1.On the Behavior of Police’s Criminal official duty in the Law Enforcement;论公安执法中的警察刑事职务行为
2.Study of Chinese Criminal Judical Expertise System;我国刑事司法鉴定制度的研究

1.the code of civil [criminal] procedure民事 [刑事] 诉讼法
2.On Criminal Mediation & Criminal Settlement In The Criminla Procedural Law Of France;法国刑事诉讼法中的刑事调解与刑事和解
3.the accuseed【律】被告, 刑事被告
4.Codigo de Procedimientos en lo Crimina刑事诉讼法(法典)
5.United Nations Criminal Justice Information Network联合国刑事司法信息网(刑事司法网)
6.situation in criminal trial刑事审判态度 刑事审判态度
7.The Crown Court deals with criminal trails on indictment.皇家刑事法庭根据起诉进行刑事审判.
8.Extraordinaria coercitio被提起刑事诉讼,特别刑事诉讼
9.Study on China s Legislation for Relative Criminal Responsible Age;我国相对刑事责任年龄刑事立法研究
10.Victim-Offender Mediation: the "Third Realm" of Criminal Dispute Settlement;刑事和解:刑事纠纷解决的“第三领域”
11.The Criminal Basis of the Penal Reconciliation;刍议刑事和解制度的刑事实体法基础
12."Nongovernmental Criminal Offer of a Reward" and Conforming the System of Criminal Offer of a Reward;招安“民间刑事悬赏”,整合刑事悬赏制度
13.Regulating Criminal Reward of Folks and Integrating the System of Criminal Reward;招安“民间刑事悬赏” 整合刑事悬赏制度
14.The Relationship between Criminal Policy and Criminal Law;刑事政策与刑事法律关系的三个层面
15.Dynamic Analysis on the Relationship Between Criminal Policy and Criminal Legislatio;刑事政策与刑事立法关系的动态分析
16.Severe punishment in accordance with law:the unity of criminal policies and criminal law;依法“严打”:刑事政策与刑事法律的统一
17.The Relationship between Civil Compensation and Measurement of Penalty刑事案件民事赔偿与量刑之间的关系
18.Tolerance Concept in Criminal Procedure Law and Prevention of Misjudged Cases刑事诉讼谦抑理念与刑事错案的预防

Criminal Facts刑事事实
4)criminal offence刑事罪;刑事犯罪
5)criminal cases刑事案件
1.A application study of Y-STR loci in criminal cases;Y-STR基因座应用于刑事案件的独特作用
2.On Judgement and Deduction to Criminal Cases Investigation on Forest Public Security;判断与推理在森林刑事案件侦查讯问中的运用
3.An inquiry of a simplified trial of common criminal proceedings trial procedure of criminal cases;刑事案件普通程序简易审研究
6)criminal responsibility刑事责任
1.Comparison of legislation of criminal responsibility of crime committed by a drunkard and analysis of its legal theory;醉酒人犯罪刑事责任的立法比较与法理分析
2.A Comparison between Accomplice and Criminal Responsibility of Civil-Law System;大陆法系共犯与刑事责任之比较
