1.Structural Inspection of Weber s Industrial Arrangement Theory;韦伯工业布局论的结构考察
2.Analysis of Tawney s Inheritance and Criticism of Weber s Protestant Ethic;托尼对韦伯新教伦理观的继承与批评
3.From Weber s "Rationality" to"Non-rationality";从韦伯现代性的“合理性”到“非合理性”

1.Osler-Rendu-Weber disease奥斯勒-朗迪-韦伯三氏病
2.Weber, Max 1954. Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society. (Max Rbeinstein, ed.) Cambridge: Harvard Unov. Press.(马克斯·)韦伯(1954):《马克斯·韦伯论经济与社会中的法律》。
3.Max Weber Looking at Confucius:Spiritual and Natural Forces in the Weberian View of Chinese History;马克斯·韦伯眼中的孔子:韦伯中国史观中的精神与自然力
4.Weber, Max1954. Max Weber on Law in Economy and Society.( Max Rbeinstein, ed.) Cambridge: Harvard Unov. Press.(马克斯·韦伯(954)《马克斯·伯论经济与社会中的法律》。
5.You have heard of Webster Toys.你一定听说过韦伯斯特玩具。
6.Have you ever heard of Noah Webster?你听说过诺亚?韦伯斯特吗?
7.Websters want someone who can stand on his own feet.韦伯斯特公司需要有独立见解的人。
8.'The hell with Weber, music and pianos!'“让韦伯、音乐和钢琴全都见鬼去吧
9.a unit of magnetic flux density equal to one weber per square meter.磁通量密度单位等于每平方米韦伯
10.Silbey." Maigret's Law." Weber's Concept of Understanding. Excerpt.〈马格丽特法则〉韦伯理解的概念》节录。
11.Noah Webster and the Origins of American Spelling诺亚?韦伯斯特与美国人拼写法的起源
12.A pioneer of legal sociology in Germany was Max Weber.德国法律社会学的先驱是马克斯·韦伯
13.Rethink and Innovation about Bureaucracy of Max.Webor对马克斯·韦伯官僚制的反思与改革
14.The Contradistinctive Research on the Scicnce of Gulture of White and Weber怀特和韦伯“文化科学”思想之比较研究
16.The books Webster had to use in his teaching came from England.韦伯斯特教学中使用的课本来自英国。
17.I hope they go the Webster ticket.我希望他们投票赞助韦伯斯特提案。
18.Study of the Rationalization Theory of Weber and Habermas对韦伯和哈贝马斯合理化理论的研究

Max Weber韦伯
1.Max Weber s Lifetime and his Theories on Methodology;马克斯·韦伯生平介绍及方法论思想
2.Alienation and Rationalization:Dimensional Duality of Industrial Society——Interpretation and Extention to Marx s Theory of Alienation in Max Weber s Context;异化与理性化:工业社会的两重维度——马克思异化理论在韦伯语境的阐释与充实
3.Max Weber s Thoughts on Academic Freedom and its Contemporary Reflection;韦伯的学术自由思想及其当代反思
1.The Rational Concept of Webber and Habermas : a Visual Angle of Comparative Analysis;韦伯与哈贝马斯的理性概念:一个比较分析的视角
2.The bureaucracy put forward by Webber appears to be an ideal style in pursuit of being(reasonable) and lawful.韦伯创立的官僚制是一种追求既合理又合法的理想化模式,在他看来,合理性存在着两种形式,即工具合理性和价值合理性,他的官僚制理论正是附魅于工具合理性而祛魅于价值合理性的一种理论形态和制度设计,从而导致实践中出现了与其最初设想的背离。
3.Webber studied completely legitimacy issue in the first time, and the theory of Webber brought great influence on sociology and political science in the 20th century.合法性问题是由韦伯首次作出了系统研究的 ,而且韦伯的这个理论对 2 0世纪的社会学和政治学影响极大 ,特别是在政治学领域中 ,几乎所有的知名学者都努力根据合法性理论来分析现实政治并提出政治合法化的建言。
4)Alfred Weber (1868~1958)韦伯,A.
5)Weber Number韦伯数
1.Meanwhile,it is revealed that the amplitude of both solitary waves increases with Reynolds number,while decreases with Weber number.计算结果表明,这两种类型孤波的波幅均随着雷诺数的增加而增加,随着韦伯数的减少而增加。
6)Weibull distribution韦伯分布
1.It was found that (a) exist no "universal" distribution,(b)lognormal distribution is appropriate for the majority of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide data sets, (c) Weibull distribution is best for highly sulpher dioxide data, (d) exponential distribution is not appropr- iate for urban air pollution data sets.发现:①不存在一个统一的分布模型;②对数正态分布适用于大部分SO_2和CO资料;③韦伯分布最适于高浓度的SO_2资料;④指数分布不适于城市大气污染物的浓度分布;⑤NO_x的分布较复杂。
2., a new theoretical distribution density function for raindrop kinetic energy was developed, which obeyed the Weibull distribution.提出的雨滴直径分布函数,从理论上导出了符合黄土高原实际情况的雨滴动能分布密度和分布函数,它们都符合不同参数的韦伯分布。
3.In this paper, the average daily wind speed is generated from a set of two parameter Weibull distributions by Monte Carlo method.本研究采用蒙特卡洛法模拟一组两参数韦伯分布函数 ,生成逐日平均风速。
