1.The Current Situation and Contemplation on Medical Patent Protection s under TRIPs;TRIPs协议下药品专利权保护现状及思考
2.Rule of Competition Law for Trade Secrets of TRIPS and Improving Relative Rules of China;TRIPS协议中商业秘密的竞争法规则及我国相关法制的完善
3.Thinking on TRIPS Protecting Intellectual Property in High Criterion;TRIPS协议对知识产权高标准保护引发的思考

1.On the Harmonization of TRIPS and Trade Mark Law of China;论我国商标法与TRIPS协议的协调
2.Trips Agreement and Judicial Protection of Chinese Intellectual Property Right;TRIPS协议与中国知识产权司法保护
3.The Research on <Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights> and Trademark Legal System of China;TRIPS协议与我国商标法律制度研究
4.The Legal Research about the Medicine Patent Protection under TRIPS;TRIPS协议下药品专利保护的法律研究
5.Judicial Protection of Chinese Property Rights Based on the TRIPS Protocol;TRIPS协议下中国知识产权的司法保护
6.Chinese Geographical Indications Protection System Research under TRIPS;TRIPS协议下我国地理标志保护制度研究
7.Research on Chinese Legal System of Trademark Rights under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协议下的我国商标法律制度研究
8.Research on TRIPS Agreement and Border Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China;TRIPS协议与我国知识产权边境措施研究
9.The Docks of Chinese Intellectual Property Rights Protection and TRIPS Agreement;中国知识产权保护与TRIPS协议的对接
10.Research on Enforcement System of Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights;TRIPS协议知识产权执法制度研究
11.TRIPS and China s Administrative Protection of Intellectual Property;TRIPS协议与我国知识产权行政保护
12.Theoretical Study on the 13~(th) Article Provided by TRIPS;TRIPS协议第13条的理论考察
13.On the TRIPS Agreement Concerning the Protection of Geographical Indications;TRIPS协议保护地理标志规范评析
14.On the Protection of Trademark Rights under the TRIPS Agreement;论TRIPS协议下我国商标权的保护
15.Elastic Clauses in TRIPS Agreement and Amendation of Patent Law of China;TRIPS协议弹性条款与我国《专利法》修正
16.Common Problems of Intellectual Property Rights in TRIPS;TRIPS协议中知识产权的公共性问题
17.Patent Parallel Import in TRIPs Treaty;TRIPs协议下的专利平行进口问题
18.On Contrasting Trips Agreement with China Criminal Protection of Trademark Rights;Trips协议与中国商标权刑事保护研究

Trips agreementTrips协议
1.On the TRIPS Agreement Concerning the Protection of Geographical Indications;TRIPS协议保护地理标志规范评析
2.On the Necessity to Revise Trips Agreement from the Perspective of Human Rights Protection;Trips协议修改的必要性——人权保护的视角
3.Elastic Clauses in TRIPS Agreement and Amendation of Patent Law of China;TRIPS协议弹性条款与我国《专利法》修正
3)TRIPs AgreementsTRIPs协议
1.On Choosing Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights in Terms of TRIPS Agreements;从TRIPS协议看我国知识产权战略路径选择
2.Synthetical Reviews on Differences between TRIPS Agreements and Chinese Laws of Intellectual Property Rights and Perfection;我国知识产权法律制度与TRIPS协议存在的差距及其完善综述
3.However the system still exists shortage,and doesn’t match the require of TRIPs Agreements.但是,当前的地理标志法律制度尚存在不足之处,与TRIPs协议的要求存在差距。
4)WTO/TRIPS agreementWTO/TRIPS协议
5)TRIPs agreementTRIPs 协议
1.Since TRIPS agreement came into force in 1995, it has made great efforts to protecting intellectual property rights.TRIPS 协议自1995 年生效以来,对知识产权的保护产生了良好的效果。
6)article 30 of TRIPS agreementTRIPS协议第30条
1.In return, article 30 of TRIPS agreement adopted a general method, setting out the principles and requirements in providing and enforcing these general exceptions of the WTO members.各国对各种一般例外大都分别予以规定,但TRIPS协议的协调没有采取此种逐一方式,相反,TRIPS协议第30条采取了总括式规定,设定了各国规定和实施这些一般例外的总的原则和要求。

Agreement on TRIPs与贸易有关的知识产权协议(Agreement on TRIPs,简称《知识产权协定》)。与贸易有关的知识产权协议有7部分,共73条。第一部分为总则和基本原则;第二部分为知识产权适用范围和标准;第三部分为知识产权的实施;第四部分为获取和维持知识产权及其有关程序;第五部分为争端的防止和解决;第六部分为过渡性安排;第七部分为机构设置和最后条款。