1.On Character of Act of Omission in Criminal Law;论刑法中不作为之行为性
2.On Actionability of Omission in Institution of Higher Learning;高等学校不作为的可诉性探讨

1.Legality of feasance duty in pseudo crime of nonfeasance论不真正不作为犯作为义务的法定性
2.A Research on Formal Administrative Action which Substantially is Failure to action形式作为而实质不作为行政行为探讨——行政不作为的新视角
3.On the Base of the Originating of the Act-obligation about the Non-act Crime;论不作为犯罪之作为义务产生的根据
4.On the obligation level and function of crime of non-action;论不作为犯之作为义务程度及其功能
5.On Omission Caused by Pre-action in Tort Law先行行为导致的不作为侵权行为研究
6.not as a direct effect or consequence.不作为直接影响和结果。
7.The Negative Act Case of the Police--On the Negative Act Compensation of Administration in Our Country;从一起警察不作为案论我国行政不作为赔偿
8.Comparing of the Source of Obligation for Impure Omission between China and Japan;中日不真正不作为犯作为义务根据之比较
9.Some Thoughts on the Nature of Conduct of Attempting Nothing in Crime and the Source of Obligation of Conduct;浅析不作为犯罪的行为性和作为义务来源
10.On the Classification of the Legal Actions ofPositive Action and Negative Action;关于作为与不作为法律行为分类的反思
11.The Criminality Is not the Advance Behavior of Crime of Omissions;犯罪行为不是不作为犯罪中的先行行为
12.They worked hard neither for fame nor for personal gain.他们努力的工作,既不为名也不为利.
13.Any person who has not participated in the creation of the work may not claim the co- authorship.没有参加创作的人,不能成为合作作者。
14.As an actress Jane is not in the same class as Susan.作为演员, 简不如苏珊.
15."Nevertheless, I cannot answer for her.“不过我无法为她作答。
16.I do not want to become a workaholic.我不想成为工作狂。
17.Combat uncivil behaviours与不文明行为作斗争
18.It is better to be the head of a lizard than the tail of a lion.宁为蜥蜴头,不作狮子尾。

1.The key to the establishment of this crime is whether the non-action in ethnic obligation will bear the criminal responsibility.此罪名能否成立的关键在于道德上的不作为行为是否应该承担刑事责任,即不作为的道德义务能否成为"见死(危)不救"罪的依据。
2.a lot of studies have been made as to the duty source of the non-action crime.学界对不作为犯罪的义务来源已做了很多研究。
1.However,there are also different arguments among scholars as to whether the justifiable defense can be carried out on the basis of the negative illegal infringement.正当防卫在大多数情况下是针对积极的不法侵害而行使的一项权利,而对不作为形式的不法侵害能否进行正当防卫,学者们意见不一。
2.From behavior is nominal, it is criminal to be able to divide into crime actively and negative crime.从行为形式上,可以把犯罪分为作为犯罪和不作为犯罪。
1.Having no intention to answer the question,the present study based on the known facts,draws the conclusion that the case is suspected to violate the anti-monopoly law,and the justice organs commit nonfeasance.如果不是出于于"玩猜谜游戏",而是从本案的现知事实出发,就应该得出该案存在涉嫌违反《反垄断法》、有关执法机关在其中存在不作为的问题。
5)negative crime不作为犯
1.The stipulate of negative crime is not systematization in criminal code.我国现行刑法有关不作为犯的规定缺乏体系性。
6)criminal omission不作为犯
1.This article mainly deals with the criminal omission, the relationship between escape after an accident and the crime of not savage or report, and elucidates with cases.本文主要以狭义的交通犯罪,即交通事犯中的不作为犯为考察对象,同时也将涉及到广义的交通犯罪,重点围绕交通事犯中的交通事故与不作为犯、轧逃与不作为犯以及违反救护义务罪与违反报告义务罪的关系等问题,并结合司法判例展开讨论。
