1.On the trustee’s civil liability;论信托受托人的民事责任
2.On trustee s Right and Its Limitation;论受托人的权利及其限制
3.Analysis on the Actual Law Default of Open-end Fund s Trustee;论开放式基金受托人的实际缺位

1."I, the undersigned:XXX, male,Attorney:XXX, female"委托人:×××,男,受托人:×××,女
2.A person to whom property is bailed.受托人财产的被委托人
3.the Public Trustee((英))公设受托人
4.Person whose property is administered by a trustee信托受益人,其财产由受托人管理的人
5.A bare trustee is a mere passive depositary.被动受托人只不过是消极受托人
6.The principal of the trusts could not Be invaded without trustee approval未经受托人同意,受托的原则不被侵犯
7.principle of respondent superior委托人对受托人行为负责的原则
8.principle of respondest superior委托人对受托人行为应负责的原则
9.One entrusted with something for preservation or safekeeping.受托人保管信托物品的人
10.fiduciary return受托人代委托人准备的纳税申报书
11."Trustee of the Marine Fish Scholarship Fund, The"海鱼奖学基金受托人
12.corporate trustee [provident fund schemes]公司受托人〔公积金计划〕
13.approved trustee [provident fund schemes]核准受托人〔公积金计划〕
14.replacement trustee [provident fund schemes]替任受托人〔公积金计划〕
15.He is acting as a trustee.他担当受托人的角色。
16.He is acting in a fiduciary capacity.他以受托人身份行为。
17.certificate of incorporation of registered trustees注册受托人法团证书
18.The property is vested in the trustee .给予受托人的财产。

1.The Research on Trustee s Civil Liability;信托受托人民事责任研究
2.In the trust relationship, trustee is the most important party, which beneficially relates to achievement of the objectives and the success or failure of trust operation.信托受托人是信托关系中最重要的当事人,它关乎信托目的的实现和信托事务运作的成败。
6)To be entrusted by someone to do a job受人所托

受托人受托人 Fiduciary 定义: 法律授权一名人士为另一名人士持有资产。受托人管理资产以另一名人士的利益,而不是本身的利益为前提。