1.Sex Selection and the Responses of Law:transsexualism in view of jurisprudence;性别选择与法律之回应——法理视野中的变性手术
2.Analysis the Anti-Secession Law in Jurisprudence;《反分裂国家法》的法理价值探析
3.Jurisprudence on the Protection of Peasants' Rights in Modern China;当代中国农民权利保护的法理

1.What is Jurisprudence--Reading Roscoe Pound s Jurisprudence(Vol.Ⅰ);何谓法理学——读庞德的《法理学》(第1卷)
2.The First Step of Jurisprudence;法理学改革初步——法理学研究范围初探
3.Legal Analysis on the Rationality of Judicial Intervention in Corporation Deadlock司法介入公司僵局合理性的法理分析
4.The Discourse Rationality of Law:on the Basis of the Legal Principles for Criminal Negotiation法的对话理性:论刑事协商的法理基础
5.psychotherapeutic technique心理治疗法 心理治疗法
6.psychophysical scaling心理物理量表法 心理物理量表法
7.rational psychotherapy理性心理治疗法 理性心理治疗法
8.Axiomatic Method:An Important Means in Formulating Legal Theories;公理法:构筑法学理论体系的重要方法
9.The judge will hear the case in court.法官将在法庭审理此案。
10.Judicial Reform and Court Administration Section司法改革和法院管理科
11.The courts deal with those who break the law.法院处理违法的人。
12.Laws and regulations on the administration of state-owned property国有资产管理法律法规
13.rational-emotive therapy理性情绪疗法(心理学)
14.decision theory approach to cost control成本管理的决策理论法
15.A Discussion on Humanism ,Rationality,Rules in Management;论管理工作中的“情”、“理”、“法”
16.export administration act(美国) 出口管理法
17.Administration of Justice Act 1956《1956年审判管理法》
18.a trustee in bankruptcy【法律】破产管理人

legal principle法理
1.From the perspective of legal principle, the fundamental ways of constructing ecology civilization lies in the following ones: setting up the theory of risk society and legal viewpoints on s.在法理的维度,强化风险社会理论意识、树立可持续发展法律观、代际正义理念,实现水生态保护协调、民主决策与全球治理原则等,是构建生态文明的基本路径。
2.This right accords with the legal principle that as a plaintiff,the shareholder has the interest of claim in derivative action,which means that he is endowed with the right directly by law even though he is not the direct subject of.股东派生诉讼提起权是股东权的实现形式之一,其程序法法理在于股东原告资格的取得实源于法律的规定,法律承认原告股东对派生诉讼具有诉的利益,突破了传统当事人的范畴,直接由法律予以授权。
3.For example, is kidnapping objectively thought as a single action or a duplex action? Should the virtual images be conducted as qualitative analysis real images? Seeing that the above - mentioned problems, it is necessary to take a research deeply on Chinese criminal theory to define Kidnapping Crime correctly from legal principle.自1997年修订刑法确立绑架罪以来,刑法理论界与实务界对有关绑架罪诸多问题的纷争就从未 停止。
3)legal theory法理
1.This thesis expatiates the rationality and validity of accommodation from views of the philosophy,legal theory,constitution and law,and demonstrates the inevitability and necessity of the accommodation and supplement.本文从哲理、法理、宪法和法律等方面阐述了变通的合理与合法性,论证了婚姻法变通或补充的必然性和必要性。
2.Judgments should be of the value foundation of legal theory which is characterized by judicial open,judicial justice and credibility of the judiciary.裁判文书应当具有司法公开、司法公正和司法公信力的法理价值基础。
4)principle of law法理
5)Design method理法
1.Although many statements in this book are related to waterscape, there is no special monograph of "design method of waterscape".主要对《园冶》各篇中与"理水"有关的论述进行系统的整理,从与水关联的日常生活和情感寄托、意境的追求、水体形态与结构布局和水与其他造园要素的因借关系4个层面进行了总结和论述,并结合江南古典园林中的部分实例进行说明,力求《园冶》水景理法能有相对完整、清晰的呈现。
6)constitutional theory宪法法理
1.The constitutional regulations of constitutionalism are the regulations which arise from the constitutional theory with regards to restricting governmental power and protecting human rights.立宪主义宪法规范是指根据限制政府权力并保障人权的宪法法理而产生的具有特定样式和体系的法律规范。
