1.Rights balance between the criminal defendants and victims;刑事诉讼中被告人与被害人的权利平衡
2.On the defendants options of applying to summary procedure;试论被告人适用简易程序的选择权
3.Rights of Defendant in Plea Bargaining;辩诉交易下被告人权利问题研究

1.mind of accused felo重罪被告人心理 重罪被告人心理
2.The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
3.The defense of the accused was rather weak.被告人的辩护软弱无力。
4.The accused man declared that he was not quilty.被告人声言他无罪。
5.The defendant did not obey the interdict.被告人不遵守禁令。
6.The defe ndent packed the jury.被告人笼络了陪审员。
7.The accused man denied the charge.被告人不承认所控之罪。
8.Balance Study on Rights Protection of the Accused and the Victims被告人和被害人权利保护平衡性研究
9.Research on Protection of Human Rights on the Criminal Suspect and Defendant;犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人权保护研究
10.A defendant shall have the right to defence, and the People's Courts shall have the duty to guarantee his defence.被告人有权获得辩护,人民法院有义务保证被告人获得辩护。
11.Criminals, defendants, criminal suspects who are already under detention in accordance with the law and who escape依法被关押的罪犯、被告人、犯罪嫌疑人脱逃的,
12.Rights balance between the criminal defendants and victims;刑事诉讼中被告人与被害人的权利平衡
13.The defendant is up for manslaughter.被告因杀人罪而被审判
14.He was called as a defense witness.他被传唤作被告的证人。
15.The party against which an action is brought.被告被提出诉讼控告的当事人
16.A person charged with having committed adultery with the defendant in a divorce suit.共同被告指离婚案中被指控与被告通奸的人
17.The man was Booked on the charge of drunk driving.那人因酒醉驾车被控告。
18.Who have be damaged or harm by a defendant 's action受被告损害或伤害的人

the accused被告人
1.As an important litigation right,the accused s right to apply Criminal Summary Procedure is an international standard,it is for the subject position of the defendant in Criminal Procedure,and complies with the effective idea in modern litigation.简易程序选择权是被告人的一项重要诉讼权利。
2.The rights to prove one s own innocence is essential to the accused,and it is distinguished from the rights to defense and the rights against self-incrimination.自证无罪权应当是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼中的一项重要权利,它区别于辩护权、禁止强迫自证其罪原则。
3.The lawyer who pleads for the accused in capital case bears great social pressure as well as the great pressure from the accused and his relatives,The lawyer s pleading in capital case of our country has some problems whether in legislation,judicature or in the lawyer s quality,we must try to enhance the quality and the effect of a law.为死刑案件被告人辩护的律师除要承受着来自被告人及其亲属的巨大压力外,还承受着巨大的社会压力。
3)the defendant被告人
1.Countermeasures of the ghost defense:The burden of proof of the defendant in the criminal procedure刑事诉讼“幽灵抗辩”对策研究——以被告人证明责任分配为视角
2.During the criminal procedure, the final statement made by the defendant is not a noticeable stage.刑事审判活动中 ,被告人的最后陈述阶段是一个很不引人注目的阶段。
3.The right to silence is a significant procedural right processed by the defendant.沉默权是被告人的一项重要的诉讼权利 ,它是被告人的防御权、人格权 ,是对国家权力的制约权 ;它具有体现刑事诉讼价值、丰富刑事诉讼职能、实现刑事诉讼结构公正、完善刑事诉讼证据规则的作用 ;没有沉默权的权利体系是不完备的权利体系。
1.The Chinese constitution stipulates in explicit terms that the application of criminal summary judgment procedure must be consented by defendants who have right of selecting suitable summary judgment procedure.我国立法明确规定:刑事简易审判程序的适用必须经被告人同意,被告人有选择适用简易审判程序的权利。
2.During the use of it, the fundamental human rights and procedural rights of the criminal suspects and defendants sh.因此,既要认识到其合理性,又要对其适用确定必要的限度,并在运用过程中,保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的基本人权和诉讼权利。
5)accused person被告人
1.The prosecutor may find it difficult to deal with the accused person of crime of corruption when he states that he uses the "illicit money" in line of duty, based on the unreasonable system of production burden.贪污罪被告人将赃款去向辩解为用于公务,导致司法机关无法处理,其原因在于现行对举证责任的规定有其不合理性。
