主义教育

1.The Impact of Statism and Nationalism on the Law of Germany;论国家主义和民族主义对德国法的影响
2.His constitution and regime theory,the statism of citizens protection as well as the power of check and balance theory have played a pivotal function in the modern China s constitutional practice.他的国体与政体理论、国家主义的公民权利保护以及权力制衡理论对近代中国的宪政实践起了举足轻重的作用。
3.Chinese-styled bail system is a compulsory measure instead of the right of an arrestee or detainee,and its bedrock in essence is the presumption of crime,which reflects the statism prosecution idea which main characteristics is laying .在英美法国家的刑事诉讼中,保释是被逮捕人或者被羁押人的一项重要诉讼权利,其理论基础是无罪推定原则,它蕴含着人权保护价值、诉讼经济价值以及诉讼效益价值;我国取保候审制度是一项强制措施而非被羁押或被逮捕对象的权利,其理论基础究其实质仍然是有罪推定,它体现了重权力轻权利、重人治轻法治、重集权轻分权、重集体轻个体、重实体轻程序的国家主义诉讼观。
3)doctrine of family and stat家国主义
4)New Nationalism新国家主义
1.The "New Nationalism" in the Japanese politics——an Undercurrent towards Political Big Power;日本政坛的“新国家主义”——一股迈向政治大国的暗流
5)Nationalistic party国家主义派
1.This paper discusses the western ideological background when the Nationalistic party appeared.论述了国家主义派产生的西方思想背景,指出它是西方资产阶级民族沙文主义与20世纪初中国社会现实相结合的产物。
