1.Law probing of American s anti-subsidy on China copperplate paper s investigation case;美国对华铜版纸反补贴调查案的法律探析
2.Developing Tendency of Anti-subsidy against China and Its Revelation to China;对华反补贴的发展趋势及对我国的启示
3.Antidumping, Anti-subsidy and Safeguard——Comparative Analysis of Three Main Trade Relief Measures;反倾销、反补贴和保障措施——三大贸易救济措施比较分析

2.Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures补贴和反补贴委员会
3.The Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of WTO and the Countervailing System of China;论WTO补贴与反补贴规定及我国反补贴制度
4.Research on Actionable Subsidies in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures《补贴与反补贴协议》下可申诉补贴之研究
5.Determination of Export Subsidies in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures of the WTO;WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协议》中出口补贴的认定
6.13. Anti-Dumping, Countervailing Duties 2913.反倾销税和反补贴
7.(i) non-actionable subsidies for purposes of countervailing duties ;(i)就反补贴税4而言,属不可诉补贴;
8.The Law of Subsidies and Countervailing Measures under WTO;WTO框架下补贴与反补贴法律制度研究
9.Studies on the Rules and Regulations of Subsidy & Countervailing Measures under the WTO Framework;WTO框架下补贴与反补贴规则研究
10.Research on Subsidy and Anti-subsidy after China s Accession to WTO;入世后中国的补贴与反补贴问题研究
11.The Issue of Subsidies and Countervailing and an analysis of Equal Trade;“补贴与反补贴”问题与“公平贸易”分析
12.Study on the Determination of Subsidy in Canadian Countervailing Duties Law论加拿大反补贴法中的补贴认定规则
14.Article 19 Imposition and Collection of Countervailing Duties第19条 反补贴税的征收
15.WTO s Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures & Rethought on the Reforms of Scientific and Technological System in China;WTO《补贴与反补贴协议》与我国科技体制改革反思
16.Article 24 Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Subsidiary Bodies第24条 补贴与反补贴措施委员会及附属机构
17.The Defects of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and These Defects Overcoming;《补贴与反补贴措施协定》的缺陷及其克服
18.A preliminary probe into specificity under "Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailable Measures";《补贴与反补贴措施协定》之专向性问题初探

1.The Analyzing on the Impact of the U.S. Countervailing Duty Investigation towards China;美国启动反补贴调查对我国的影响分析
2.Pondering on Evolution of WTO Countervailing Law System;WTO反补贴法律制度的演进思考
3.The Issue of Subsidies and Countervailing and an analysis of Equal Trade;“补贴与反补贴”问题与“公平贸易”分析
3)countervailing measures反补贴
1.And at the same time,China has to face many new situations in the field of the subsidies and the countervailing measures.中国在入世至今的近六年中,经济迅速发展的同时也在补贴和反补贴方面面临严峻的形势。
2.In order to avoid countervailing measures from other members of WTO and injury to our domestic industries by other member抯 subsidies.为防止我国遭受反补贴指控和避免其他成员方产品补贴的损害,我国政府应正确处理政府与国有企业的关系,继续保持和完善WTO所规定的不可诉的补贴,加强对中国产业的合法保护,并积极利用WTO所规定的争端方式来解决与其他成员国可能产生的补贴争端。
3.The ASCM (Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures) disciplines the use of the taxation preferential policies of the member countries.《补贴与反补贴措施协议》(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,简称ASCM协议)对各国的税收优惠政策具有约束力。
1.On March 30th,2007,American Ministry of Commerce announced anti-subsidy law against art paper made in China,following Canada as the second country to break through the verdict of "anti-subsidy law is not applicable to countries with non market economy".2007年3月30日,美国商务部宣布对原产于中国的铜版纸适用反补贴法,继加拿大之后又一次突破了“反补贴不适用于非市场经济国家”的定论。
2.We were faced anti-dumping investigation of bedroom furniture by United States International trade committee which is called USITC, we were faced anti-dumping and subsidy investigation f.我国家具行业遇到了美国卧房家具反倾销调查;地板行业遇到了加拿大反倾销、反补贴调查;同时地板的锁扣遇到了美国的“337”调查;欧盟也因为中国沙发进口增长速度较快而正在发起对中国沙发“反倾销”的调查。
5)anti-subsidy tax反补贴税
1.This paper reveals the reason why the US government chooses the anti-subsidy case of art paper to impose the anti-subsidy tax on China,and the deeper purpose of US government s accusation on China of subsidy,as well as the inspiration and consideration arising from this case of how Chinese government can preserve the legal right under the framework of DSU of WTO.往年多以中方企业倾销为由向中国企业征收反倾销税的状况在近日发生了一些变化,2007年3月30日美国商务部决定对中国适用反补贴法,结束了其23年来不对所谓"非市场经济地位"国家征收反补贴税的惯例,从而为其向中国征收反补贴税的进程扫清了法律上的障碍。
2.A nation can also impose anti-subsidy tax on a subsidized import product, which violates the spirit of free trade.在国际贸易中 ,补贴与反补贴税是经常发生的法律现象。
6)countervailing law反补贴法
1.In WTO countervailing law and practice,if a private entity is granted a financial contribution by a government or any public body and the private entity is benefited from that grant,a subsidy occurs.在反补贴法立法和实践中,要确定一项补贴的存在,首先必须是政府给予私人实体一项财政资助,其次是该财政资助授予了利益。
